Chaotic Sword God

: The second thousand one hundred and fifty eight master sister

Although Jian Chen lost a sacred god, but after his fusion of the sacred gods and the six reincarnated sects, everything he experienced was completely and completely fed back into his body, making him clear and memorable. All kinds of experience.

The six reincarnated celestial sects dissipated between the heavens and the earth, and one heart was suspended in the sky in perfect condition. The momentum that filled her like a mountain torrent had already converged, and she was exuded by the whole body at the moment. Xiaguang is still strong, no loss of points, outsiders have not fully sensed her half-point repair.

The power of reincarnation in the Bohai God Palace is also under the purification of Xiaguang in the heart. In the rapid defeat, wherever Xiaguang passes, the power of reincarnation is scattered out of thin air.

In the blink of an eye, there is no longer a reincarnation in the vast Bohai Palace. Not only the ninth floor space, but even the power of the reincarnation in the other eleven layers of space is also purified by this ray of light.

Without the suppression of the power of reincarnation, in the ninth space, more than a hundred sacred gods who have fallen into a coma have also woke up. They lost a lot of spirits and they are extremely weak. They even stand on the ground from weekdays. This effortless action is now very difficult for them.

"What happened, strange, how can I faint?"

They just woke up, all of them were filled with confusion, and it seems that they have not remembered what happened before.

Jian Chen also opened his eyes, shook a little stunned head, and slowly stood up from the ground, his eyes swept away, only to see Shangguan Muer, Ming Dong, Oledona, Shui Yun Lan, Rui Di and the night, and so on, are also waking up from the coma, and are struggling to stand up from the ground.

"You are all right." Jian Chen resisted the powerlessness that came from all over the body. He walked over and walked hard and asked with concern.

Like all the surviving gods around him, Jian Chen also lost a lot of spirits. At this moment, the situation is extremely weak. The six reincarnations of Xianzun did not return the spirits that he had withdrawn.

However, Jian Chen knew in his heart that the reason why the six reincarnations of Xianzun did not return to him from his own body was just that he did not want him to be different from others. Otherwise, everyone here is drawn away from the spirit of the gods, the state is weak, and only he is intact, it will naturally cause the attention and doubt of the top strong.

This will bring him a lot of unnecessary troubles, even revealing his identity.

But even so, Jian Chen’s heart is also seven and eight, nervous, and the woman who is suspended in the sky, how strong the strength is, he knows well, in front of such a top-ranking strong, he has no The full grasp of whether you can hide your own secrets, once the existence of Ziqing Sword Spirit is exposed, the consequences are really unimaginable.

"Good insurance, this time is really a good risk. This time we almost died here. The existence of that power can isolate all means of communication and let me have no chance to ask for help from the Eighth Division." "Ming Dong looked sullen and stood up from the ground, and said with a look of fear."


At this moment, a cold scream came suddenly. Until then, except for Jian Chen, all the people gathered here noticed the superb women who were suspended in the sky and bathed in a dazzling light.

At this moment, she is like a round of the sun, the whole body of the sky is full of heaven and earth, turning the original dark sea **** shrine into a white.

No one can see her face, only to see a fascinating world.

At this moment, one heart is floating in the high heaven, and there is nothing in sight for the dynasty gods around him. Just staring at Mingdong with a sharp eye, cold voice: "The gods are hurt, the vitality is broken, if there is no help from God, I am afraid You can't live now. Just one trip to the sea palace, you almost lost your life, you will really give Peterson a long face."

Under the gaze of one heart, Ming Dong suddenly felt that he had a pain like a needle, but he did not fear, and looked up at one heart and said: "Who are you? We are What about the things in Shengtian Palace, what are you doing with you?"

When Mingdong spoke, the five gods standing behind him, but at the moment, they were devoted and respected, and they sang together: "The subordinates see the Great Hall!"

"The Great Hall?"

I heard the voices of the five great gods, and the sound of the singer’s look, even the all-in-one gods gathered here, the look is also a stunned, full-faced shock.

Under the hall of the Bisheng Temple, they are as good as they are. This is a top-ranking strongman standing at the top of the pyramid, and a horror who is overwhelmed by the ancestors of the top forces of the Holy Land. At the same time, it is because of her existence that Bi Shengtian Palace still stands in the sacred world when it is lost.

At this moment, in the eyes of many generations of gods, only the legendary figures who lived in the legends appeared in front of them, and all of them made them feel excited.

"The younger generation sees the Great Hall..."

In addition to Mingdong, everyone gathered here has bowed and bowed, respectful, and even Oliver and Shuiyunlan are bent over.

In order not to stand out, Jian Chen also learned the touch of the crowd and bowed to the heart of the bathing in the glow.

"You are a master sister?" Ming Dong's staring at one heart, said with amazement. In fact, he has never seen his own mysterious master sister.

However, the master sister of Mingdong fell into the ears of these sacred gods, and suddenly it was like a blue sky. It was shocked that all of them were stunned in their heads, and they were shocked by the sound of the master. Not too light.

They all saw from the scene that Mingdong was protected by the Five Great Gods that Mingdong had a relationship with the Bisheng Tiangong, but the specific relationship was unknown.

However, all of them could not imagine that the relationship between Mingdong and the Bisheng Tiangong was so shocking that they directly called the master of the Shengsheng Temple.

What is the meaning of this, everyone's heart is clear, which makes them feel scared and frightened one by one, and then look at the eyes of Mingdong one by one, all have undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Do you still have a face called my master sister? The face of our Shengtian Temple, as well as the face of the master, let you give it away. I really don't know how the Eight Masters have been yours these years." Tao, seems to be extremely dissatisfied with the performance of Ming Dong, full of blame, quite a bit of guilty. As soon as the words were finished, her figure dissipated in a vacuum. For the four generations of gods from all major forces, it was directly apparent that there was nothing, as if in her eyes, only Mingdong could be seen.

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