Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2075: King of the gods

Jian Chen's face is dignified. At the same time, in his body, a chaotic force full of devastating temperament rushes out of the chaotic inner dan, like a wave of angerous rivers, like a rapid rush in his body. Not only in a short period of time, but also the defensive power of his chaotic body to the extreme, and there is an incomparably strong chaos force, has quietly condensed on the sword in his hands.

Suddenly, the sword in the hands of Jian Chen’s hand, from the initial silver and white, turned into a gloomy, full of devastating violent power, exuding a heart-warming atmosphere, and then a low in the sword dust In the sound of the drink, the long sword in his hand rolled up a black light curtain and suddenly burst out.

At the same moment, Kayya also shot, raised the hand, condensed the power of the law, turned into an avenue rune, containing a mysterious and mysterious breath hit.

The attack of the two of them collided with the claws of the goshawk at almost the same time, and on the claws of the goshawk, there was a faint cyan scale that appeared to cover his claws. Every inch of place.



Two sounds that were enough to tear the eardrum blew up, and a sword with the power of chaos collided with the claws of the goshawk, and it sounded like a steel cross.

The goshawk's palm is extremely hard, and it is better than the top saint. It even makes the sword dust have an illusion. It seems that this sword is not stabbed on the other's flesh, but stabbed in a best saint. On the device.

Because the palm of the goshawk gives the feeling of Jian Chen, it seems to be a great saint!

After a blow, Jian Chen and Kai Ya both flew away at the same time. The strength of the Goshawk was too strong, far surpassing Mr. Book. Under the combined efforts of the two, they still did not have the upper hand.

However, the Goshawk is an enemy and has no absolute advantage. It is only that his body is under the violent shock, and it is also difficult to make a self-defense in the void.

"This law of destruction seems to be different. The same law of destruction, why in the hands of the woman, the power is so strong." The goshawk stared at Caia with amazement and incomprehension, he saw at a glance Kayya only cultivated in the early days of the king of God, and the understanding of the law of destruction also stayed in the realm of the early days of the king of God. However, the law of destruction was in the hands of Kea, and the power exerted was even more powerful than that of the late kings. I was deeply shocked.

"In the law of destruction used by the woman, what seems to be something more?" The eagle brows slightly wrinkled, silently recalling every detail of the contact with the law of destruction when fighting Kay. However, because of the limitations of the realm and cognition, he could not fully understand the mystery.

"It is necessary to seize this woman and ask about it. If you can master this secret method, it will be of great significance to the family." The light in the eyes of the eagle glimmers, and the figure is shaking, and the speed is once again toward the sword dust. And Kayya flew.

Only this time, he has already transferred the main target of the move from Jian Chen to Kay.

The speed of the goshawk is too fast. In the face of the chasing of the goshawk, Jian Chen and Kea can't escape at all. In desperation, the two of them can only shoot together and fight back with the goshawk.

The strength of the Goshawks is also getting stronger and stronger. The palms are clawed and the ground is cracked. Every hit contains the power of terror. Not only does the pressure of Jian Chen and Kaiya double, but even many followers follow. The **** king who came is also timid.

"The strength of this goshawk is even stronger than I expected." Rear, watching the goshawk shot, Mr. Book's face is also very dignified.

He is also a great powerhouse on the throne of God, but he is not qualified to be included in the rankings. Originally in his view, compared with the Goshawk, even if there is a gap, the gap is extremely limited, but now I can see how great his strength with the Goshawk is.

"The king of the gods on the throne of God is so powerful that it is incredible. And this goshawk is only ranked 950th in the throne of God. I really can’t imagine those ranked in the top 100. Inside, even the top ten generations of the gods, how far is it against the sky?" The hearts of the five emperors of the Biluo Dynasty were also shocked. As a dynasty emperor of the immortal dynasty that has been inherited for millions of years, he is also the first to witness the release of the sacred king of the gods. The horrible and infinite anti-Japanese force has brought unprecedented impact to his soul.

"There is a generation of gods to shoot, this sword dust will die!" Five emperors in the heart of the dark, eyes occasionally smashed to Jian Chen, with a touch of cold color.

Suddenly, the sky was dim and dark, and a terrible power spread across the heavens and the earth. I saw two huge palms crowded with the heavens and the earth, replacing the sky, covering the moon of the sea, and shooting with the horrible power toward the ground below. Hit it.

On both palms, there are cyan scales, and each scale contains powerful energy fluctuations, sparkling with a cyan glow. When the palm of the hand fell, the strong pressure, the whole piece of land was sinking, and countless plants were turned into crushes.

This is the strong blow of the Goshawk, the power is strong, scared the back of many gods are white, there is a feeling of facing the end of the world.

Jian Chen shouted and tried his best to make a sword. He took the sword and shook the sky with a sword, and made the most violent collision with one of the giant palms.

"Boom!" A loud noise, Jian Chen's body smashed to the ground, half of the body was caught in the ground, blood spilled in the corner of the mouth.

Kayya is expressionless and her eyes are cold. At this moment, she seems to have entered an ethereal environment. The whole body and mind are completely quiet, as if she has entered a state of selflessness, only to see her two-finger days. Suddenly, the forces of creation, destruction, and magical fires converge at the same time, surrounded by her.

Kay did not hesitate to use the three rules. The power of the three laws came together, and the power was strong. It climbed again to a higher level. Especially when the forces of the three laws were intertwined, it seemed to have created with Tiandi Avenue. Some kind of resonance, intertwined, turned into a beam of lightning.


This attack by Kea has the power of unpredictable power. When the force of her three laws touches the huge palm that descends from the sky, there is a crisp sound that is transmitted from the center of the palm, and the cyan scale is there. A was actually cracked, and there was a blood hole, and the blood sprinkled down from the sky like rain.

The goshawk screamed, and the steps of the footsteps retreated a few steps. Looking at the cracked scales between his palms, his heart was blank and his face was incredible.

"How is it possible, how is this possible? This Qingpeng scale is squatted from the owner and then given to me by the master. Its power has surpassed the best sacred instrument, in the rank of secondary artifacts, how can it be broken? Split." The goshawk looked dull and looked at the cracked cyan scales between the palms, and the waves of the waves were picked up in his heart.

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