Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2035: Main **** monument first

Looking at the figure of the cloud road, the cloud heart opened his mouth, and he stopped talking. Then he carefully looked at the space ring in his hand, and then squeezed it tightly. It seemed that he was afraid of being irrelevant. People find it.

Yundao came to the body with scars, his body was covered with blood, and the injury was very heavy. He had to keep this space ring under such a heavy damage. The importance of this space ring is self-evident.

Jian Chen and Kayya naturally noticed the small movements from the clouds, which made their faces slightly changed.

Yundao comes from thinking that his actions are extremely concealed, but unfortunately, perhaps because of the rush to escape, he is too rushed. In such a hurry, it will naturally attract the attention of some people around him. Therefore, he handed the space ring to Yun Xin’s movement, which not only made Jian Chen and Kayya aware of it, but even some of the gods who had tried to collect the **** medicine in the God’s Medicine Garden, they also noticed the cloud road. Little tricks.

Because the cultivation of Yundao was only in the early days of the king of God, the gods in this medicinal garden, many of them were better than Yundao, and naturally could not hold them.

Suddenly, many people's eyes have been diverted from the gods, and all of them are condensed in Yunxin. Many people's eyes have revealed an undisguised greed.

Obviously, everyone is aware of the preciousness of this space ring.

At this time, Master Tanglong has stopped the act of cracking the array, and they are brought together with Jian Chen. The faces of the three people have become very dignified.

All three of them realized that this was a big problem.

Yundao has been self-sufficient. Obviously, he has not realized how much trouble he has inadvertently given to Yunxin. At this moment, he is rushing to the outside of the drug garden at the fastest speed.

"Absolutely let them know that I have handed the heavenly roots to the heart of Yunxin, and I must not let them know that Tiandao Linggen is no longer in my hands. Otherwise, they will probably find the whereabouts of Tiandao Linggen. By that time, not only will Tiandao Linggen be lost, but even Yunxin’s gimmick will lose its life. Therefore, I will take them far in the shortest time and get some time for Yunxin’s gimmick to leave here. "Clouds come to the eyes to show the color of madness, the spirit of heaven and earth, related to the hope of their rise of the cloud family, even if he ruined this life, he must also keep the roots of heaven.

"Yun Xin, you must not let your uncle disappoint, you must take it out that day." Yundao came to the heart and secretly prayed. Now, he can only put hope on Yunxin.

As for the dust and other people around Yunxin, it can be unreliable. Cloud Road has not been considered so much.

However, at this moment, a huge swordsman bloomed out of the light, and came straight from outside the sheep's intestines.

The cloud road in the fly swept away, his body shape suddenly stopped. Looking at the sword, his heart instantly sank into the bottom of the valley, and immediately took a long knife and slammed it out.


In the roaring sound, the long knife from the cloud road collided with the sword gas, the sword gas collapsed, and the power of the cloud road came to the same.

However, when the sword is broken, there is a law of destruction exposed.

This law of destruction is hidden in the sword. At the moment of the collapse of the sword, the law of destruction is like the arrow of the string, piercing the body of the cloud at lightning speed.

"Hey!" Yundao came to the mouth to spurt blood, and the body flew out and was beaten back into the medicinal garden. The original white face was paler.

"Come on Uncle!" Yunxin exclaimed, and he would rush to the body, but was dragged by Jian Chen.

In the Shen Medicine Garden, there are already some people who are slowly approaching the clouds, but this sudden shock has caused them to stop and turn their heads one by one, looking at the only medicine garden. Entrance and exit.

Jian Chen’s gaze also looked there and his face was serious.

Under the gaze of everyone, I saw a young man who was only in his twenties and was wearing a white exercise uniform. The young man who was very handsome was holding a long sword and walked into the Shenkang Garden without hesitation. in.

Behind the young man, he followed an old man in a blue gown.

The old man's breath converges, and he does not show his points. It looks like an ordinary old man.

"It turned out to be only a god."

"A master sword has smashed the beginning of a god, even if this **** has already been hit hard in the early days, but this kind of combat power is enough to shock people."

"The law of kendo and the law of destruction, this master **** has realized the two strongest rules of attack, it is terrible."

"This person is inevitably famous on the monument of the three thousand gods, and the ranking is not low."

In the Shen Medicine Garden, there were a lot of talks, and many people whispered and uttered a voice of exclamation.

The youth with the long sword is expressionless, his eyes are cold, and he walks toward the Yundao step by step. His speed is not fast, just like a mortal walk, step by step. But in him, there is a momentum that is unique to me.

Especially the cold-eyed eyes of this young man, looking at Yundao, it is a high-ranking king who looks like an ant, and indifference carries a supreme arrogance.

Such a demeanor, if it happens to a strong king of the king, does not feel strange, but this young man is only the main god.

And Yundao came to this young man is also very incomparable taboo, with the approach of the youth, his footsteps are also with the retreat, gray as the soil.

"The things I want, no one can take it away, hand it over, heaven and earth, you can't keep it." The young man said indifferently.

"What, Heavenly Roots"

"I didn't expect anyone to get the heavens and roots, but this is enough to make the strong starters fight for the treasures of the bloodshed."

There was a sudden exclamation in the surrounding area.

"Heavenly roots, it turned out to be the root of the heavens." Xiao Zheng was also sluggish and muttered: "Heavenly roots, it is said to contain the heavens and the earth, the use of the Promise strong, not only can be repaired in a very short time In order to improve the heavens to the triple heavens, and increase the chances of entering the beginning of the mixed yuan, in the legend of the sacred world, all the people who take the heavenly roots have almost entered the beginning of the mixed yuan, and the rest are not stepping. The people who entered the mixed yuan were all dead in the middle of the road."

As a **** of the small **** country of He Niuzhou, Xiao Zheng, although his strength is not strong, has not touched the beginning, but there are many things that he knows.

Wen Yan, Jian Chen is also amazed in the heart, a heavenly root, can almost shape a mixed element, the value of this day is really terrible.

Yunxin also stayed in the darkness, and said in his heart: "Is there a space in the space ring that I have just given to my uncle?" Although there is such an idea, Yunxin simply cannot look at it.

"Mo Cheng, with your talent, there is no need for a heavenly root, why must we compete with us?" Yundao came to the face and shouted, in order to get the roots of this day, they paid a heavy price, sixteen The king of the gods, six people fell.

Because this day is the root of the roots, it is related to the future of their cloud family. For this reason, they will not hesitate to give up their own lives before they get their hands.

But now, the emergence of this young man has made Yundao feel desperate.

He knows that the 16-year-old **** of the cloud family, who had received a great price to gain the heavenly roots, has not been able to take it.

Yundao came to call out the name of this young man, and suddenly caused an uproar in this Shen Medicine Garden.

"What, Mo Cheng, he is Mocheng, the number one master of the main **** monument?"

"Motown, the number one master of the main **** monument, even entered the Bohai Jingu Shrine, which is enough news that the entire Bohai Shrine is shaking."

"Mo City, the first person in the entire sacred world of the main sacred world, is said to have a very understanding of the inheritance of Mocheng, and the practice method, even in the entire sacred world, is also the top class."

"In today's sacred world, in the main deity, who else can compete with Mocheng?"

"The strong city of Mocheng has been able to easily kill the early days of the gods. This is how to fight against the sky. Today's sacred world, I am afraid that no one can be the opponent of Mocheng anymore. The high-ranking gods can't, no. People can suppress him"

In the Shen Medicine Garden, all the gods and gods are gathered together in Mocheng, and they are amazed, envious, and jealous. As for the few main gods who stayed here, looking at Mocheng’s eyes, it reveals deep fear and worship.

Mocheng, among the Lord Gods, is a dazzling star shining on the heavens, and his name has already spread to the forty-nine continents and the eighty-one stars.

Because he is the strongest in the main divine, the name is high hanging on the forty-nine continents, the main monument of the 81st star, and dazzling.

PS: On January 1, 2017, Xiaoyao prepared a red envelope for everyone. At that time, the password of the red envelope will be announced. The red envelope is not much, but it can be used as an entertainment activity.

However, due to the update time of Chaos Sword God, it is not fixed on all platforms, and some platforms may even appear in the latest chapter after a delay.

Therefore, in order to allow everyone to get the red envelope password in the first time, Happy will launch the red envelope password through the common prestige. Please pay attention to the readers who have not listened to the public prestige. It only takes one minute.

Happy work Zhongwei signal: xinxingxiaoyao110

The full name of the pen name "Heart Star Happy", plus a number of 110.

Please be a reader of Sword God, fans of Sword God must remember to listen.

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