Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2068: Heaven and Earth Asylum (2)

Silently felt the tingling sensation from the eyebrows, a trace of cold mangic from the dust of the sword, this hiding in the secret shot of the sneak attack, apparently wants to kill him.

The strength of the person who shot is quite good. It is also in the late stage of the king of God, and it is shrouded in nothingness by the law of darkness. Both eyesight and gods are affected, and it is difficult to play a real role. If he is against other ordinary gods The king used the same method of sneak attack, saying that he could not really achieve the point of killing, but unfortunately, he faced Jian Chen.

Between the electric light and the flint, the sword of the sword in the hands of Jian Chen’s hand has just been seized, and suddenly it has been stabbed out for a residual image.


The speed of the sword dust sword is extremely fast. It is like lightning. It is like a lightning bolt. It shines with brilliance. The ambition of the kendo is directly in the darkness, just like the black thorns touched by the viper. Together.

His sword is only pierced by the feeling, but the tip of the sword is incomparably precise at the tip of the black long thorn, giving off a crisp sound of steel symphony. The swordsmanship mixed with the power of chaos is intertwined with the law of darkness. There is a burst of powerful energy shock waves, so that the darkness that surrounds it is violently turbulent.

However, after a blow, the black long thorn suddenly disappeared, without a trace, and even the half-scent and volatility did not remain. In the dark space where the gods were disturbed and the naked eye could not see, even the sword dust could not find it. Where is the person who secretly shot?

The sword dust brows slightly wrinkled, holding a long sword standing there, the body is tall and straight, giving a kind of stability like a mountain, can not be moved.

He knew that he had met a powerful killer and shrouded this space with the law of darkness. It was equivalent to turning this space into his field. The killer was in the space and had absolute initiative.

For Jian Chen, it is trapped in a quagmire, extremely passive, if the killer hidden in the dark does not shoot, then he can not detect where the other side is.

The sword dust screamed, and the golden light shone, and a large Luo Jianqi instantly condensed, with a dazzling and dazzling golden light directly to the darkness.

The sword was passed, the darkness was driven away, but in the next moment, the law of darkness was filled again.

However, when Jian Chen started, the black long thorn appeared again, still silent, coming from the lightning behind the sword dust, stabbing the back of the sword dust.

Jian Chen suddenly turned around, although the naked eye is invisible, the gods are not available, but with the terrible fighting intuition and the rich experience he has accumulated on this road, the trajectory of the black long thorn is still accurately captured.

I saw his palm open, covered with a layer of chaos force suddenly slammed out, grabbed a black long thorn in his hand.

The black long thorn is extremely sharp, and it easily breaks the defense of the sword dust chaos. His palm is cut, the wound is deep visible, and the blood of chaos flows.

But Jian Chen did not care about his own palm. The cultivation of chaos gave him a very powerful body. This little injury is innocuous for him. And the moment he caught the black long thorn, the sword of the best sacred sword in his right hand had already stabbed out.

Jian Chen grabbed the black long thorn in one hand and the sword in one hand, almost at the same time, and did not leave a reaction time for the other party.


As the sound of a sharp weapon pierced the flesh, feeling a little resistance from the sword, Jian Chen knew that he had injured the other.

Despite knowing that the other party is close at hand, Jian Chen is still unable to detect the presence of the sneak attacker.

A muffled sound, the killer hidden in the secret sneak attack, not in love, after taking out the black long thorn from the sword dust, decisively retreat, disappeared in an instant without a trace, leaving no trace.

Suddenly, the dark law that enveloped this space disappeared. Jian Chen looked around and found that he had completely lost the trace of the killer. Even he didn’t even see the killer’s face, only the silk left on the sword. Silky blood.

However, after this fallacy, the latter king of the gods have also been chased over, and hundreds of gods and gods have a hot color in their eyes. The wind and the electric engine are surrounded by Jian Chen and Kai Ya.

Their main goal is purple rhyme, but now Ziyun and Kea are together, so Jian Chen and Kaiya naturally become the target of these people.

"Go!" Jian Chen whispered low. Although he did not notice a particularly strong atmosphere among these people, but there was a small savage around him, so that he would not dare to fight fiercely with these people.

However, in the palm of Jian Chen’s palm, he grabbed Xiao Man’s body. When he first touched the body of Xiao Man, he touched a mysterious force that could not be seen by the naked eye and could not be perceived by the gods.

This mysterious force enveloped the entire body of Xiao Man, not only did the palm of the sword dust not touch the body of Xiao Man, and when the sword dust touched this mysterious force, the bottom of the heart could not help but tremble.

This mysterious force gives him the feeling of being vast and majestic, endless, powerful and unimaginable, and it is impossible to be destroyed at all, so that Jian Chen is shocked.

Jian Chen's pupils shrank, his eyes fixed on his pale face lying on the ground, his look changed.

Kayya has been observing Xiao Man silently. Seeing this situation, she also shines in her eyes and said: "This little girl has been protected by this world. As long as she is in the Bohai Palace, she is the world. The person sheltered, unless he has the power over the Bohai Palace, I am afraid that no one can hurt her."

Wen Yan, Jian Chen was shocked and said: "How is this possible? If she is really sheltered by this world, how can it be hurt?"

Ziyun also heard what Kay said. It is also a look that can't be trusted. But more is still puzzled and doubtful. It is obviously the same question as Jian Chen.

Kay was indulged, and then looked at Ziyun and said: "If I guess it is correct, this little girl should be injured before the appearance of the moon in the Bohai Sea?"

"When the moon in the Bohai Sea appeared, I felt the rules of the Bohai Jingu Shrine in a vague way. It seems that something changed. When I saw this little girl, I could vaguely feel that around her body, it seems Surrounded by an energy, this energy echoes the Bohai God Palace, which seems to...has to represent the power of the entire Bohai Jingu Shrine."

Kay's gaze looked at Xiao Man deeply and continued: "There is such a powerful force to protect. No one can hurt her in this sea **** palace. But now she is injured, this scene can only Explain that the power that appeared around her body only appeared after she was injured."

Having said that, Kea briefly silenced for a moment and said: "If I didn't guess wrong, the appearance of the moon in the sea should be related to this little girl."

After listening to this, Ziyun was shocked by the whole person, and his face was an incredible look. The appearance of the moon in the sea is related to Xiao Man? She is really unimaginable. Why is such a terrible sacred sea palace, such a big change because of Xiao Man? What secret does Xiao Man hide from this?

Not only him, but even Jian Chen feels incredible, his face is full of wrong colors.

"Girl, the inheritance of the beginning of the mixed yuan is not that you can get it, hand over the inheritance, you can leave, if not, then you should know the consequences."

Just then, a loud scream came and I saw that Jian Chen and Kai Ya and others had been surrounded by many gods.

Ps: During the Chinese New Year, the update of Happy is not stable, please forgive me.

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