Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2044: Swallowing Lingen

"When the Tao came to separate from us, there was a Lord God who chased the past. This Lord God is the first city of Mozhu." Although we have not seen Mocheng's shot, I don't know how strong Motown is, but he After all, it is the first master **** of the main **** monument. The Taoist face is facing him, and most of them are not opponents. His Highness the Five Emperors, in order to ensure that Tiandao Linggen will not be taken away, we must continue to speed up." Yun Lianqing said, pale The face showed a thick bitterness and helplessness.

In addition to him, all the Yunjia Shenwangs who are here, are also full of unwillingness and loss.

Tiandao Linggen was discovered by them first, but when they received the Tiandao Linggen, they were discovered by the rest of the gods. The gods are also a small group. Although their strength is not as good as them, they are not weak.

Therefore, in order to preserve the roots of the heavens, the 16 kings of their cloud family naturally started a life and death struggle with each other.

This time, the Yun family paid a heavy price, and sixteen gods fell six people.

But with the outbreak of the war, the movements caused by their fighting will naturally attract more and more gods around them.

Therefore, in order to preserve the roots of the heavens, the gods of the cloud family handed over the heavenly roots to the cloud road, let the cloud road come to the Bohai Jingu Shrine immediately with the heavenly roots, and the rest of them stayed. Continue to hold each other.

Tiandao Linggen, for their cloud family, is really important, and it is an important treasure for their cloud family to climb the top family of the Blue Fall Emperor.

In order to preserve the heavenly roots, these Yunjia Shenwang, everyone's mind is ready to sacrifice for the future of the family.

Just what they didn't think was that when Yundao came to leave, he was chased by a main god. At first they didn't put the main **** in their eyes, but with the words of the Lord God, "This Heavenly Spirit Root, I Mo City wants this sentence, only to let them know the identity of this Lord God.

Although they wanted to help, they couldn't get away from it until finally, the five emperors of the Blue Fall Dynasty came here with a group of people.

In their hearts, they clearly understand the cloud road that has been seriously injured. In front of Mocheng, the first master **** of the main **** monument, it is impossible to escape from the Bohai Jingu Shrine. When it is time to say that the heavenly roots can’t keep it, even Yundao may be lifeless. Guarantee.

Therefore, they forced them to tell the news of Tiandao Linggen to the five emperors of the Biluo Dynasty and assist the five emperors in gaining the roots of heaven.

Anyway, their cloud family can't get the heavenly roots. Instead of falling into the hands of others, it is better to offer them to the five emperors.

Because they are in the territory of the Bishui Dynasty, if they climbed the five emperors by this opportunity, once the five emperors are in the position, their cloud homes will rise.

"Beside the city of Mo, there is a **** of the gods on the throne of the gods. This person is called Goshawk, and the throne of the throne is ranked ninth. It is said that this person faces the ordinary Promise of the Promise, and can also resist three. The move is not defeated.” Next to the five emperors, a middle-aged man who looked like a weak man said, his face was dignified.

"Can someone block the goshawk?" The five emperors frowned.

The weak middle-aged man was indulged and said: "I am afraid that I will join forces with the two brothers and sisters of Baiqi and Lily to block the Goshawk."

The five emperors were shocked in the heart, Shen Sheng said: "This Goshawk **** throne is at the very end of the position. It must be blocked by the two brothers and sisters of Mr. and Mr. Baiqi. Is this goshawk's strength so strong? Mr. Book Also set foot on the throne of the gods of God."

The weak middle-aged man looks solemn and said: "Although I set foot on the throne of God, I did not include the title of the throne of God. Therefore, it is not the king of the gods on the throne of God. This goshawk is not only included. The rankings, and also surpassed the fifty people on the throne of God, the strength can not be ignored."

"Well, once you meet the Goshawk, you are responsible for resisting by Mr. Book and Mr. Baiqi. We continue to speed up." The five emperors whispered, and their blood was boiling to the extreme. Once he got the heavenly roots, not only was his career bright, but the position of the Emperor of the Blue Emperor would inevitably fall on him, and he would even become the emperor of the Blue Emperor.

"Oh, the five emperors are relieved, the gods on the throne, the two of us brothers and sisters also want to get a good command." Five emperors around, a bald big man laughed, he is Baiqi.

By the side of Baiqi, I was followed by a woman who was about thirty years old. She was filled with a wild black woman. She was the sister of Baiqi, Lily.

The two brothers and sisters are all the gods and kings. Although they are not the gods of the gods, they are brothers and sisters, and they can join hands with the gods.

Clouds for the wind and others can't be inserted at all. Although the Yun family also has the late king of the gods, compared with the book Mr. and the Baiqi brothers and sisters, the gap is not generally large.

In the same realm, because of the exercises, the mastery of warfare, and the rules of comprehension, the final fighting power is also unequal.

There are even some warriors, the blood flowing in the body is special, and with the power of the blood, it can also explode super fighting power.

Compared with these people, the gods of their cloud family can only be regarded as a more common type.

In the medicinal garden, the energy shield is violently twisted, and the number of people attacking the energy shield is increasing, so that the energy consumption of the energy shield is also very fast.

"Don't hide it again. Everyone is going to show their skills. Everyone is working hard together." In the God Medicine Garden, someone shouted and immediately exerted a powerful real-world combat skill.

Suddenly, the energy shield trembled more and more, even a huge crack was torn, and the violent energy aftershocks came in along the crack, raging inside the array, turning into a storm, will cloud The impact of the squat back.

The master of the wrap-around dragon who was arranging the array method changed his face and immediately stopped the movement in his hand to fully stabilize the energy shield.

However, with the many gods outside the whole force, even if the energy shield has sufficient energy support, even if the master of the dragon is personally stable, it is trembled fiercely, and there is a crack in the road. It seems to be overwhelmed. It is.

And the best of the crystals that provide energy in the eyes, the light is dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"No, we can't hold on for a long time." The master of the dragon sighed and his face was dignified.

Kay stopped healing and stood up from the ground with a serious look.

In the eyes of Jian Chen, he stared at the space ring in his hand, slightly hesitating, and then he took it out of the heavenly roots. He held it in his hand and shouted: "You, you are fighting for nothing more than the heavenly roots." Now Tiandao Linggen is in my hands."

The sound of Jian Chen’s voice was passed out, so that everyone in the Shen Medicine Garden was shocked by the spirit. The eyes were condensed on the roots of Tiandao Ling, and each one showed a hot color. For a time, it stopped. Attack the energy shield.

Tiandao Linggen, but three inches high, looks like the roots of plants, there is no special place, but the whole body is intertwined with heaven and earth, but it also contains the power of the road.

"Handing over the heavenly roots"

In the God Medicine Garden, many **** kings screamed and stared at Tiandao Linggen for a moment.

The corner of the sword dust mouth showed a sneer, holding the heavenly roots in one hand, and pinching the mouth of Yunxin in one hand, and did not wait for Yunxin to agree, suddenly plunging the roots of Tiandao into the mouth of Yunxin.

"唔唔唔" Yunxin was shocked. For a time, he was so helpless that he wanted to say something, but he could only make a sound of screaming, and he could not resist.

"Damn, stop."

"Stop, if you dare to ruin the heavenly roots, I will chase you to the ends of the earth"

"Asshole, you dare to do this, I will never let you go."

In the Shen Medicine Garden, all the gods and gods are crazy, one by one, they become blood red, and they are desperately attacking the energy shield. Many people look at the shadow of Jian Chen, full of resentment and thick murder.

Tiandao Linggen, swallowed by the cloud heart, when he noticed what he had just eaten, Yunxin was stupid and stayed there.

"Now the Tiandao Linggen is gone, do you still want to fight for it?" Jian Chen stared coldly at the crowd, and a sensation of killing came out from him, saying: "If you stop now, before Things, I can never be embarrassed, if I am obsessed with it, continue to start with a few of us, then my sword dust will kill you."

"Don't doubt that I don't have this strength. When I was in the main deity, I killed a lot of gods, not to mention that I have now stepped into the kingdom of God." Jian Chen said indifferently.

PS: Today's password red envelope error, after inspection, it seems to be a happy operation error, issued into a group of red packets, password failure, is my own fault.

Tomorrow's happy re-getting down, the password is still told by the public number, please forgive me.

The first time I got the password red envelope, I blame it. I started to send it without understanding it. As a result, I sent the picture like the public number. The result was not posted and I made a mistake.

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