Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2105: Jian Chen is not dead

Junkong was almost humiliated by the East, and he was the sacred patriot of the Taoist sect. At the same time, he was the proud priest of the gods on the throne of God. It was unbearable, and his heart was already angry. Hao Tian, ​​at this moment, I saw that the teacher and sister who was admired by him, after suffering such a huge trauma, not only did not say anything to comfort himself, but instead treated himself with a cold attitude and clarified his relationship with himself. Empty anger and heart attack, a blood can not help but spurt out.

By the way, Jun Kong seems to have suffered a huge stimuli, and his mouth that has been completely beaten has been laughed and said in a vague language: "Jian Chen? You still think about Jian Chen. Hahahaha, Shangguan screen, you probably don't know, the sword dust that you have been obsessed in your heart has already fallen, this time it is really degraded, his bones are buried in the lava under your feet, your life Don't think about seeing Jian Chen again, hahahaha. The more you say, the more excited you are, the more you feel that Jian Chen’s death is the only thing that can make him feel happy and at the same time he can eliminate the pain in his heart. .

However, to disappoint Jun Kong, he did not see the slightest sorrow in the Shangguan sect. At this moment, she is still expressionless, and there is no mood swing.

"Jun Kong will be handed over to you, and you should not continue to follow me. I don't need your protection." Shangguan Muer said to the gods of the more than ten gods who lived around Junkong.

The more than a dozen gods from the Shenyin Taoist face each other, they are all in a dilemma. I don’t know what to do for a while.

On the other side, looking at the approaching, it seems like the killing of the gods, the palace, the white, the goshawk three faces suddenly became very ugly. Now, the hearts of the three of them are no longer expecting the generations of the gods who are gathered here. They will stand up and stand up to stop the East.

After these things happened, the power of Mingdong is now overwhelmed by the three great gods.

Perhaps it was to see Gongzheng’s worries. Standing on the side of Canada, he took a photo of Gong Zheng’s shoulder and said with a serious face: “Yong Zheng, you don’t have to worry too much. Since you are a descendant of the martial art, then I am absolutely I won't look at any accidents you have here, everything is me."

After that, Kay took a step out and looked at Mingdong. Shen Sheng said: "Ming Dong, I still hope that it will stop. Now we have so many people gathered here, but it is not because of your revenge, not because of your Personal hatred affects us all, which delays us to do more important things.” With the voice, a powerful momentum emerged from Cana’s overwhelming lava, and the lava under the feet was like a tsunami. .

The strength of Canada has far surpassed most of the great gods. After all, he is a strong man who ranks ninety-ninth on the throne of God. It is only this ranking that can be proud of all the same. Opponent.

Sure enough, the momentum of Canada came out, and suddenly many of the gods in the field gaze at the eyes, and the depth of the eyes reveals the color of taboos.

"You want to stop me?" Mingdong stepped on the air, step by step, staring at Canada with a gaze, and said in a full-sounding voice: "Your strength is indeed strong, but you still can't stop me from killing them. ""

"Ming Dong, if we fight, naturally we can't avoid the collision between the artifact and the artifact, it will cause the volcanic eruption of the whole space. By then, the entire eighth floor space is afraid that there is no safe place. Land, will everyone and everyone here, do you really want to be the public enemy of all of us?” Ghana’s voice said that the origin of Mingdong is still a mystery to him, so he does not want to be easy to hear. East to fight.

"We came here to find the little girl. If you continue to fight, it will not hinder the major events of all of us. We want to stop here."

"You have to fight, go to other places to play, don't hinder us all here."

At the same time, there are also many powerful and quite conceited priests who open the door to prevent the struggle between the two sides. But more of the gods, they are far away, and have come to the upper and lower entrances of the eighth floor space, and once they have started the war, they will immediately leave here.

"Let's go, let's avoid it first. This Mingdong comes from the Bishengtian Temple. Don't blame him for this little thing." Some of the great gods who know the origins of the East are with their guards and their enemies. The first time retreated far.

Both Mingdong and Canada are already arrogant, and they will be connected at any time and place.

"Mingdong, don't worry!" At this moment, the Shangguan curtain opened, she looked at Mingdong far away, her lips moved slightly, and a sound that only Yudong could hear was passed.

The body of Mingdong was so violent that he couldn’t help but tremble slightly. He came to Shangguan’s curtain and said with excitement: “What are you talking about? How do you know that?”

"I can feel it, although it is just a vague feeling, but it can't be wrong. Don't forget, there is that tower on him." Shangguan dynasty did not say it, but directly to Mingdong. The sound is not afraid of being heard by outsiders. "You don't want to disclose this matter for the time being. I heard that there is a very important little girl beside Jian Chen, and so many generations of gods gathered here are special for the little girl, prematurely revealed, afraid It is not good for Jian Chen."

"Great, great, hahaha, why didn't I think of the tower? If I guessed it is correct, then it is the treasure of my master." In a flash, the cloud that squeezed in the heart of Mingdong dissipated. Everything is clear, the expression is very excited, and the mood is very good.

There is no amazing suffocation, and at the moment, Mingdong seems to be different.

"Brother, since you are still there, then I am here waiting for you to come out, the rest of your enemies, I will leave it to you." Ming Dong sits cross-legged, swallowing several god-level drugs, meditation Pranayama. He first paid a great price to display the fate of the enemy to find the whereabouts of the enemy, and then repeatedly experienced a fierce battle, not only consumed a lot, but also hurt the origin.

Fortunately, as a member of His Royal Highness, he has a large variety of god-level medicinal herbs. It is not difficult to recover from the beginning.

On the other side, Canada, Bai Yi, Gong Zheng and Goshawk saw that Ming Dong finally stopped, and they were relieved.

Around the four-way gods who had been hiding far away, Mingdong finally stopped, and they returned one after another. Soon, they planned each other and prepared to enter the bottom of the lava to search for the little girl.

In a short time, the eighth floor of the Bohai Jingu Shrine will once again restore peace. But everyone knows that this tranquility is only a superficial phenomenon. Because the volcano in this space is very unstable, it will explode with a little stimulation. At this moment, so many gods and kings gather, even if they converge, this is also the same. Space constitutes an influence and will break the balance here at any time.

Shangguan, also sitting alone in the void, she did not rush to the twelfth floor space, but stared at the lava below, revealing the color of expectation, waiting for the sword dust out.

"Shangguan, I didn't expect you to break into the realm of the gods in such a short period of time. It really surprised me." However, at this moment, a gentle voice came from the official screen.

I saw a woman wearing a green dress and looking at the country. She was standing next to Shangguan, and she looked at her with a smile.

Shangguan’s heart was shocked, she was always vigilant, but she was not aware of the approach of the woman.

"You are?" Shangguan stunned staring at the strange woman in front of her eyes. She had never seen this woman, but she felt a familiar atmosphere from the other side.

PS: The first chapter arrives, I continue to codewords, and there will be updates later.

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