Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2138: Giant lizard

"He went to the lava and he wanted to die..."

"Damn, this sword dust can make you fall, not let us get the little girl..."

Many of the great gods have cursed, and no one dares to act. They dare not rush into the lava like a sword dust.

In fact, even if they have the top ten of the throne of the throne, under the protection of artifacts, they will not dare to enter the lava, unless many people join forces to fully exert the defensive power of the artifact. moment.

"Oh, this lava, sword dust is not the first time. It is said that he was hit into the lava several years ago. Everyone thinks that he is dead. As a result, he still does not live well."

"Everyone is careful, this is the trick of Jian Chen. He wants to paralyze us, then change position in the lava and escape from our other direction..."

"Yes, there is a way for Jian Chen to survive in the lava. Everyone is scattered, and he must not let him slip away under our eyes..."


Among the hot lava, Jian Chen has taken out the real tower for the first time, hiding in the real tower, and controlling the real tower to sneak into the deepest part.

He turned the size of the real tower into a hundred-footer, ramming all the way, smashing many rocks at the bottom of the lava, and wearing a lot of caves that were submerged at the bottom of the lava, made a lot of movement.

The action of Jian Chen directly affects the surface of the lava. Only the whole lava ocean is seen, and suddenly it becomes choppy. There are even several volcanoes collapsed nearby, and huge mountains break into the lava and stir up. The flames of the sky, the fire elements of the entire space have become extremely violent, many volcanoes have been stimulated, began to erupt, the entire eighth space has a lava rain.

"Damn, what's going on here, how suddenly there has been such a big change..."

"It must be Jian Chen, the ghost of Jian Chen, a bastard, what he did in the lava..."

The masters of the gods gathered here have begun to curse, and they hate sword dust. They all wear armor, and they are extremely embarrassed to avoid the lava rain falling from the sky, and their faces are gloomy.

"I am very curious, the sword dust can survive for a long time in the lava, and it has made such a big movement." St. Man, covered in a wide cloak, has turned into an illusion. Said the old and hoarse tone.

"In Jian Chen, there must be an artifact of a low grade. It is very likely that he can survive in the lava through this artifact." Zhu Wen constantly sends out the sword light, and the lava rain on the head is defeated. Said the voice.

It is said that the nearby kings of the gods have also spoken.

"In the lava, the artifacts can't last long. The bottom of the lava can even melt the artifacts. Is it difficult to be in the sword dust, and there is still a Chinese artifact?

"Chinese products, the Promise of the Promise, it is difficult to play ten layers of power, usually controlled by the strong starter of the mixed-source, with the Shen Wang repaired in the dust-dust area, it is impossible to control. Even with the approval of the spirit, It is impossible to provoke such a powerful artifact with his **** kingdom..."

"Right, in Jian Chen, there is also a tattered small tower. This small tower has appeared many times. You said, will it be this small tower..."

"That little tower has broken into that way, and I see it is almost abolished. A fast-dissolving artifact, except for retaining its own solid material, is almost useless. There is no magical power. What can it do? ....."

"That's not necessarily, high-level artifacts, even if they are in a broken state, can still be safe in the lava by their own hardship..."

"If Jian Chen really can come and go in the lava with a quick-dissolving artifact, then what level of artifact will it reach? Is it a middle product or a top grade?"


Deep in the lava, Jian Chen hides in the tower, controlling the real tower, such as headless flies.

"The lava monitor lizard, where are you hiding, hurry up, hurry up..." In the tower, Jian Chen mourned in his heart, with a look forward and excitement, waiting for the lava lizard appear.

In his mind, he planned everything in the morning, and a plan dedicated to the hundreds of great gods outside was unfolding quietly.

That is to bring the lava giant lizard deep in the bottom of the lava to the outside, borrow the terrible strength of this lava giant to deal with the gods outside.

At this moment, the sword dust that controlled the true tower clearly felt that the tower was in this shackle, and there was a slight vibration. This immediately made the sword dust shine, revealing the joy, even the breath could not endure. I lived in a hurry.

Because of this kind of vibration, it is definitely not caused by the real tower hitting the rock, but by the lava giant lizard.

"I finally alerted you." Jian Chen held the nine-star Tiandao sword and stood on the first floor of the true tower. His heart was secretly excited. One of them left the real tower and appeared outside the tower.

Suddenly, the hot lava was squeezed out, and in a flash, the chaotic body of Jian Chen was burnt red.

Jian Chen did not care about the surrounding lava. His eyes locked a huge shadow in front of him. That is the lava lizard that has been living here. Two eyes with a few feet of size are staring at the real tower for a moment, revealing the humanized curiosity.

After learning the exact position of the lava dragon, the sword dust is not staying for a long time, immediately enters the true tower, and then controls the tower to fly high, to the top of the lava lizard, toward its head. The smashing down.


A muffled sound, but the tower is sturdy with its own material, with a terrible power squatting on the head of the monitor lizard, the lava giant lizard on the spot is staring at Venus, the huge head is swaying, like a drunken general.

But soon, it woke up, the pain from the head made it crazy, a huge pair of pupils filled with anger, directly shot to the true tower, and will return the true tower to hundreds of meters outer.

Jian Chen stabilized the tower and did not stop there. The control tower became a cone, with the tip facing the lava dragon, playing the fastest speed of the tower, hitting the past again, the huge lava lizard The body slammed into several turns.

This time, the pain brought to the lava dragon lizard is obviously stronger than just now. I saw a lava roaring a scream in the sky, shaking the lava around it, and its eyes have become **** red with anger. Pounce on the tower.

The tower really rose to the sky and flew over the lava. The lava monitor lizard is in the back and is extremely angry.

"This lava has become more and more fierce, and the waves have rushed to the height of a thousand feet. This is unprecedented. What did the dusty **** do underneath?"

"No matter what he does, with his strength, there is absolutely no possibility of causing such a thrilling scene. There must be something happening below..."

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