Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2144: The difficulty of the Ice Temple

Jian Chen’s heart is really too concerned about his second sister. When he listens to the water rhyme blue, the Haishen Palace is actually for his second sister. This immediately makes him preconceived that his second sister is afraid of being unexplained or hurt. .

Seeing the reaction of Jian Chen was so fierce, the cool eyes of the water rhyme flashed a glimmer of light, saying: "You can rest assured that your second sister is fine, she is in a very safe place."

As soon as I heard that the second sister was fine, Jian Chen immediately felt relieved. The excited emotions were also slowly calming down. The eyes flashed staring at the water rhyme blue. The cold voice said: "Then why do you say that you enter the Bohai Jingu Shrine, everything is For my second sister? I want to know why."

Shui Yunlan was silent for a while. She stared at Jian Chen with her cold eyes without any emotion. The light in her eyes flashed slightly, apparently hesitating.

Jian Chen obviously also saw the hesitation of the water rhyme blue. He said: "If you don't intend to tell me the truth, then I don't want to get anything from my hands. Even if you are strong, you don't want to leave me. An easy task, therefore, if you are born to take the liberty, I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible."

The water rhyme blue seems to see his resoluteness from the eyes of Jian Chen, secretly sighing, this moment, in her heart, actually gave birth to a sense of helplessness.

Unexpectedly, on the Tianyuan mainland, in her eyes, even a small role in which the ants were far from being arrogant, now dare to stand in front of him, threatening her without fear, which makes her sigh, but also somewhat unacceptable.

Silenced for half a time, the water rhyme blue finally opened, with her icy voice that seems to be constant, said: "Your second sister, is the Snow God of the Ice Temple, fallen because of a great war of the year, but it is fortunate Yes, His Royal Highness did not disappear in the same year, but retained a trace of the gods for reincarnation. The great ice god, with his own blood as a guide, deduced to the lower house will reincarnate to the lower bound, and find out the exact interface. Therefore, I was ordered to come to the Tianyuan continent and take up the task of finding His Royal Highness."

"I have been waiting for more than three million years in Tianyuan mainland, and finally I finally waited for the reincarnation of my Royal Highness. Originally, I want to wait for the strength of His Highness to reach a certain level, then take the Highness to leave the Tianyuan Continent and return directly to the Holy Land. The Ice Temple in the world. At this time, Mo Tianyun, who has been disappearing for a long time in Tianyuan, appeared..."

When talking about Mo Tianyun, the gaze of the water rhyme is also showing a complex color.

When I heard the name of Mo Tianyun, the look of Jian Chen was also a glimpse. I couldn’t help but think of the scene of the yin and yang stone that I first discovered with myself and Shangguan. At that time, he got a double repair from Mo Tianyun. The method of mastering the yin and yang reconciliation, so that the Shangguan dynasty can smoothly absorb the energy of the yin and yang sacred stone, and thus the strength is greatly increased.

But at that time, what they encountered was only a detachment of Mo Tianyun, but it was not the body of Mo Tianyun.

Shui Yunlan continued: "Mo Tianyun brought me the news of the Holy Land. From his mouth, I know that the Ice Temple of the Holy Land has suffered a change. I am one of the four guards, and I have colluded with the moon. The South of the Temple of God has already controlled the Temple of Ice, and wants to make things that are unfavorable to Ice God. For this matter, I initially held a skeptical attitude and did not fully believe it. But it is precisely because of Mo Tianyun. The reminder, let me be vigilant, with my Highness back to the Holy Land, there is no rush to the ice temple, but the name of the hidden name, the face of the ice temple.

Speaking of this, the delicate body of the water rhyme can't help but tremble slightly, and an unspeakable anger rises from her heart, making her a pair of cold eyes that are barely exposed, but also showing the color of the cold, cold Channel: "I can't believe it. The news brought by Mo Tianyun is actually true. The South of the Moon Temple is really colluding with the fog, controlling the Ice Temple, even the few in the Ice Temple. The elders are also suffering from their poisoned hands."

"In the Temple of Ice, there is an extremely large cultivation resource, and there is also a cultivation of the Holy Emperor, which is very suitable for the restoration of His Royal Highness. Originally, I only need to bring my Highness to the Temple of Ice, to the vast resources and foundation of the Ice Temple. How long will it take? The temple can be restored to its original state. But now, the ice temple is robbed, so that I will not dare to bring my Highness back to the Ice Temple, but I have to remain invisible and dare not reveal our identity."

"There are not enough Shenjing and Tiandi treasures, and there is no shelter from the huge forces, and we must always conceal our identity to prevent the traces of our Highness from being fogged and south-breaking. Under such circumstances, my Highness must be It’s really hard to get back to heaven.

The look of the water rhyme blue is a bit stunned. In the cold tone, there is also a bitter bitterness. "And this time I entered the Bohai Jingu Shrine and did not come here for the inheritance. The main purpose is to get some cultivation resources. To help restore the strength of the Highness, therefore, I have not hesitated to assist him after seeing someone being recognized by Tai Shi Chuan. I just hope that I can get the cultivation resources from the beginnings of the inheritance from his hands, because His Highness, now Really lacking cultivation resources..."

After learning the cause and effect from the water rhyme blue mouth, Jian Chen was silent for a while. He was not surprised by the identity of the second sister, because as early as Tianyuan mainland, he learned that the second sister was a great man reincarnation. However, he did not care about this. When he was young, the care and love that his second sister had imposed on him had already been engraved in his heart. Therefore, in his heart, no matter who his second sister’s true identity is, he will never move. The position of the second sister in his heart.

However, he did not expect that the second sister was so difficult in the Holy Land, which made his heart feel sour and sorrow, it is not a taste.

"South is broken and foggy, what is it now?" Jian Chen's eyes were slightly cold, and he asked.

He once heard of Nan Tantian from the mouth of the fairy in the moon, and also knows the repair of Nan Tantian from the mouth of the fairy in the moon, but it is already hundreds of thousands of years ago.

"Southern broken days mixed with the peaks of the peaks, it is said that he is only one step away from the beginning of the world. As for the fog, it is in the boundless, with the talent of fog, for so long, I am afraid Reaching the peak of the infinite state, and even has broken through to the mixed environment." Shui Yun blue said quietly. Among the four major guards, she was not only the most talented person, but also the strongest person. She only stayed for more than three million years in Tianyuan, thus delaying her advancement.

"Ice God is one of the seven great respects. Is it possible to control the Ice Temple so easily by simply breaking the sky and the fog?" Jian Chen asked with suspicion. Too respect, that is the strongest person who truly reaches the peak of the beginning of the world. It is the true heaven and earth supreme, just like the existence of heaven. Even if you look at the whole sacred world, there are only a few digits. It is so easy to be mixed. The Yuanjing and the Promise are forced to fall into the passive?

"There is also the ice temple, presumably also an artifact of a low grade? Is there no artifact in the artifact?" asked the sword dust.

There is a hint of cold in the blue eyes of the water, cold channel: "You said it is good, the ice temple is not only a name of the power, it is also a top artifact carefully crafted by the ice god, than this sea **** The palaces are even more powerful. As long as they are in the temple of ice, the power of the temple can be controlled by the spirit of the temple, and the south and the cold can be easily destroyed. In fact, the temple of ice is really framed, which explains what ? Explain that behind the South and the fog, there are still others."

The tone of the water rhyme blue has become extremely heavy, saying: "And, this person's strength is still very strong, with the means to suppress the spirit of the temple, the reason why the South and the fog are afraid to betray the ice god, also very It may be that this person is behind the back."

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