Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2008: Nebula

The deck of the Void Warship soon became crowded, and the warriors who had stayed in the various cabins of the Void Warships came to the deck at the fastest speed, squeezing the square, which is like a square. The water is leaking.

Many of these people have been injured in different ways. Obviously, even if they stayed in the cabin, the virtual warship suddenly stopped from high-speed flight, and the powerful inertial force caused many of them to have a strong collision with the warship.

At this moment, although the deck was already crowded with people, it showed a dead silence. Everyone looked up at the sky and was floating above the Void Warship. The huge, empty star beast was deeply stunned.

The face of Jian Chen is also extremely serious. The look is very gazing at the huge void beast, and the heart has sunk to the bottom.

Although he could not feel the exact strength of this emptiness beast because of the way the virtual warship guarded the law, there was still a feeling of breathlessness.

"It turned out to be the Nebula Beastmaster, and this is a big problem."

Among the three elders of the Star Warship, Muhe said.

The Red Devil also calmed a face and immediately ordered: "Turn on all defensive methods, and direct all the energy of the squad to the dynamic array. Open the battlefield's Shenjing reserve, and transport all the reserves of Shenjing to the dynamic array. In the eyes of the line, the ultimate speed of the battleship is rushed."


When the Red Devils voice fell, it was convenient to have a goddess dressed in the costumes of the law, saying that he immediately turned and walked into the cabin.

After only a few breaths, there was a vast wave of energy that was transmitted from the Void Warship. All the defensive arrays of the Void Warships had been fully opened, and the defensive power of the ship was brought to the extreme.

The defensive array placed on the Void Warship is very strong. Don't say that the Promise Starter can't break open. Even if the mixed-starter is personally shot, the Void Warship can resist several times with its own defensive array. attack.

Although it has gained a strong defense, the energy consumption of the Void Warship is also very fast.

The defensive array method has just reached its peak, and the spacecraft's power array method has also been opened at the same time. Suddenly, a strong back thrust came, so that many people standing on the deck were a skeleton, only to see that the Void Warship had turned into a streamer.

"Open the Guild Circle, everyone on the battleship, immediately inject the power of their own source into the deck, can escape, see this move." The red devil's voice came again, this time, apparently on the battleship Everyone said.

With the voice, the deck under the feet of everyone, suddenly emerged a huge array.

This is the Guiding Array placed on the Void Warship, which can introduce all energy into any array.

Everyone knows that at this moment, there is a real crisis of life and death. In order to threaten their own lives, no one has hesitated, and they have injected their own source of power into the Guild Circle without reservation.

The power of these sources was all introduced into the ship's dynamic array method, and with the support of these energies, the speed of the warship suddenly increased sharply. In just one moment, the starry sky beast floating above the warship was far away. I got to the back.

In this scene, many people on the ship were relieved and their faces were fortunate.

But very quickly, the look on these people's faces suddenly solidified, and looked at the top of the head.

The speed of the Void Warship has reached its limit. It has surpassed the past and passed the streamer. However, the speed of the Nebula is faster. Only two times that you can’t breathe are chased from the rear. The dark black body of the star reappeared over the warship. A huge claw was huge like a mountain. It suddenly came out from above, tearing the void, and hitting the void ship with a vast and terrifying pressure.

Among the roaring bangs, the Void Warship is like a fallen leaf, and it is flying far away by the claw of the Nebula Beastmaster.

Everyone standing on the deck is very embarrassed to collide, even if it is as strong as the king of God, can not stabilize his body.

In a blink of an eye, the entire deck, except for the three elders, only two people can still stand.

One of them was the old man who appeared at the exchange meeting, and the other one was a young man wearing a robes.

But these two people are equally serious in their faces.

"The strength of this nebula beastmaster has already entered the mixed yuan, and it can't escape by relying on the warship." The old man opened his mouth, and the weak voice was filled with exhaustion.

When the old man spoke, the Void Warship was once again violently shocked, and the outermost array had been torn and was broken by the Nebula Beastmaster.

Although the Void Warships have arranged countless defensive arrays, these defensive arrays are intertwined and overlap each other, eventually forming the three strongest arrays.

And these three strongest methods have been broken, leaving only two.

The young man wearing a robes is also extremely dignified, staring at the Nebula Beastmaster, Shen Sheng: "The defensive array on the battleship, in the face of the mixed element, it will not last long, three elders, Still open the array and escape each other."

This young man is also a strong starter!

"Red Devil, what should I do?" The other two elders on the Void Warship looked at the Red Devils.

In the old eyes of the Red Devil, the gradual emergence of a bit of fierce color, and more powerful warfare from the rise of his body, said: "This Nebula Beastmaster stepped into the mixed yuan, but the breath is just just Soon after the breakthrough, the old man will go to meet him for a while. If you can entangle it, you will immediately control the ship to leave."

"Red Devils, this is too dangerous." The other two elders still want to persuade, but the figure of the Red Devil has disappeared.

The next moment, there is a powerful force of the beginning law, the whole piece of emptiness is violently trembled, and more powerful space forces fluctuate, and the Red Devils have apparently fought with the Nebula.

The two elders who stayed on the warship, just ordered to drive the ship away, the ship suddenly violently shocked, and saw the Nebula Beastmaster who was fighting the Red Devils, suddenly protruding a huge claw like a mountain, will be a void battle The ship caught it.


The second defensive formation of the Starship ship was broken.

"Not good!" The two elders on the battleship looked dismal.

"This Nebula Beastmaster is too strong, can not escape, can give me healing medicine, to recover a few points from the old body injury, with you to fight against the Nebula beast, so there may be a line of life."

"Give you!" At this time, the two elders on the battleship also refused to treat the preciousness of the medicinal remedy. The healing remedy that one person took out of a **** product was still given to the old man.

The old man quickly checked the healing medicines of the two gods and swallowed them at the fastest speed.

It was also at this time that the five beasts of the Nebula Beastmaster were photographed at the same time and hit the last defensive formation of the ship with horror.

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