Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2038: Battle of Motown

The sword in the hands of Mocheng rose sharply, and the right arm twitched. He wanted to directly hold the sword dust to the palm of his sword.

However, when Mocheng tried to wave the long sword to cut off the palm of the sword, he felt that the long sword in his hand was tightly locked by a tongs, and he could not control the best saint in his hand.

Not only that, but what surprised him was that under his full force, it was difficult to hurt the palm of Jian Chen.

In this scene, the pupil of Mocheng suddenly collapsed, and the physical strength of Jian Chen made him shocked.

Jian Chen's shot speed is very fast. He clamped Mocheng's long sword with his right hand. At the same time, his left hand also slammed into a sword, leaving a faint shadow to the Mocheng.


The speed of Jian Chen’s hands is too fast. Many of the main gods are hard to see. Every stroke of his style goes beyond the realm of the Lord God and enters the level of the king of God. The same main deity, and only the eternal arrogance of Mocheng can only be confronted with it. In an instant, the sword finger of Jian Chen has already arrived at the chest of Mocheng.

At the rear, the old man with the blue shirt from Mocheng suddenly burst into a slap in the eye, his eyes as a torch, and his eyes fixed on Jian Chen, and his heart was equally astonished.

Mocheng’s face changed slightly, and the original careless attitude finally became serious. He shouted loudly and no longer retained it. The law of kendo and the law of destruction were used at the same time. The power of the two laws surrounds him. Out, the power of the two rules immediately turned into a sharp arrow and shot at Jian Chen.

In the roar of the roar, the sword gas of the left hand of Jian Chen touched the power of the two laws of Mocheng, and the sword gas canceled each other out. In the fierce collision, it turned into a smashing sword in the sky and shot in all directions, like a splendid Fireworks.

After all, the two sides are in the same field in the sacred sentiment, which is the ultimate in the middle of the sword spirit, only one step away from the late Jianling. The kendo rules compete, and no one is cheap.

However, after all, Mocheng understood the two rules. After the sword was broken, the remaining law of destruction was that the power was not reduced. With the help of part of Mocheng, it turned into a black man and continued to shoot at Jian Chen.

Suddenly, the atmosphere of destruction pervaded, and everything was destroyed, so that the power of the surrounding sources was retreating. The main gods around the battle were incomparably scared.

The sword dust does not change, the left-handed sword refers to change into a fist, and the power of chaos rushes in the body, not only to the physical defense to the extreme, but also a chaotic force to break through, forming a faint black-black ray cover In the fist, it also exudes a devastating atmosphere.

This breath, unlike the law of destruction, is stronger and more violent than the law of destruction!

If the law of destruction is a beast full of anger, the breath of the power of chaos is a beast that is in anger, bloodthirsty, and completely violent.


Jian Chen’s fists took a foreboding trend and defeated Mo Cheng’s law of destruction in one fell swoop. Then the fists went to the situation without losing points. The road was like a broken bamboo. In a dull sound, with the power of Wan Hao hit the chest of Mocheng. .

The strength of this boxing is extremely powerful, directly breaking the clothes on Mocheng into powder, revealing a piece of armor worn by Mocheng.

At this moment, the inside is shining, and the surface is covered with a layer of energy fluctuations, forming a heavy defense to protect the city, resisting the power of the sword dust fist.

"The best saint!" Jian Chen eyes condensed, he saw this inside a, it is also a great saint, the defense is very strong.

The defensive type is the best saint. The value in the sacred world is very high and extremely precious, far exceeding the best sacrament of the attack type.

Although Mocheng had the best defense against the saints, the sword dust hit almost no damage to him. But Jian Chen is a chaotic body after all, the body is extremely powerful, and the powerful power contained in this boxing still shakes his footsteps and retreats.

Jian Chen’s right hand was holding the long sword of Mocheng, and his right arm suddenly pulled hard toward the back. Through the long sword, he directly pulled back the body shape of Mo Cheng’s retreat.

He was deceived and went to Mocheng in one step. The left hand with a few drops of blood continued to shoot towards Mocheng.

Mocheng’s face is serious, his energy is gathered in the whole body, and the kendo law and the law of destruction are also agglutinated, and the dust is hard to touch.

His best saint was clamped by the right hand of Jian Chen, and it was difficult to break free of time. In the face of the close attack of Jian Chen, Mo Cheng only had a hard scalp.

boom! boom! boom!

In the sound of a dull voice, Jian Chen’s fists changed and he fought fiercely with Mocheng. Although Mocheng had the two rules of kendo and destruction, the advantage of Jian Chen’s chaos was still Mocheng gave repression.

The shooting speed of Jian Chen is very fast. One punch and one fist, one palm and one palm, offset the Mocheng kendo rule with his own kendo law, and block the moody's law of destruction and repair with his own chaos and chaos. Force, his every shot, has an advantage, several attacks hit the Mocheng.

However, there is a great saint protection in Mocheng, so there is no harm in the face of the attack of Jian Chen.

On the other hand, Jian Chen, whether it is the left hand palm or the right palm of the Mocheng sword, is already bloody.

After all, he is the flesh and blood, even if the body of chaos is very powerful, but in the face of Mo City's attack, still can not remain intact.

In the Shenyuan Garden, many of the main gods have difficulty seeing the scene of the battle between Jian Chen and Mo Cheng. Even if the gods can capture, they only know that Mocheng is intact, and Jian Chen has already suffered from both hands.

But these gods are clearly seen, and the result is that all of them are stunned, leaving them all on the spot and unacceptable.

Mocheng, the main **** monument is ranked first in the generation of the main god, the name of the sacred world, his strength is strong, in the realm of the main god, even if it is the whole sacred world, it is also the undisputed world first.

However, at this moment, Mo City, which is recognized as the invincible of the main deity, was actually suppressed by a competitor of the same level, and the other party was still an unknown god. This result shocked everyone here.

These gods know in their hearts that the reason why Mocheng is still unscathed until now is not how strong his strength is, but that he has a perfect defensive device.

The best saints on Mocheng are both offensive and defensive, and both attack and defense have reached a perfect stage. However, as his opponent, the obscurity of the Lord God has not used any holy device.

"Who is this Lord God? Where did it come from?" The people were extremely scared. Many people guessed the identity of Jian Chen in their hearts. The strength of the sword dust show was strong, giving them all the gods and hearts. Caused a very strong impact.

Mocheng can kill the early days of the ordinary gods in the late stage of the Lord God. This is enough to against the sky, and the name is moving to the sacred world. However, they have discovered a more powerful **** than Momo!


Mocheng Yangtian issued a long scream, and his body surged and went straight into the sky. At this moment, he felt extreme anger. Although he had several rounds with Jian Chen, he was completely suppressed. If he had the best saint protection, his injury would be far more than Jian Chen.

This result made him unacceptable.

The law of destruction and the law of kendo agglutinated at the same time. Mo City broke out all the power and condensed it in the left hand, and made a full blow to the long sword that was buckled by Jian Chen.

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