Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2251: Meet the Moon Lake

"Help me to win the Son? Who is this? Great tone!" Looking at the green leaf in his hand, the small word composed entirely of the texture of the leaves, the east breeze brows slightly wrinkled.

This is just a very common leaf. It is not difficult to change the lines on the leaves. Therefore, it is impossible to judge the strength of each other through the leaves in the east.

The next moment, the knowledge of the snow in the east immediately sprang up and spread away in all directions, trying to find out who passed the message to her through this leaf.

What only disappointed her was that she did not discover anything until her gods reached the limit.

"Since this person has the confidence to help me capture the position of the Son, it means that he is certainly not a general. It is strange that he does not directly find me, in front of me to explain to me, but to use this Kind of way to inform me to go to Yingyue Lake?" East Lin Yuxue looked at the leaves and calmly meditated, and my heart gradually became confused: "Is it still swindling? I deliberately led to Yingyue Lake, making it unfavorable to me." thing?"

Thought of this, in the eyes of the snow in the east, suddenly flashed a trace of cold. Although she is a woman, she is definitely not a weak person.

But immediately, the snow fluttered in the east, she was the nine-star genius of the Temple of Light, and it was one of the five sacred sons who were about to make the choice of the Son. Who would dare in this bright temple? What is wrong with her?

"Full moon night, Yingyue Lake, I will go see this mysterious character tonight, I hope he will not let me down." East Snow whispered softly. The position of the Son, for her, also has a huge temptation to resist, as long as there is even a chance to make her a Son, she will never give up.

As night falls, the moon rises into the sky. In the tens of thousands of miles away from the Wanhua Peak, there is a huge lake that is surrounded by eight mountain peaks. When the bright moonlight in the sky falls down, this huge lake is suddenly It became shimmering and looked into the lake. It was covered with a thick moonlight and beautiful scenery, just like a fairyland.

This lake, the Yingyue Lake, is one of the most famous places in the Guangming Temple.

At the moment, on the shore of Yingyue Lake, wearing a white robes symbolizing the bright sacred priest, sitting on a huge bluestone calmly, he looked up slightly and looked at the huge round moon in the sky. A burst of God.

"So many years have passed, I don't know how the situation of the fairy is going. Her enemies are breaking through the sky, but there is a Yan Zun in the back, but this is really too much to do with one of the Seven Great Masters of the Holy World. The strong man of the world, I hope that the fairy will not act recklessly."

Looking at the bright and bright moon in the sky, Jian Chen’s mind couldn’t help but think of the fairy goddess who had parted for many days, and his heart was filled with a little bit of worry.

Just then, a soft white light crossed the night sky and landed slowly on the edge of Lake Mt.

Immediately, the white light was exhausted, revealing a stunning woman wearing a long white dress and a sacred atmosphere.

This person is the east of the snow!

In the east, Yu Xuebaiyi wins snow. Her feet are not touched, and she stands in an inch high position from the ground. Her eyes are around and she finally falls on the sword dust that is far away from her.

At this time, Jian Chen also took back the look of the moon, and turned to look eastward to the snow, **** gently clip, immediately there is a leaf falling down, unfortunately fell on him Between the two fingers, the east of the road is a few miles away.

In the east, the snow-capped phoenix condensed, and could not help but look at the fan-dust, and then walk slowly, almost approaching the sword dust in a way that flies in the ground, and finally flutters on the bluestone where the sword dust sits. The feet are not touched, and the sword dust is separated by a foot.

"I thought that the newsletter let me come here, at least it is also a bright god, even an elder of a temple, or a master sent by some big family forces outside. But never thought of each other. It turned out to be a bright sage of the one-color Yuan Dan. "The east is smashing the snow and staring at Jian Chen. In the beautiful, there is disappointment that can't be concealed.

Jian Chen smiled carelessly and said: "You don't care what kind of cultivation I am, because it doesn't matter. What's important is that you only need to know, I can give you even the elders of the temple. Even some big family forces outside can't give you anything."

"I know that you don't believe it. I also know that others are much richer than me. I don't have the resources I can match, but these people can make you win the final victory in the upcoming battle of the Son?"

In the east, the eyes of the snow are shining, and a pair of black eyes flashing with strange colors, staring at the sword dust, saying: "I really want to know that a bright sacred teacher of one color Yuan Dan is relying on it. What, you have the confidence to be confident."

Jian Chen revealed an inscrutable smile, and immediately turned his hand, and suddenly there was a group of pure souls emerging.

As soon as the spirit of Pure Spirit appeared, it immediately exuded a pure and awkward soul. It was suddenly the spirit of the sword dust and the spirit of the east snow, just taking a breath, letting two People have the illusion that the gods are growing fast.

"The soul of pure! can you have this kind of thing?" The east side of the snow screamed, facing the soul of marriage, she could no longer remain calm, the peerless beauty of the country It was full of surprise and thick incredible.

Jian Chen took back the soul of Cheng Chun and smiled: "Now, do you believe that I have this ability?"

In the east, Yan Xue took a deep breath and calmed himself down. Her eyes were extremely complicated and stared at Jian Chen. "This pure soul, where did you come from?" The soul of pure spirit, extremely Valuable, even if it is in the East, the identity of the Snow in the Temple of Light, is limited to the oral knowledge through the classics and the elders, and even the true meaning of the soul of the Pure Spirit is not qualified.

However, for the role of the soul of pure spirit, it is clear that the snow in the east is clear. It not only has a great effect on the military, but also is a treasure for the Guangsheng sage. It is extremely precious, even if it is It is also very rare in the Temple of Light, and many elders have never owned it.

And if she has this group of pure soul, then she wants to win the position of the Son, and the grasp will inevitably increase.

"Let's say, what do you want, will you be willing to exchange the soul of pure spirit?" East Lin Yuqiang endured the excitement of his heart.

Jian Chen stood up from the bluestone and said: "Every holy son can pick up nine people to become their future protectors. I only need one of them. Of course, my repair is clear to you."

After listening to this, the eyes of the snow in the east suddenly became strange, and said: "You will not hesitate to offer a pure soul to help me become a saint. The ultimate goal is to become one of my nine enemies?"

Looking east at the snow, the eyes of Jian Chen became weird. She slowly stepped back and stared at Jian Chen with a look of vigilance. She said with a little coldness: "What purpose do you have? But I If you want to explain in advance, if you want to approach me in this way and win my favor, then I advise you to die."

Hearing the words, Jian Chen exposed the extremely wrong color, full of black lines. At this moment, he only felt that he was one big and two big, and there were 10,000 grass mud horses in his heart.

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