Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2288: Invincible King (1)

"Welcome to the stars and moons, this star-moon boundary is a small and medium-sized small world with yin and yang. The reason why it is called the star and the moon is because there is only one star and one moon in this world. There is no hot sun... ..."

An old voice came from the front when a lot of stars and moons were curious.

I saw in front of everyone, sitting on a knee-strapped old man, the old man looks ordinary, but it is unusually thin, even though he was wrapped in a large white robe, everyone can still see the body of his thin bamboo pole.

"The disciple went to see the elders of Hetian!"

Seeing this old man, the east is 嫣雪, just new, Xin C, Daan, Shi De five major saints have a respectful color, Qi Qi bent to salute.

Regarding the true identity of this old man, many of the bright gods in the field did not know, but the five sacred sons were eligible to enter the temple, and there were so many elders in contact with the temple. Therefore, many of the elders of the temple recognized them.

The beggars standing behind the five sacred sons, after learning the identity of the old man, also showed a respectful salute.

The elders of Hetian waved their hands and said: "You can't use these vulgarities. I will come to you for a detailed introduction to the situation of the stars and moons."

The elders of Hetian said in a tone, "This star-shaped moon is a medium-sized world, but its territory is very broad. Even with my knowledge, it can only cover one-tenth of the stars and moons." ”

"In the stars and moons, there are some beasts growing. Because of the special environment of the stars and moons, the intellectual development of these beasts is very low. Even though many beasts have strong strength, they still do not open their intellects. Instinct is acting..."

"Before you came here, the beasts of the stars and moons have been cleaned up by the elders of the temple, killing all the beasts who have stepped into the beginning. Therefore, in the current moon and moon, they still remain in The beast here, the strongest is only the late king of God..."

"This order, you are one of the five sacred sons. Once you face the crisis of life and death, you will immediately provoke this order. In this celestial moon, no matter how far apart, the old man can instantly sense the position of this order. Come to the rescue. But once this order is activated, it means that you have lost the qualification to compete for the Son..."

"Well, what I said has already been said. Next, you can act on your own. You can finally find the source of the Holy Light. It depends on your personal creation. After one year, the boundary of the Star and Moon will be again. Open, when you get together, you can gather..."

The body of Hetian’s elders sitting on the floor was not moving. He was a serious man, and he waved his hand and let everyone disperse.

Next, the five sacred sons left the mountain with their respective Guardians. They did not go together, but one chose a position and galloped away.

Although in this star-moon boundary, there are still many beasts equivalent to the realm of the gods, but from the faces of these quasi-sons, there is no slight fear.

Because of the line of the beggars they brought, there are many bright gods, and they are all powerful combatants. They are called jihadists who are difficult to compete with the same level. There are so many jihadists to follow, they are confident even if they are In the encounter with the beast of the king of the gods, you can also fight.

"Changyang, your cultivation is the weakest. Remember, you must not run around here. Any beast that comes out here is not something you can deal with." At this time, the east of the snow suddenly turned around, right Sword dust said that her pair of black and beautiful big eyes looked at the ordinary face of Jian Chen after the easy tolerance, revealing a trace of incomprehensible complexity.

Since the first meeting of Yingyue Lake and Jian Chen, the feeling of Jian Chen to the east is always confident and free, mature and steady, and there is a kind of calm that even if the collapse of the sky is endangered. It is very different from the so-called heavenly pride that she saw on weekdays.

And every time she saw Jian Chen, Jian Chen’s eyes were always calm and watery, without the slightest wave, completely different from those who pursued her. Therefore, in the heart of the snow in the east, it is also recognized. Jian Chen took the initiative to approach her, and he did not hesitate to dedicate a precious soul of pure purity. The purpose was only to enter the Holy Light Tower.

After all, the Light Tower is the holy place that every Guangming sage is eagerly awaiting. As a bright sage, Jian Chen has a longing for the Tower of Light, which is normal.

Since Jian Chen took out the token of the deputy master of the mysterious war, this made the snow to the sword dust deliberately approaching his purpose, and the first time he had doubts.

In addition to her teacher's sacred water on the side of the explanation, this is almost the words of the East to the snow to the teacher, is convinced.

With the token of the deputy master, it is not difficult to get a place to enter the Shengguang Tower. Why does Jian Chen also offer a group of pure souls, and become a self-defense .

After all, he is only one of the five sacred sons. In the end, he will not be able to successfully climb the position of the Son, and he will not have much confidence in the East.

However, Jian Chen knows this, but he still has to do this. This allows the discerning eye to see at a glance that his move is deliberately close to the east.

Hearing the words of the snow in the east, Jian Chen touched his nose, and his heart was crying and laughing. Unexpectedly, he now turned out to be the object of being protected by a man of the gods.

In the east, there is no more to see the sword dust, and her look is somewhat indifferent. After affirming that Jian Chen was deliberately approaching herself, her heart became cold in a moment, and the distance between it and Jian Chen was also farther and farther invisible.

Because of this move by Jian Chen, she was very disgusted, and a correct image that Jian Chen had erected in her mind before the unusual actions in the Temple of Light, at this moment also collapsed, making the sword dust at this moment, In her eyes, there is no difference with the rest of the pursuers.

"Haha, Changyang, my brother, I am a senior, how old you are, just yelling at you, a brother-in-law. You can only follow the sister-in-law of the Stars and Moons. The rest, you are completely Don't bother, there will be a few of us to deal with..." At this time, a beggar in the east of Yuxue spoke.

This is a middle-aged man. The king of the gods was repaired in the middle of the period. For the identity information of this person, Jian Chen has also had an understanding. It is one of the peaks of the temple of the Guangming Temple.

And his cultivation is more powerful than the main Han Xin of Feiyun Fengfeng and Zhou Yuan of the falling snow peak.

"Haha, right, all the beasts I met in this trip, give us a few people to deal with it, Changyang Master, you only need to take care of the snow sisters..."

After that, several beggars opened their mouths. They all smiled and treated the sword dust with politeness, even with a few compliments.

Despite the cultivation of Jian Chen, he is the lowest one here. As one of the protectors, he needs others to protect him at the moment, but there is a deputy master of the Xuan Zhan as the backing, which makes the east bring the eight No one has dared to offend him, and even he is working hard to establish friendship with Jian Chen.

Because they all know that the reason why Jian Chen can become a protector, everything is the arrangement behind the deputy master of the mysterious war. Otherwise, the elders of the wooden clock will not be able to pass anyway.

As for its purpose, it is natural to know that the masters of the peaks who are considered to be calculating.

Jian Chen and the helpers of these guardians set a few words at random, then turned their heads to look east to the snow, saying: "Can you sense the position of the source of the Holy Light?" The reason is because The sword dust has been faintly sensed, and somewhere in front of him, there is a wave that is very similar to the light of the Holy Spirit.

This volatility is very concealed and magical. He can sense the existence of this volatility, not how strong his perception is, but because of the jihad law he understands, and there seems to be a resonance with this fluctuation.

The east side of the snow is cold with a face, and looks ahead. "This holy light is the source of the beads. Even the gods can't detect it. It is so easy to sense their position."

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