Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2290: Invincible King (3)

In the east, Yan Xue’s attitude towards himself changed, and Jian Chen naturally noticed it, but he did not care about it. In his opinion, as long as he could make the snow in the east become a holy son, he would let himself live. The qualification of the Tower of Light is sufficient.

The deputy master of the Xuan Zhan possesses the authority to directly let any Guangyi sect enter the Shengguang Tower. He does not know that Jian Chen does not know, but even if he knows, he is not willing to directly look for the deputy.

Because his identity is very sensitive, he does not want to have too much involvement with the deputy master of the mysterious war. Otherwise, once he reveals the secret of the martial arts force, it will undoubtedly add a lot of trouble to the deputy master of the mysterious war.

"I believe that as long as there is a strong and fierce beast, there must be the existence of the source of the Holy Light. The source of the Holy Light is difficult to find, and the knowledge of God cannot detect it, but the beasts cannot escape. Searching through the gods, therefore, we only need to find those powerful beasts." Jian Chen proposed.

This holy light source is the product of the Holy Light Tower. It is found in the stars and moons. It is not put in by the elders of the temple. Since the source of the Holy Light is tested by the elders of the temple, then There must be some difficulty, not just that it can be obtained by luck alone.

After listening to this, the brows of the snow in the east suddenly wrinkled. In the stars and moons, some powerful beasts have the strength of the king's kingdom. If you really want to provoke these beasts, let alone the one in the Jianchen District. Dan's repair is difficult to protect himself, even if her four-color Yuan Dan's cultivation is in front of these fierce beasts.

It can be said that in the face of these fierce beasts, neither of them can withstand the aftermath of the battle.

"The teacher of Changyang said it is good. Among the territories of powerful beasts, there are ten or nine nines that have the existence of the source of the Holy Light. It is better for us to find these beasts..."

"You don't have to worry about Snow Master. We have eight great gods here, and it is not easy to deal with the fierce beasts with low intelligence..."

"Yeah, even if we encounter the beast of the gods and kings, we can easily kill only two of us, and the beasts here are not enough to be considered..."

"The source of the Holy Light is hard to find, but those fierce beasts are going to find it. It is too simple..."


The eight great guardians who followed came without fear, and they said with full confidence.

The eight of them are all jihadist celestial divisions, and the jihad law is out. The combat power is stronger than that of the same ranks. Therefore, these beasts living in the stars and moons are not in their eyes.

"Well, then let's go find those fierce beasts." The east side of the snow was slightly hesitant, and eventually it was said to be moving, agreeing with the proposals of the people.

Next, it was replaced by the eight great avenists, and the gods belonging to the kingdom of God spread from them and shrouded in all directions, and began to actively seek nearby beasts.

At the same time, in another place in the Star Moon, a team headed by a fair new man is now on a plain, and five of the nine guardians are on the alert. The quasi-son is just new, and it is brought together with four other beggers.

Fair new brows, a gloomy color, since entering the star and moon, he is a face, until now has not stretched.

"Several of you, not the closest people to our fair family, are those who are attached to our just family. You think about ways for me. What can be done to make Changyang die in the stars and moons?" The gloomy said that among the nine guardians who followed him, except for the other five, the remaining four were all people on the side of the fair family, so he was very new to these four people.

It is said that the four beggars gathered in the fair new side, the brows are all wrinkled, showing a difficult color.

"If it is in the past, if you want to kill Changyang, even if it is discovered by the Temple of Light, there is nothing. In our capacity, the Law Enforcement Hall will not take us any more. It will only be a symbolic punishment. Only now, everyone knows this Changyang. It is the deputy of the deputy master of the sacred war. The identity is different. In the past, he killed him. After that, the fruit is too serious. If the deputy master of the mysterious war is personally pursued, I am afraid that even the young master will be implicated..."

"Yeah, the deputy master of the mysterious war is not so good to speak to the other seven deputy lords. Moreover, the deputy lord of the sacred warfare is the most indispensable person, the young master, except for the supreme lord of the temple. Don't be mad at it..."

"New young master, you must calm down. This is behind the Changyang. There is a deputy master of the sacred war. You should never provoke him. You must understand who the deputy master of the war is, but let us be fair to the family. The ancestors must be treated with courtesy. If the deputy master of the mysterious war is to judge you, the young master, do you think that the ancestors will personally come forward and risk the offense of the deputy master of the war?"

"New Master, you must not act recklessly. Let's not say how serious the consequences are. Even if we all listen to you, all of them will deal with Changyang. It is not necessarily true to kill Changyang because it is east. The eight beggars around Yan Xue will definitely see the safety of Changyang more important than the east and the snow. They will definitely fight to protect Changyang. Moreover, the other five young guardians of the New Master are not willing. Willing to listen to the new young master to deal with Changyang, it is still unknown..."

The four beggars gathered in the fair new side have persuaded them to want to let the new people give up the idea of ​​killing Changyang here.

Just new four-color yuan Dan Xiuwei, with this kind of cultivation, to kill the Changyang, which is protected by eight Guardians, is almost whimsical, and ultimately they are not asking them to do it, but if they dare to start with Jian Chen After leaving the moon and the moon, waiting for them, but the disaster.

In their view, killing Changyang is tantamount to digging their own graves. Moreover, they have no deep hatred with Changyang, and naturally they are not willing to die for justice.

The fair new face is getting more and more ugly. With the cultivation of these bright gods, if you really want to kill Changyang, you don’t need to touch the beggars on the east side of the snow, just close to Changyang with a friendly attitude. Then give a fatal blow, you can easily let Changyang kill. They refused, but they were not afraid of offending the deputy master of the war.

"New young master, the most urgent task is to win the position of the Son. We are still hurrying to find the source of the Holy Light. This first round of assessment, but will directly eliminate three people, the young master can not lose in this link. ..." A bright king of God opened the subject and shifted the new line of sight.

"Yeah, the young master, looking for the source of the Holy Light, is the primary task at the moment. The land of the powerful beasts in the stars and moons must have the existence of the Holy Light, and the young master must act quickly. Otherwise, it was led by four others..." Another beggar said.

"If this is the case, then we will set off quickly and first look for the source of the Holy Light." Just new also knows that it is impossible for these people to kill the sword dust. He stood up with a calm face and greeted him with nine guards. The person left this place.

At the same time, in the other three different places in the Xingyuejie, the team headed by Xin C, Anda, and Shi De are also on the powerful beasts in the stars and moons. Obviously I can think of this, far more than a sword dust.

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