Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2176: Over the ages

The force of the blood of this ancient Sirius, when it touched the array on Shimen, immediately merged into it.

At the same time, the Taizun array, which was placed on Shimen, suddenly burst into a blazing light. At this moment, the huge energy hidden in the array seems to be awakened from sleep, and the energy is stirring, making the whole The meteorites are trembled fiercely, emitting a terrible breath that destroys the earth.

"Whoever makes you messy." The face of the old man who had not gone far changed suddenly. He turned back to the sword dust and Kay, and looked down at the quaint stone door with an undisguised fear. Immediately, a flash of body came to the front of Jian Chen and Kay, grabbed one's shoulder in one hand, and prepared to leave the two with the fastest speed.

But in the next moment, the action of the old man was one of those, and the old face showed a strange color, and immediately stared at the stone door.

I saw the Taizun array, which was placed on the stone gate, and slowly began to recede on both sides under the energy fluctuations that caused the sky.

In a moment, the stalwart method on the stone gate that made the old man feared, completely disappeared. Only a drop of red blood was suspended.

"What is going on?" This change made the old man stunned. Her eyes looked at the blood deeply and said: "This drop of blood, where are you from?"

"This is the blood of the ancient Sirius. It was the lucky ship that I was with my predecessors." Jian Chen said that he already knows that the old man is not an evil person with a bad heart, so he The old man is also a little more trust.

"It was the blood of the ancient Sirius." The old man gave a sigh of exclamation. She looked at the quaint stone door filled with the temperament of the years. She said to herself: "The place is here, it is the ancient times." Sirius stays. Or, is this the place where the ancient Sirius sit?"

"Predecessors, ancient Sirius is too respectable in all ages?" The dusty face of Jian Chen’s face is too respectable, as the name suggests, it is naturally a sacred appearance in history, not a person in the world.

Regarding the secret of this level of Taizun, the old man obviously knows a lot. He said leisurely: "Yes, the ancient Sirius is indeed a respectable person in history. The age of his existence, before the Seven Great Masters, is a ratio of seven. Big Taizun is an earlier era."

"From the moment of the formation of the sacred world, until now, I am afraid that besides being a top-ranking strongman, I am afraid that no one knows how long it has existed, and in this endless long period of time. It has been divided into a number of different eras, and it has been difficult to say clearly how many times it has gone through. But as far as I know, before the era of the Seven Great Respects, it was the era of the ancient Sirius. Since the demise of the ancient times of the ancient Titans, the era of the seven great sacred sacred priests has been ushered in.

"In this way, the sacred world has been born so much in this long period of time." Jian Chen sighed with a look.

"That is nature. The sacred world has already experienced many times. I don’t know how many times. Every time has a singular appearance." The old man’s gaze reveals the color of remembrance, muttering: "A lot of years ago, I followed the teacher. I was fortunate to have seen the hall of the Bi Sheng Tian Gong. I remember that at the time, the hall of the Bi Sheng Tian Gong said a word to my teacher. She said that although the sacred world has experienced different times, no matter which era, the same big world. In the middle, the number of Taizun will not exceed ten."

Speaking of this, the old man laughed and said: "The world has said that once you step into the realm, you will break the shackles of life and live with the heavens and the earth, and you will never die. But in fact, no one can truly be immortal, even if it is immortal, even if It is the ultimate in the law, the incarnation of the heavens, the sacredness of the heavens, and the same will fall."

"For example, in the battle of three million years ago, the seven great sacred sacred people of the sacred world are still not dead, wounded, and even my first ancestor is too embarrassed to suffer from the same. Respecting these levels of heaven and earth supreme, can not truly live with the world, not to mention those who are too respected..."

"What is immortal, what is the same life with the heavens and the earth, in my opinion, this is simply a joke..." After the passage, the old manlikely laughed wildly and seemed to have seen the true meaning of life and death.

He is also alive, why not die!

At this time, Jian Chen has stood in front of the quaint stone door, slowly pushing away the heavy stone door.

Suddenly, a thick and pure desolation breathped in front of him, containing a force of resurgence originating from the Heaven and Earth Avenue. Jian Chen was among the first, and the first one was smashed by this rhythm, which made him feel Severe shock.

Under the scour of this breath, he instantly had the illusion of being integrated into the heavens and the earth. He closed his eyes. He seemed to clearly see the three thousand avenues that were intertwined into a large net. They could interact with the three thousand avenues and grasp them with their hands. It seems that these rules can be firmly grasped in the hands, and there is a feeling of control.

And the old man, it is also a big shock, the look is full of surprise colors, it is difficult to control the exclamation: "This... is this the legendary avenue origin?" The look of the old man is extremely complicated. Color, unlike the sword dust, she knows very well how precious the original source of the avenue is, and how rare it is. This is the most powerful person who has to earn a head and break the blood.

The old man immediately closed his eyes and began to do his best to understand and absorb the original atmosphere of this avenue.

At the same time, Kea couldn't help but close her eyes and began to absorb the scent of the avenue that was vented from Shimen.

At this moment, even Kay himself did not notice that in her deep sea of ​​consciousness, there was a black hole quietly. When the scent of the avenue entered the body, it poured into the black hole and disappeared. There is no trace of it.

Since the appearance of this black hole, more than five floors have been absorbed by Keya from the avenues of Shimen. The sword dust and the old man, under the combined force of the two, the origin of the avenue is far less than that of Kay. .

"The main source of the avenue is actually the source of the avenue, Qingsuo, and wake up quickly..." In the dust of the sword, the purple-green sword spirit that had been silent for a long time was also alarmed.

"It is really the source of the avenue. This is too much to sit down. The product left after the soul returns to heaven and earth is one of the most precious things between heaven and earth. It is purple, and it is quickly robbed..."

Immediately, Ziqing Jianling also acted. They were hidden in the body of Jian Chen. The two swords became yin and yang, and they swung in the form of yin and yang fish. With the rotation, there was an invisible The suction came out and began to absorb the source of the road.

With the addition of Ziqing Sword Spirit, the number of avenues flowing into the body of Jian Chen has doubled. Under the joint force of Ziqing Sword, the power of the boulevard that has poured into his body has reached three and a half. Keya is One person has five layers. As for the last old man, he only absorbed one and a half of them.

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