Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2054: Phalaenopsis

It is said that the **** suddenly became a stagnation, revealing a difficult color and surrendering to Jian Chen. This is equivalent to betraying the five princes.

"You don't want to?" Jian Chen's tone became low.

The "I" black crow showed a hesitant color and indulged in a half-sound. When he thought of Jian Chen’s strength to enter the kingdom of the gods, he could easily kill the joint efforts of the two brothers and sisters of Baiqi and Lily. It seems that he finally made up his mind and bite his teeth. Dao: "I don't want to obey you, but you have to make sure that the five emperors and their group can't leave the Bohai Jingu Shrine. Otherwise, if the five emperors know that I betrayed him, my family will suffer from the disaster. ""

"If you can't do this, then my black crow would rather die in your hand, and it will never bring disaster to the family." The black crow had no feelings for the five emperors, because he followed the five emperors to become a When the guard was guarded, it was not what he wanted. Instead, he was forced by the five princes to use his family as a key point. Therefore, there was always a resentment against the five emperors in his heart.

"Well, I promise you." Jian Chen did not hesitate to agree, the black crow's talent ability, really makes him happy, sooner or later will come in handy. Secondly, he killed the Baiqi brothers and sisters and had already enemies with the five emperors. In this case, the five emperors will not be willing to give up, and they will have a battle sooner or later.

Immediately, the black crow immediately vowed with his own heart and loyalty to the sword dust, but he also stated before the oath that Jian Chen did not remove the five emperors one day, he would not be regarded as a sword dust one day.

"I have to leave first, find a place to hide, can't let the five emperors know that I have betrayed him, otherwise, once he let him live away from the Bohai Jingu Shrine, then my family will be finished." The black crow said, look dignified.

"You will stay in the Bohai Mountain. You will be safe here. No one can threaten you. If the five emperors find them here, even if they have the throne of the throne, they will surely die." Speaking.

The black crow looked at the dragon, and the brain couldn't help but emerge that the demon flower of Lily had no reason to burst, and asked a question: "Is it just that I just fled, but you secretly shot?"

The master of the dragon nodded.

"Okay, then I will stay in the Bohai Mountain for a while." The black crow was also extremely crisp, and readily agreed.

Later, the black crow found a cave nearby as a temporary cave house, while Jian Chen looked at the dragon and asked: "It seems that you have also acquired an adventure here, killing the demon flower, even me. I was amazed, and you prevented the black crow from escaping. I also didn't see it out."

The wrap-around dragon sighed and said: "There is indeed an adventure, Jian Chen. If I say that I am here, I can kill the strong-starters without any effort. Believe it or not."

Sword dust eyes flashed in the eyes, eyes staring at the dragon for a moment, his face was extremely serious, seriously looked at him, after a long sound, he said: "I believe you can do it, but why? Suddenly, can you have such a powerful force?"

"I can control the Taizun array inside the Bohai Mountain. The whole boundary of the Bohai Mountain has become my territory." The Tang Dynasty did not hide from Jian Chen.

It is said that the dust of the sword dust has shrunk, showing the color of horror, and it is difficult to maintain calm.

After a long time, he took a deep breath and slowly calmed down. His eyes were fixed on the broken limbs of the demon flower. The heart knew that the demon flower was annihilated by the entangled dragon control.

Suddenly, Jian Chen’s gaze condensed, his body flashed, and appeared in the demon flower limb. He found a thumb-sized seed from a broken root, exuding a sly light. There is a strong life atmosphere in it, which is very extraordinary.

"Hey, master, this is a demon fairy." At this moment, the long-lost voice of Ziqing Jianling was introduced into the brain of Jian Chen.

"The demon fairy flower is the product of the fairy world. Only the fairy world can be produced. This demon flower can be cultivated by swallowing all living creatures. The growth rate is very amazing. It is a very special life. It is very rare in the fairy world. And rare things, many large sectarian forces, will carefully cultivate a scent of demon flowers as a guardian of the mountain." Ziqing sword spirit said.

"Although the two sacred worlds are hostile, there are still some people who will cross the border. This scent of fairy tales is from the fairy world. This is beyond doubt. In the sacred world, many people do not recognize the fairy tales, but I don't know the true value of the demon flower, otherwise, the demon flower will never be buried."

"Now the demon flower has fallen, and only this seed is left." Jian Chen shook his head and sighed.

"Master, the demon fairy flower is generated by the seed. The seed in your hand is equivalent to the descendant of the demon flower. The master, you can drop a drop of blood on the seed, let the seed have your breath, so that once the seed grows, You will be treated as the only master, and the blood of the master is the blood of chaos, so the seeds of this fairy flower are integrated into your blood, and further transformation is carried out. This fairy flower is a special life. It grows very fast, I believe it will soon become a major help for the master." Qingsuo's delicate and crisp voice came from Jian Chen's brain, urging Jian Chen to quickly shed blood to recognize the Lord.

Jian Chen did not immediately drop the blood to recognize the Lord, but took the seeds and said to the wrapped dragon, and asked the seeds from the wrapped dragon. After all, this kind of fairy demon flower is killed by the entanglement of the dragon. It is reasonable to say that it is also a trophy for the dragon.

"Since you are interested in that kind of thing, then you take it." The dragon is not concerned. In fact, he and Jian Chen walked from Yunzhou all the way, suffering and sharing together, and experienced together without knowing how many lives and deaths, the real The blood of the corpse is coming in the sea, and a deep friendship has already been established between the two sides.

Jian Chen no longer hesitated, decisively dripping a drop of chaotic blood on the seeds, and the blood immediately merged into it silently.

The seeds of this demon flower, after absorbing this blood of chaos, the fluctuations of life inside have become more and more embarrassing, and the light that blooms is more and more intense.

"This kind of life is undergoing a metamorphosis, and this change is estimated to last for several days." Feeling the internal changes of the seeds, Jian Chen can not help but secretly look forward to it. He knows that Ziqing Sword Spirit will not be untargeted. Since they say that this kind of child will soon be a big help for him, then this kind of child can not really bring him unexpected surprises.

"Sword dust, what happened here?" At this time, Kea also came out from the retreat of the cave, looking at the bodies of Baiqi and Lily, as well as the blood stains on the sword dust, and the brow wrinkled.

"Kaya, you have also broken into the realm of the king of the gods." Jian Chen eyes condensed on Kay, immediately revealed the color of excitement, the rotation of what has just happened tells Kea.

After learning about the cause and effect, Kay looked cold and coldly said: "The five emperors, I really don't know how high the earth is. I don't think he can do whatever he wants with his meager strength."

The face of Jian Chen’s face was stiff and staring at Kea. He asked with concern: “Kaya, are you okay?” Somehow, Kea at this moment made Jian Chen feel a bit strange. In the voice that is full of coldness, there is a glimpse of a high-spirited momentum, and it seems that the world is not in the eye.

Nearly fifty people are gathered by the five emperors, and there is a bookman with a hand-held artifact. This is already a very powerful force. However, in the mouth of Kaia, it can only be regarded as a "slim" force.

In the cognition of Jian Chen, Kay is not such a character. Even if she is strong enough to crush the power of the five emperors, she will not say such words.

The dragon is also staring at Kea in amazement. Although he does not know much about Kea, he also knows what kind of person Kay is, what kind of character is it, this moment Keya, what he said, let The dragon is a bit strange.

But this stranger, but with an incomparable familiarity, seems to be so apt, so that the entanglement of the dragon is inconsistent.

PS: Chapter 3 has been added.

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