Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2280: The death of the fallen snow peak

"In any case, this holy tower, I must go in." Jian Chen secretly decided.

Falling snow peaks, not far from the Feiyun Peak, only three peaks in the middle.

On this day, outside the falling snow peak, three middle-aged men dressed in bright sacred costumes came. They looked with a smile and floated outside the falling snow peak. One of them said: "Zhou Yuan, old friends come. Visiting, I don't know if it is convenient."

These three middle-aged men are the heads of the peaks in the Temple of Light, and the seven-color Yuan Dan is repaired.

If it was in the past, they came to visit the peak of the Xuefeng Peak, and they did not need to report at all. They all climbed directly.

However, nowadays, Zhou Xueyuan, the main peak of the falling snow peak, has become one of the nine scorpions in the east. It is very likely that it will enter the Shengguang Tower in the future. The identity is quite different from that of the past. Therefore, when the three of them came to visit this time, they could not be as casual as they used to be.

The three peaks waited for a moment here, but they did not wait for the reply of Zhou Xueyuan, the main peak of the falling snow peak, but Zhao Mu, the disciple of Xue Xuefeng, voluntarily greeted.

Zhao Mu seems to be a young man who has more than 30 young people. He is calm and calm, and he has a lot of talent. So far, he has been practicing for more than two thousand years, and he has already been a four-color Yuan Dan, and he has been repaired in Sancolor Yuan Dan. Then I realized the law of jihad, and I was regarded as the most proud disciple by the fallen snow peak.

"Zhao Mu sees the three peaks, the three peaks are really not the time, the teacher is not in the snow peak." Zhao Mu looks respectfully clenched.

"What? Zhou Yuan is not in the snow peak? Where did he go?" The three peaks have revealed their strange colors.

Wen Yan, Zhao Mu hesitated, said: "A few days later, is the battle of the Son, the teacher is also preparing for the battle of the Son, has left the Temple of Light, go outside to buy some can enhance the strength The sacristy."

"If that's the case, then we won't bother, let's go!"

It is said that the three major peaks have revealed the color of disappointment, and they have not gone up the snow peak anymore. They turned and left.

After the three of them left, in the distant clouds floating in the air, a figure walked out from the inside quietly. This person seems to be only twenty years old, but his appearance is flat and there is no outstanding point.

He is pretending to grow Yang's sword dust through masks!

"The Lord of the Falling Snow Peak has left the Temple of Light..." The sword dust gaze at the snowy peaks from a long distance. He did not use the gods, but with the powerful perceptive power, it was Zhao Mu and the three. Dafeng’s dialogue is in the ears of income.

"So very good!" Sword dust flashed a stern color in his eyes. The next moment, his figure once again disappeared into the clouds, disappeared, and seemed to have never appeared, no one could find his trace.

Next, the sword dust converges, and does not go to the Foreign Affairs Hall to register, avoiding the eyes and ears of all people, and God unconsciously left the Temple of Light.

With his current cultivation and realm, if he really does not want people to discover, even if the foreign affairs hall has a strong king, the king is still unable to detect his whereabouts. Therefore, he left without anyone knowing.

After leaving the Temple of Light, Jian Chen continued to hide and trace, and went all the way. After being away from the Temple of Light for hundreds of thousands of miles, he disappeared into a jungle and disappeared.

After a while, when he appeared again, he was already in black, and his face changed dramatically. He disguised himself as an unconventional burly man with a height of two meters. The fierce face of the face.

His figure, whoever saw him, could never be associated with the formerly bright sacred sage.

"Although the peak of the falling snow peak has gone out, but the wild state is so big, no one knows where he went. Therefore, I can only wait for him on the way to the light of the temple." Looking at the distance, his eyes are very sharp, and he shoots a powerful and powerful killing.

"This time, you must not let the falling snow peaks live alive and leave the Temple of Light!" Jian Chen’s heart is in the dark, and immediately the two feet are working hard. The law of strength surrounds him. His whole person has become like a string of arrows. Mang, flying at a fast lightning speed against the ground, flew far away and disappeared into the horizon in an instant.

In the end, when it was far enough away from the Temple of Light, the sword dust stopped, and then found a hidden place, carefully converge on his own breath, quietly waiting for the rabbit.

This place is the only way to return to the Temple of Light. No matter where you go, the peak of the snow-capped peaks will pass through here as soon as he returns.

This is the three days of Jian Chen.

Three days later, in the bustling big city closest to the Temple of Light, Zhou Xueyuan, the main peak of the snow-capped peak, appeared in the white robes symbolizing the sacred sage, and walked out with excitement in his look. After transmitting the array, and then did not stop at all, immediately drove the holy light to the sky and rushed toward the headquarters of the Guangming Temple.

"It's a worthwhile trip, it's really worthwhile. This is not a white run. Although I have spent almost all of my savings for so many years, I bought that thing and everything is worth it."

"With that thing in hand, my combat power is not weaker than the seven-color Yuandan mid-term. Although my cultivation is the weakest among the nine, I just use that thing, my strength. I am afraid that it is enough to squeeze into the top three..."

The main character of the falling snow peak is very excited. This time, going out for him, the harvest is really great enough for him to become a little famous in the next battle of the number of sons. Characters are known to all.

This is a great glory for the fallen peaks!

And glory, for him, is a beginning of a better future.

The main peak of the falling snow peak quickly left the city, driving the light in the sky, and the next section of the road, no transmission array available, only slowly flew past.

However, just as the main peak of the falling snow peaks flew over a barren hill, suddenly a black figure skyrocketed from below and directly stopped his way.

"Hello, who are you? Why did you stop my way?" The main body of the falling snow peak stopped, and he frowned and his face was intolerant.

Now he is eager to rush back to the Temple of Light and make final preparations for the next battle of the Son. In this time of quarreling, he does not want to waste a little time.

"Zhou Yuan, don't you recognize me so soon?"

This person who stopped Zhou Yuan was reinvented and disguised himself as a sword duster. He stared at Zhou Yuan and showed sneer, his eyes became extremely fierce in an instant.

The snow-covered peaks of the main face of the doubts, because he did not know the black man in front of him, but when he found the black eyes of the big man, the heart suddenly violently jumped, a feeling of guilty, Some people dare not look at the black man.

"This look is somewhat familiar." The snow-capped peaks in the heart of the dark, but soon, his body was a violent shock, immediately staring at the black man in front of his eyes, the heart burst into the waves, exclaimed Road: "You, you are..."

At this moment, he finally knew who this familiar eye came from. It wasn't the gaze of Chang Yang, the second disciple of Han Xin, after he defeated Feiyun Fengfeng's main Han Xin.

It is clearly Changyang, which has only one color Yuan Dan, and now it has turned into a warrior who exudes a sense of the king's kingdom and has a law of strength. This result makes the snowy peak of the snow fall cold. , shocked.

The warrior and the Guangming sage are fellow initiates. He deeply understands what this means.

However, waiting for the fall of the peak of the peak, the thought of the sword has become a decisive shot, and directly shot to the head of Zhou Yuan.

This palm not only carries the power of the body that belongs to the thirteenth layer of chaos, but also has the increase of the law of power, which makes him a palm, even if it does not use the law of kendo, it is also a bit of the power of the beginning. The air is bursting with sound, and the space is shaking.

The main face of the falling snow peak changed greatly. In the face of this palm, he could not escape at all, and he had no time to react. Only the eyes of Jian Chen were constantly approaching.


The palm of Jian Chen’s palm fell on the head of the main peak of the falling snow peak. The chaotic body and the increase of the law of strength, the terrible power, not only directly blows the head of the falling snow peak, And even his entire body was shaken into a pile of meat by this terrible force.

Falling snow peaks and peaks of the main source, a face between the gods!

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