Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2244: One palm

In the middle of the Tianshi, the imposing palace over the sky, in the side of the big demon statue, two old people appeared quietly.

The three of them are the foundation of the Tian’s eternal dynasty, the spiritual pillar of the Tian’s eternal dynasty, and the reliance of Tian’s only eternal dynasty in Yunzhou.

It’s just that the two old men, the strength is better than the one-of-a-kind demon, but they are weaker, staying in the beginning of the day and the double heaven.

"Amazing magic, where is this person strong?"

"Is it.... Is it... is it the elder of the Demon sage?"

The two old men of the Tianshi dynasty, looking at the sky with their eyes, were shocked and looked very dignified.

In the face of this horrible magic, Rao is based on their horror cultivation in Yunzhou, which is considered to be the peak of the horror.

"The elders of the celestial sacred religion?" The sorcerer whispered in a low voice, and immediately sneered: "He finally appeared, the deity has been waiting for him for a long time. Today, the deity wants to see the murder of the sky." The star owner, the elder who dared to fight with the elders of the Protoss, was so powerful in the rumors, hey, I hope he will not let the dear disappoint."

Hearing this statement, the other two great Taishi strongmen of the Tianshi dynasty must have a certain heart. One of them said solemnly: "No god, the elders of the celestial sacred religion will rely on you to resist."

At the same time, a horrible momentum emerged from him, only around his body, and there was also a sigh of sorrow, sneer: "I will go to the meeting." The elders of the celestial sacred religion, you pay attention to vigilance, and the group of people who guard against Tongtianfeng will choose to attack at this time."

As soon as the voice fell, the Heavenly Demon Respect was rolled up with the magic of the sky, and with the shocking weather, it rushed to the sky, and headed for the huge magic cloud that enveloped the whole of Yunzhou.

At this moment, the power of the Great Devils, which belongs to the four heavens of Taishijing, really shows up, the energy fluctuations around his body, the surrounding voids are cracked, and the momentum radiated from him. The strong, the ground below, is constantly sinking.

The Tianshi dynasty had already opened the guardianship method in the first time, and a powerful array of methods rose up and shrouded the territory of the entire Tianshi dynasty.

In this array, there is a second array of methods, and the third array of methods exists at the same time.

The second method of the ruins enveloped the huge imperial city of the Tianshi dynasty, which was a million miles long. The third method was to cover the palace of the Tianshi Dynasty.

The three-way method is stronger than one, and each method is arranged by the Taishiqiang of the Tianshi Dynasty. The defense is extremely amazing.

"There is no big demon to fight with the elders of the gods and gods..."

In the northern part of Yunzhou, outside the family of the gods, all the strong people gathered here are suspended in the sky that has become dark and inky, and the eyes are in the direction of the middle field.

They are all Gai Shiqiang in Yunzhou, even if the North is far from the Central, but with their strong knowledge, they can easily cover the Imperial Palace of the Tian Dynasty.

Also in the northern region of Mingdong, at this moment, under the protection of Uncle, suspended in the sky, a look of dignified look in the direction of the middle.

On the side of the east side of the Ming Dynasty, the empress of the emperor of the Xi’s dynasty, and the emperor’s emperor, Xi Haoxuan and Xi Haoming, their faces are somewhat whitish, and the three of them look at the huge cloud of clouds that cover the sky, from the bottom of their hearts. There is a sense of trepidation in the depths.

Suddenly, the huge cloud of clouds that covered the entire sky began to violently tumbling. I saw a huge palm that was completely condensed by the magical power, and violently stretched out from the magic cloud, with a ruin. The horror of the demise is pushed down.

This palm is really huge, full of a million miles, looks like a small continent, and covers the entire dynasty of the Tianshi Dynasty.

The Heavenly Demon Lord is the first to take a terrible blow with the horror of the four heavens that is in the beginning, and collide with this palm.

Suddenly, the void collapsed, the sky was broken, and the whole world was like being divided. This collision, the power of horror and astonishing, made the entire mid-area continent violently trembled, a terrible earthquake, the tsunami hit the sky, the mainland Shifting, countless mountains and rivers are broken.

The Taishiqiang strong attack, the power is not the same, if the Tianshi dynasty has a guardianship, fear that the entire dynasty will be razed to the ground under the energy after the blow.

However, this is a powerful blow to the four heavens of Taishijing. Instead of smashing the palm of this hand, which is condensed by the magical power, the palm of the hand is not lost, but all the way from the sky. It’s unstoppable.

And no big demon statue, is under the palm of this hand, when the palm of the hand fell, his body was actually pressed down toward the ground.

"Not good!" The two other great Taishi strongmen who watched the battle underneath the Tianshi dynasty saw this scene. They all fell in their hearts and immediately flew out. They joined forces with the Great Devils to fight this huge magic. palm.

But even if the three of them joined forces, it was impossible to stop the speed of the palms falling. In the end, in a boring screaming day, this magical palm all the way suppressed the three great powers of the great demon statue, and smashed again and again. The three-line method of guarding the Tianshi dynasty was like a broken bamboo in the Imperial City of the Tianshi Dynasty.

Suddenly, the entire five major domains of Yunzhou, there was a violent earthquake at this moment. Yunzhou, which was originally floating in the void, began to flutter with the fall of this palm.

This power of the palm of the hand, even Yunzhou moved in the void.

In the middle domain, the imposing Imperial City of Tianshi Dynasty has disappeared, and together with the disappearance, there is the golden glory of the Tianshi Dynasty. It is like the palace of Qionglou Yuyu. The entire land of the Imperial City is deeply Replaced with a huge palm print at the bottom.

Many of the creatures who lived in the Imperial City, together with the many powerful people who belonged to the Tianshi Dynasty, were also under this palm, and they were all ashamed.

Under the attack of this palm, the only ones that can survive are the three great Taishou strongmen, such as the Heavenly Devil, and the other two are trapped in a temple. The temple is destroyed and they are A weak life without any harm.

The Big Three Devils are the ones who are too strong in the beginning. They are all pressed by the palm prints in the depths of the ground. All three are pale and have blood on their lips. Obviously they have been injured.

The other two weak creatures who have not suffered the slightest harm are naturally Xiaojin and Xiaoling who are honored by the Heavenly Devil!

At this moment, both Xiao Jin and Xiao Ling are suspended in the void in a magical package. At the feet of both of them, it is not the earth, but the abyss that is hit by a palm.

And the location where they are now is already below the horizon.

In the golden coat of Xiaojin, under the magical package, he looked around with great shock and his face was full of horror.

"This...this...what happened to this?" Looking at the abyss under his feet, Xiaojin was stupid.

And Xiaoling, at the moment, she didn’t think about what happened in her mind. She was keenly aware that a breath that was so familiar and her thoughts drifted away, which made her eyes red and tears free. The control came out, looked helpless and looked at the darkness around, and choked: "Master, master, where are you, Xiaoling knows that you have come, where are you? Xiaoling is so scared, you don't throw Under the little spirit..."

Xiaoling is like a child who has been wronged. He cried so much, crying very sadly, mixed with it, and there is a deep miss that can't be concealed.

"Little spirit, don't be afraid, the master will pick you up. From now on, no one can bully you any more." At this moment, a gentle voice came over and I saw it in front of Xiaoling. A middle-aged man in a black robe emerged silently.

No one knows when he appeared here, as if he had been standing here all the time, blending with the vast magic around him, no one can find his trace.

And he looked at Xiaoling's gaze, and there was a deep love of love. It was like a father who looked at his daughter, and there was a bit of faint heartache.

Seeing this middle-aged man, Xiaoling cried even more fiercely. She suddenly screamed in the middle-aged man’s arms and burst into tears. It seemed to be all the grievances and thoughts that had accumulated in her heart for years. All vented.

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