Chaotic Sword God

Vol 2 Chapter 216: War of the Zhou family

The 216th chapter of the Zhou family

The battle lasted only a moment. The guards of the Zhou family died more than 20 people. Looking at the more than 20 people who died, there was no change in the look of the week. These guards were all hired by him, not him. The Zhou family belongs to them, so the death of these people has no influence on the strength of the Zhou family. If they are big, they will recruit again.

"All for me, who can hurt it, I reward a thousand purple crystal coins, if I can hold him, I seriously hurt 10,000 amethyst coins." Zhou shouted differently.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man. Listening to this week's different rewards, the eyes of a dry guard suddenly showed a hot look, then they rushed toward the sword dust as if they were desperately mad, and cut the sacred soldiers from the direction of the sword in all directions, not asking Can hold the sword dust, only to be able to leave a little scar on him.

The eyes of Jian Chen became colder and colder, and then the swordsman of the light wind sword rose up, forming a dense sword shadow covering the surrounding area. In just a moment, the light wind sword would be cut at a speed that could not be captured by the naked eye. Several weapons came together.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! .......

With a dense collision of weapons that seemed to be connected in a line, I saw a few sacred squadrons around, and they broke into two pieces.

And those who were destroyed by the holy soldiers, their faces became pale at that moment, and when they sprayed a bright red blood at the same time, they immediately fell to the ground, and three of them were killed.

The name of the sacred soldier and the owner are closely related. When the sacred soldier is traumatized, it will bring certain damage to the owner. The situation of the sacred soldier being destroyed is even more serious. If it is light, it will lose all cultivation, and it will become a culture that can no longer be cultivated. Waste people, heavy ones, directly killing Huang Quan.

These sacred soldiers were smashed into two pieces by a sword and a sword. They have been completely destroyed. If these people are not dead, they will only become a waste person in the future.

However, the surrounding guards have been stunned by the serious injuries that have been made by Zhou. The people who have fallen and the people who have fallen have not scared them away. Instead, they have become more and more entangled. Fierce, as if I was afraid that this reward would be taken away.

After all, just a thousand purple crystal coins, it is enough for these strengths to last forever in the protection of the saints and the great saints. One thousand purple crystal coins, for them, perhaps for the rest of their lives. Can't make so much money.

A white-skinned sword dust continually shuttles through a group of guards, accompanied by the flashing silver-white sword light. The guards of the Zhou family are also falling into pieces. The guards of more than 100 people are tight. In a few moments, the number is reduced by half.

The family of the Zhou family has already withdrawn from the battle circle. The face is very dignified and staring at the scene as if it were a killing machine, and it is ruthlessly harvesting the sword dust of life.

"Homeowner, this person's strength is strong, and his sword speed is too fast, even I am very ugly, these guards can not escape at all, follow this way, I am afraid that those guards will not last long. It’s all gone.” A middle-aged man standing behind the week is also staring at Jian Chen with a dignified face.

In the different eyes of the week, the cold light flashed, Shen Sheng said: "He applied such a fast sword, the consumption of his holy power is also very large, and he experienced a battle when he previously destroyed the Zhou mercenary group. Now, his holy power must not last long. Let these guards consume his holy power first. I don't believe that his holy power is endless. Zhou Lianyun, immediately go to the Tiger King Squad. All brought over, this time the enemy's strength can not be underestimated, maybe, this war has been related to the life and death of my Zhou family, we must do our best to cope."

"Yes, the owner."

One person led the life and immediately ran to the backyard of the Zhou family.

After a ruthless killing lasted for a while, only a dozen people of the Zhou family’s guards survived, and hundreds of bodies were lying on the ground. The red blood has already flattened the ground completely from the marble. The floor is stained red.

Jian Chen’s body swayed slightly and came to the last ten guards. With the light wind sword in his hand, the sword shadow disappeared, and the light was passed from the last ten. Yu Ming guarded the neck of the guard, and cut the throat of more than ten people cleanly and neatly.

At this time, the guards of the Zhou family have all fallen, and in the big house, there are only a few weeks left and more than a dozen people behind him.

However, just as the light wind sword of Jian Chen had just crossed the neck of the dozen guards, a scream of emptiness came from behind him with a strong wind.

The attack did not arrive, and the sturdy wind was pressed against the back of Jian Chen. The face of the sword dust slightly became a little serious, and he quickly turned around, and the light wind sword in his hand immediately traverses in front of him.


I saw a giant sword with a thousand strengths slashed on the breeze sword, a powerful force transmitted from the giant sword, the body of the rushing sword dust can not be self-made rapid retreat.

On the way back, Jian Chen's body is constantly changing with the left footsteps, and the slightest movement is used to unload the remaining strength of the body.

"Drink!" A thunderous popping sound came, only to see the difference between the week and the sword dust, and once again waved the giant sword to the sword dust.

Later, more than ten people who had previously stood behind the week, also rushed to the sacred soldiers to rush toward the sword dust, which relieved the parcels before they advanced to the Grand Master. Zhou Yun, the head of the Zhou mercenary regiment.

Jian Chen is not afraid, the light wind sword with a strong sword to meet the different swords cut in the week.

When the two sacred corps always collided together in the air, a violent burst of energy suddenly erupted and spread rapidly around, ruining some of the surrounding flowers and plants.

After a single blow, the strong anti-shock force made the body of Jian Chen retreat after six steps to stand still, and Zhou also retreated three steps at the same time.

Before the sword dust stabilized, the dozens of people who came later came close to the sword dust. The sacred soldiers in the hands took the weak force of the holy force and cut it toward the sword dust, and Zhou Yun went around. Behind the sword dust, the silver-colored lance was like a poisonous snake, piercing silently.

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