Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2225: The power of fusion chaos (2)

Finally, when he had half of the territory in this vast ocean, the sword dust in this strange state suddenly became a spurt, and countless memories rushed in, which instantly restored his consciousness. Everything started.

"This is the real power of chaos!" Jian Chen instantly realized that this is what Wang Yang is. It is clearly the true chaotic force that remains in his own gods and almost makes himself die.

"It was Mo Tianyun's predecessor who saved me." After the recovery of consciousness, Jian Chen immediately sensed the changes of the outside world. He also felt that there is an extremely powerful force of the Yuanshen, which is constantly injecting himself from Mo Tianyun. Among the gods. It is with the injection of this power that it will make its own gods have the power to compete with the power of chaos.

At the same time, Jian Chen also felt his other half god.

The other half of the gods, most of them are occupied by evil forces, and there is also a real power of chaos.

It’s just that his control of the other half of the gods seems to be less powerful.

That feeling, as if he was gradually losing control of the other half of the god.

Only now, the crisis of Jian Chen has not been solved. He has no extra mind to pay attention to the situation of his other half of the gods. He immediately converged his mind and fully responded to the chaos of his own god.

"In my god, I have already integrated a small part of the power of chaos?" Until this time, Jian Chen discovered that his own god, it has become different from the past, there is a small force of chaos, even The incredible integration with his gods makes his current god, although still weak, but in strength and level, it is a lot higher than before.

If the former Yuanshen is likened to a meteorite, then the Yuanshen, which is integrated into the power of chaos, becomes a piece of steel, which in essence produces a qualitative leap.

This discovery makes the sword dust both pleasant and unexpected, mixed with it, and there are some concerns. He does not know whether the Yuanshen will be able to leave behind the chaos, and will leave any sequelae and hidden dangers, but the enhancement of his gods is truly sensible.

"No matter what, anyway, I have no choice now. Since the power of my **** has already been integrated into a part of the real power of chaos, then simply let the rest of the chaos force and refining it together." Jian Chen secretly thought of it, and immediately began to forcefully merge with another part of the power of chaos.

In the process of fusion, the power of the spirit of Jian Chen is very fast. If it is his own ability, he is absolutely impossible to achieve this step, because he does not have such a powerful god.

Fortunately, beside him, with the help of Mo Tianyun, Mo Tianyun controlled the power of the gods of the Taihe and the Holy Spirit to instill into the sword dust gods, providing sufficient for the sword dust. The support force, this makes Jian Chen able to do this.

"Unbelievable, it is incredible, his god, has been merged with the power of chaos, this is really incredible." Black robe Mo Tianyun eyes staring at Jian Chen for a moment, this time, at the moment, The things in Jian Chen’s body made him feel stunned.

"The **** of the Yuan is the most fragile thing. Once it is contaminated with the power of chaos, it is absolutely a life of death. Even if it is a lucky one, it will surely pay a big price that is unimaginable. As for the integration with the power of chaos, it is a nonsense. Because even if it is too respectful, it is impossible to do it.

But now, Jian Chen has done it.

"This son is really different. It seems that Ziqing Jianling chose him, and there is no reason." Mo Tianyun looked deeply at the closed sword dust, and his heart was dark.

After the restoration of consciousness, the war between the sword dust and the power of chaos has changed from the initial vulnerability to the gradual prevailing, and the remaining chaos that remains in his **** is constantly being His **** is engulfing, refining, and merging, and his **** is changing little by little in an unknown direction.

"The power of the gods injected from the outside is not very pure. There are some impurities mixed in it. If you don't want to solve it, let these impurities be integrated into my god, it is not a piece for me. Good things." Jian Chen thought of a move, he suddenly thought of the other half of his **** who was occupied by evil forces, when the power of these not so pure Yuanshen was separated, let the other half of the gods absorb.

Anyway, his other half **** has been polluted by evil forces. It doesn't matter if he is polluted again. In short, he will never allow his semi-pure meta-god, leaving a hidden danger.

Time is quietly passing, and I don’t know how long it has been. Jianfeng’s closed eyes have finally opened.

His two eyes, one is only blood red, sparkling with a fairy red, an evil force is brewing, and the other eye is a normal color.

"More predecessors are saved!" Jian Chen stood up in the void and bowed to Mo Tianyun, but the next moment, his body could not stop, and his face turned pale.

He realized now that although he had escaped, the Yuanshen did not fly away, but his flesh was seriously injured. Under this movement, he was hurt by his body. The pain of the heart.

Although his body was cured by Mo Tianyun, it only stabilized the injury and was far from recovering.

The black robe Mo Tianyun stared at Jian Chen without looking at his eyes. He seemed to be able to pierce the emptiness of the eyes. It seemed to have seen the inside and outside of the sword dust inside and outside. He said: "What is your **** now? God has been split into two halves, and it should have fallen, but you can still be like a okay person. Such a scene, I have never seen it in this life, I have never heard of it."

Jian Chen shook his head and said: "I don't know what is going on. It's not something I can control. Just now, my control over the other half of the gods has become weaker and weaker."

Mo Tianyun nodded and stared at Jian Chen. After a moment of indulging, he began to say: "I have some achievements in the study of the gods. What happened to you is beyond me. Understand the scope, therefore, I can't help you. But your other half of the god, has been seriously polluted, you have to give up, or use that one **** to refine a avatar."

"It's just that your control over the other half of the gods is getting weaker and weaker. This is not a good thing. You have to find a solution."

"The younger generation understands." Jian Chen clenched his fist, his eyes glanced at the white robe Mo Tianyun and the black robe Mo Tianyun, revealing the strange color.

Because he suddenly discovered that whether it was white robes Mo Tianyun or black robes Mo Tianyun, he could vaguely feel their strength. He did not know the realm of Mo Tianyun’s deity and avatar strength. I can only feel that whether it is Mo Tianyun's deity or avatar, in his own eyes is a mountain-like existence, powerful enough to be invincible.

Among them, especially the deity of Mo Tianyun, his power is even more frightening to Jian Chen.

"I didn't expect my **** to have more of such a power after the power of chaos. But I can feel that the change of my **** is not only this, but also spends more time researching. "Sword dust in the heart of the dark road, stealing joy, with such ability, then in the future, no one can hide in front of him?

Suddenly, the void in the distance cracked open, and there was a huge space crack. There was a middle-aged man wearing a cyan gown near the crack in the space.

"Qingpeng Wang!" As soon as he saw the man in the green shirt, the face of Jian Chen was changed.

Once, he only felt the power from the breath of Qingpeng Wang. As for the strength of Qingpeng Wang, he was completely ignorant, but now he can clearly feel the Qingpeng Wang. Strength, although I don't know that Qingpeng Wang is in a few days, but the strength of Qingpeng Wang also surprised him.

PS: The second chapter is completed.

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