Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2065: Meet again

It was said that the five emperors’ eyes were condensed and their faces became gloomy. Shen Sheng said: “When is this news?”

"Because it was passed down today," the **** king replied.

Mr. Shuo regained his gaze and turned to look at the **** of the king who was inquiring about the news. There was a bit of a mistake between his expressions. The five emperors are gloomy and watery, their eyes are extremely cold, and their tone is low: "The sword dust they have not died yet, but they have hollowed out a quarter of the Shen Medicine Garden, but they have not returned yet."

"The result is really unexpected. Baiqi either lost their hands or they have encountered other troubles and were delayed." Mr. Shu said, his eyes became deep.

The five emperors were silent for a while, then they sang low and said: "Everyone stops healing, and immediately leaves!" This time, the five emperors will go with a group of people to find the sword dust, the heavenly treasures of the sword dust, let him all However, I want to get it at all costs.

The gods and Yunxin of the Yun family were silently leaving with the five emperors. Under the deliberate intention of the five emperors, they did not hear the conversations of the five emperors and others, so they naturally did not know the five emperors’ departure. It is where to go and what to do.

"Kaya, let's go, no matter what happens in the Poseidon Palace, we have to rush to the eighth floor as soon as possible." In the air, Jian Chen no longer cares about the moon in the sea, said to Kay.

"Do you want to go to the bottom of the magma in the eighth floor to collect the fire crystal?" Kea stared at the sword dust.

"Yes, the value of a **** of fire crystal is ten times that of the same size of the best crystal. If we want to go to other continents, or go back to Yunzhou, we need a lot of crystals. Although we have a lot of gods in our hands now. Level Tiandi treasure, but it is not an easy task to get these talents, but it will even cause some trouble. And these god-level treasures, I am not willing to sell, we So many old friends in the Tianyuan family need them." Jian Chen sinks.

"The horror of the lava has also been seen by your own eyes. If you want to collect the sacred crystals at the bottom of the lava, even if you have the tower, I am afraid that it will be done. Your body may not be able to resist the horrible lava." Kayya said with some worries that she was worried about the horrible lava in the eighth floor space. Even though she has now advanced to the kingdom of God, her strength has soared, but she still dares not to contaminate the horrible magma.

"Don't try it, how can I know if I can't do it?" Jian Chen smiled lightly. After the breakthrough of chaos, his confidence rose. Even if he couldn't resist the lava, he could still protect it. He is innocent.

"Hey!" At this moment, the sword dust looked a condensate, and the eyes turned into a lightning bolt that broke through the heavy darkness. Looking at the distant places, the face showed a strange color, and muttered: "How are they?" How did they come to the Bohai Palace?"

"It's the little girl you met on the Void. Her strength is so weak. How come it came here?" Kea's gaze also stared into the distance, and was surprised.

"Go, let's see it in the past." Jian Chen said, and then went straight to Kaiya.

A few dozen miles away from Jian Chen, Ziyun has a pale face and clings to Xiao Man. His eyes are full of resentment and stare at the dozen or so gods in front of him. There is also a deep sense of powerlessness. .

In front of these dozens of gods and kings were shocked by the sudden appearance of the moon in the sea, everyone's attention is concentrated on the moon of the sea, at this moment, it is the best time to escape or sneak attack, can be hit hard And the purple rhyme of the big injury has lost this ability.

After a while, these dozens of gods have come back from the moon in the Bohai Sea, and they have returned to the shock brought by them, and their eyes once again fall on Ziyun.

"The Bohai Palace will be amazed, we will quickly get the inheritance from her, and then leave here. Whether this change is good or bad, I think we still do not participate."

"Yes, take her to a remote place, and we will leave immediately after getting something."

The two gods said with a deep voice, the face was dignified, and the appearance of the moon in the sea made them feel extremely uneasy, and their hearts were covered with a shadow, and there was a fear of the unknown.

"You, you are a strong god, even the little girl who is only in the realm of human beings is not let go, it is too cruel." At this moment, a low voice came, let this take away purple charm The face of more than a dozen gods has changed. All of them were disturbed by the appearance of the moon in the sea, and all their attention was placed on the bright moon in the sky. The vigilance around them was reduced to a minimum, and no one was found to have approached here.

More than a dozen gods and gods followed the way, only to see a man and a woman, two young men are walking side by side, straight to the sky here, these two seem to be in their twenties, the handsome man is extraordinary, face Resolutely, there is a glory between the glory of the horse, and at a glance it is known to be baptized by war. Although the woman's appearance is far from being pleasing to the country, it is also natural and temperamental.

"It’s just two early days of the gods, but since they have already discovered us, in order to avoid leaking the news, we must not let the two people leave, and we will take a few people together to clean up the two people cleanly." Several gods sneered, and they were relieved, and they did not stop. They allowed them to approach the sword dust, and secretly negotiated with each other. Soon, their opinions became agreed.

These two are Jian Chen and Kai Ya. They did not pay attention to the dozens of gods of different deities, and looked calmly from the distance and flew straight here, directly to the purple rhyme.

Ziyun apparently recognized Jian Chen and Kai Ya. At the original spaceship flying out of Yunzhou, Jian Chen helped them, and took the jade pendant belonging to Xiao Man from the hands of the three-eyed demon. This incident once made Ziyun grateful.

Ziyun looked up at Jian Chen and Kea with a head and said: "You are also coming for the inheritance of the mixed element in my body?"

Hearing the words, the sword dust looks awkward. Even if he understands it, he looks at the purple rhyme with a strange look. "I have heard that there is a cave in the vicinity of Shen Medicine Park. I didn't expect the inheritance to be yours." I got it.” Looking at the purple rhyme in front of me, the heart of Jian Chen is also very complicated. I don’t know if I should hate Ziyun. Because Ziyun was recognized by the inheritance, many of the gods who gathered in the inheritance land returned to the Shenyuan Garden, which eventually led to their complete exposure in the Shenyuan.

If the purple rhyme is passed down later, the time for the gods to return to the medicinal garden is slow for a while, giving him enough time, he can completely hollow out the entire medicinal garden.

It’s just a pity that this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was destroyed because of the purple rhyme, which made Jian Chen feel very sorry.

"You really came for the sake of inheritance, but unfortunately, even if I pass it on to you now, you can't take it away." Ziyun lost for a while, his eyes swept away the dozens of gods around him.

PS: In the second chapter, yesterday's chapter has been added.

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