Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2135: Guess identity

The third person is shrouded in a large cloak, can't see his face, with a sense of mystery, the illusory rule of comprehension, the body is between the real and the virtual, between the real and the illusory The alternation is very difficult.

This person in the battle with the water rhyme blue, from the occasional exposed bare palms, can clearly see that this is a pair of pale, almost skinny, five fingers slender as a claw of the horrible palm.

The strength of these three people is very strong, everyone is comparable to the strong starter, compared to the water rhyme blue, not much less.

Nowadays, under the joint efforts of the three men, the landslides with the water rhythm blue are broken. In one stroke and one style, the power of destruction is ignited, and the afterglow of energy is even more like a tsunami.

"I thought that in the kingdom of God, except for the green hills that are like enchanting, no one is my opponent of Zhu Wen, but I did not expect that I could meet such a powerful opponent in the Bohai God Palace today. I don't know my Zhu Wen. Is it qualified to know your name?" Among the three men who fought against the water rhyme, the man with a long sword and the martial law learned the voice.

Although he is talking, the offensive in his hand is not half-stop and slow, and the sword is like a galaxy, like a waterfall, very fierce and extremely powerful.

"That person is Zhu Wen, no wonder it is so powerful"

"Zhu Wenke is the second-ranked legend of the throne of God, second only to the green hills. But the woman who masters the law of ice is not weaker than Zhu Wen, and it is still an enemy three, the war Zhu Wen and the other two Look at the top ten ranks, who is she?"

"Would she not be the starting point of the realm of falling to the king of the king, or the supreme reincarnation of those standing at the top of the pyramid? Or how is it so powerful?"

Many people are curious about the identity of Shuiyunlan, and they secretly speculate in their hearts.

Shui Yunlan did not take a conversation. Her character is as indifferent as the law she has mastered, such as the iceberg that has not changed for many years.

At this time, the man who was covered in the cloak and realized the illusory law, uttered a strange laughter, and said in an old and hoarse tone: "Old body Saint-Man, the throne of God is ranked seventh, this comprehend death Although the Taoist friends of the law do not know who it is, they must also be one of the top ten of the throne of God. With the strength of the three of us, joining hands and killing some ordinary promise will not cost too much effort. Except for the perverted Qingshan Mountain, there is no one who can compete with the three of us to defeat the trio, even those who are supreme disciples can't do it."

"If there is such a person, then in the old body, in addition to staying in the throne of God for more than three million years of water rhyme blue, the entire sacred world, I am afraid there is no second person like this. Qualifications."

It is said that the rhyme of the blue water is cold, and a strong killing of the singer has passed away. It is cold in the eyes of St. Mann.

The reaction of the water rhyme blue, Zhu Wen instantly affirmed St. Man’s guess, and suddenly flashed a bunch of fine mans in his eyes, and shouted: “Water rhyme blue, it really is you!”

The identity of the water rhyme blue was exposed, and suddenly caused a burst of noise in the field.

In fact, for her identity, everyone is very curious, there have been many speculations, and now with her name known to everyone, suddenly everyone is surprised.

If it is a strange name, everyone can still accept, to understand that the other party has not gone to the throne of the throne, but for the name of the water rhyme, they are not only strange, but also very familiar.

At the same time, because of their familiarity, they were surprised and unbelievable.

Because the name of the water blue is only sixth in the throne of God. Although this ranking is not low, compared with the second-ranked Zhu Wen, there is obviously a certain gap.

In fact, Zhu Wen can't help but rhyme blue. In fact, Zhu Wen is fighting the rhythm of blue with the other two of the top ten thrones of God, and there is no momentum to suppress.

Because of this, this has made many people feel inexplicable.

"Before more than three million years ago, the ranking of Shuiyunlan on the throne of God is the ninth. It is only the name on the throne of God. It is only the strong person who records the world, and does not record historical figures, so the ranking above, It is also a constant change of life. Once a deceased **** is fallen, or if it breaks through the kingdom of God and enters the beginning, then their names will disappear from the throne of God. At this time, a generation of gods slowly in the crowd. Said, although this person is a middle-aged man, but obviously has lived for a long time, know a lot.

"According to my research on the top ten of the throne of God, the record of the strength of Shuiyunlan on the throne of God has not changed for more than three million years. Her ranking has risen from the ninth to the sixth. It is not because she went to the throne of God, but because those who are in front of her are not breaking through to the beginning, or falling, and the name disappears from the throne of God. Therefore, the ranking of the water blue is also rising. ”

"In the millions of years, the ranking of Shuiyunlan on the throne of God is constantly changing, rising and falling, but every change is not caused by her own, but because there are other generations. The king of the gods is more than her, standing in front of her, or falling and breaking through, the name disappears, and the ranking of the water blue is changed. Therefore, the water blue is now ranked sixth in the throne of the throne, the recorded strength , or the extent of her more than three million years ago."

On the other side, the face of the water rhyme is gloomy, the eyes are cold and glance around, the heart is boiling, there is an impulse to kill everyone here.

Now that the Ice Temple has been robbed and controlled by the renegade, she does not want to reveal her identity. Even if these people only know her name, she does not know that she is from the Ice Temple. It is difficult to ensure that the name will not be transmitted to the Ice Temple.

Once I was told by the fog that I had returned to the Holy Land, I could naturally guess that I had found the Snow God, and by that time, she would surely look for the Snow God at all costs, before the Snow God had recovered. Snow **** eradication.

It is precisely because of this that Shuiyunlan has never revealed his identity in the Bohai Palace.

"Hey!" Shuiyun blue sighed, she knew that things have been unable to change anything, and to kill so many generations of gods, with her current ability, simply can not do.

At this time, she couldn't help but think of her original intention to enter the Bohai Jingu Shrine, and she did not think about getting involved in too much disputes. She even made preparations for not taking shots, only hopes. I am able to get some cultivation resources here, which will enable my Highness to recover as soon as possible.

The appearance of the sword dust has disrupted her original plan. When the Ice Temple was robbed, she would not dare to go back. If she wants to annihilate the traitors such as the fog, if she wants to better protect the Snow God, she must seek reinforcements.

The Ice Temple is notoriously arrogant in the Holy Land. It has no connection with the outside forces, let alone the feelings. Therefore, the current Ice Temple can be said to be isolated.

At this time, Mo Tianyun, who is mysterious in identity and has hatred in the South of the Moon Temple, has become her best collaborator, but if she wants to find Mo Tianyun, she must also go through Jian Chen. Therefore, when Jian Chen was in danger, she was forced to help.

As a result, it exposed his identity and put the Snow God into a dangerous situation, which made the mood of the water blue become extremely heavy.

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