Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2263: Wang Tianfeng

Suddenly, the silence of the audience was silent, and everyone was shocked by this incredible scene.

What did they see? A bright sage of only one color Yuan Dan, when he first played, he took a slap in the face of a two-color Yuan Guangming sage who was better than him.

This incredible scene, if it is really happening in front of it, fear that even they can not believe it.

If it is a bright sacred teacher of the one-color Yuan Dan, who defeated a bright sage of two-color Yuan Dan, they would not be so shocked. The key is the two colors that seem to fully occupy the advantage. Guangliang Shengshi was actually slap in the face of his opponent who was weaker than his opponent.

This is really ridiculous!

Under the stage, the original white jade, which was originally fearful, was completely sluggish at the moment. Her eyes stared at the platform, and her body was covered with a layer of holy light, revealing a look like she did not know Jian Chen.

The Wencheng and others who fell into the snow peaks were also screaming at the mouth, and looked incredulously at the flames of a slap in the air. The whole person was paralyzed.

In a dull sound, the whole person was evenly drawn by the sword dust for more than 20 meters. The squatting fell on the wide platform, and the half of the face was beaten with flesh and blood, and all the teeth were broken.

Even Yan Yan stood up from the ground with his cheeks, and he looked at the sword dust with ecstasy, and the whole person was stunned.

But immediately, his eyes became red, burning with raging anger, staring at Jian Chen with a look of boundless hatred, and making a hysterical scream to kill Jian Chen.

At this moment, even Yan Yan almost lost his senses and became extremely crazy. He thought that his two-color Yuan Dan’s cultivation was actually taken by a sword dust that was only one color Yuan Dan’s repair. Slap in the face, this is a big blow to his heart.

In the face of the mad frenzied counterattack, Jian Chen calmly responded, and the light of the gods was released from his hands. Although the power of these bright magical techniques was only at the level of one color, Dan, every light magic was cast from his hands. When they come out, they all become alive and changeable. His use of the light of the gods, falling in the eyes of these bright sages watching around the ring, is really fascinating, attracting countless people around the ring to marvel.

These bright magical techniques are naturally obtained from Han Xin.

At the beginning, when he first met Han Xin with Bai Yu and Zhuo Feng, Han Xin gave them three books about Guang Sheng Sheng Li.

These books contain not only the practice, but also some of the most basic light magic.

With the current realm of Jian Chen and the powerful Yuanshen, those bright magical techniques have been mastered with only one sweep, so it is not only easy to change, but also ever-changing.

He sneaked away from the flames of the flames with the sacred wings of the Light, and found the right opportunity, and it was a slap in the face of Yan Yan.

I only heard a crisp sound of "啪", and even the flame was once again fanned out by the sword dust.

In the air, Yan Yan felt the burning pain from the face, and the heart was very angry. He was in the eyes of the public, and he was beaten by Jian Chen, which made his lungs blow up.

This is not only a shame for him, but also a shameful shame that is difficult to wash.

"Changyang, you remember to me, I will let you regret, today's business, he will be able to come back thousands of times." Lian Yan used a vague tone to make a hysterical roar.

However, waiting for him, it is a dazzling and dazzling sword of the Holy Light. In the case of the flames of losing flames, it brings a touch of snow and white light and rushes into the power. The bear of the flame, then the body of this flame, the remaining momentum is not reduced, continue to fly to the distance, passed a small square, and finally inserted in a towering tree on the square, will be nailed to the flame In the high altitude of 100 meters off the ground.

"Ah-!" Even Yan Yan couldn't make a scream, and his voice was so fierce that he instantly alerted everyone in Tianfeng Square.

The bright sacred priests who watched the battles around Fujian and Taiwan, after seeing the horrors of the flames, did not take a breath of cold, and the eyes that looked at Jian Chen had undergone tremendous changes.

The white jade, even more shocking, can't speak, a pair of beautiful big eyes have already been stunned, and the heart has set off a storm.

This flame, but even a powerful role she could not play, but at this moment, in her eyes, the strength is far less than her own sword dust, even the one-color Yuan Dan's repair as a flame without a fight, This has caused a very strong impact on her mind.

At the forefront of Wangtianfeng Square, on a tens of meters high platform, several deacons in black are standing facelessly, and the cold eyes sweep toward the entire square to maintain the continuity.

"Go to a person and tell the story of what happened on the third ring!" At this moment, a black-faced deacon who looks like a leader said with a blank expression.

"Is it necessary to disturb the peak of the two lower-level disciples?"

"Yes, it is very necessary. You will quickly report to the peak. In addition, the images recorded on the 3rd stage will also be taken over to let the peak watch."

"Understand!" A black-faced deacon immediately swept away toward the peak of Wang Tianfeng.


At the top of the peak of Wangtianfeng, inside a palace completely carved from white jade, three men dressed in white robes symbolizing the jihadist celestial being are sitting at a jade table and talking.

One of the three men has been over forty years old. He is a middle-aged man with a face full of only those who have experienced the test of wind, frost and snow before he can stay fortitude, but his hair. It has become a white, very casual draped over the shoulders.

This white-haired middle-aged man is the peak of Wang Tianfeng!

The remaining two men seem to be relatively young, but in their twenties, they are all extraordinary, and they are full of self-confidence, even if they are facing Wang Tianfeng, one of the ninety-nine main peaks of the Temple of Light. Peak owners, they are also talking and laughing, calm and calm.

At this moment, a black deacon came in and paid a respectful respect to the Lord of the Peak. He handed over a spar and said: "The plaintaker, this is just On the 3rd stage of the fight image, Bai Guan deliberately asked me to send you." Immediately, this black deacon simply told the story on the third ring.

"One color Yuan Dan Xiu's disciple defeated the disciples of the two-color Yuan Danwei. Although such an example did not happen on our Wangtian Peak, it was not too surprising news." Hearing the black clothes The simple story of the deacon, Wang Tianfeng peak smiled, not too care.

However, he took over the spar that recorded the battle image of the No. 3 ring, and watched it at random.

But soon, the look of the peak of the peak of the peak, from the initial carelessness, gradually became serious, and in the end, it became more solemn.

"Only one color Yuan Dan Xiuwei, can control the light of the Holy Power to reach such a level, it is really amazing, who is this person?" Wang Tianfeng asked.

PS: On August 8th, Xiaoyao prepared a wave of red envelopes for the brothers, totaling one thousand yuan. The thousand yuan red envelope will be announced to everyone in the form of a password. This password is released on the WeChat public account. come out.

Therefore, please also pay attention to the WeChat public number of Xiaoyao: xinxingxiaoyao110.

Or you can directly search for the pen name of "Heart Star Happy", and then you can pay attention to it. At 8:00 pm on August 8th, Xiaoyao will push the message to everyone through the public number to announce the red envelope password.

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First, open the address book on the WeChat page and you will see a blue menu labeled "Public Number" at the top.

Click in, then search for the plus sign in the upper right corner of the phone screen, enter the pen name in the search box and you will find it.

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