Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2298: Battle of Castle Peak (2)

This energy aftermath, although weakened by the formation method, has become very weak, but it is still very scary for the snowy east of the human god.

In the east, the snow spurted out a blood, and his face turned pale and paper, and he was already hit hard. At the same time, her **** was also affected by the martial arts force, and there was a very weak martial art force that plunged into her gods and gave the gods a heavy blow.

In the east, she felt only a sudden and intense pain in her brain. In the next moment, she lost consciousness and fainted.

"There is still no death!" Qingshan face indifference, his second finger has been pointed out, also turned into a powerful energy beam, with the power of terror that distort the void to continue to shoot east to snow.

Jian Chen always pays attention to the situation of the snow in the east. In the moment when the snow falls to the east, he grabs the shoulders of the snow in the east, and sees that the snow has been faint in the east, which makes his eyes It suddenly dawned.

At the same time, the void was slightly distorted, and a powerful wave of energy slammed from the front. The second finger of Qingshan was coming at lightning speed.

In the face of Qingshan’s second-finger attack, Jian Chen did not look at it. He had an arm in the east shoulders of the snow, and his body was rotated. With his back and back to Qingshan, he would protect himself in the east. On the chest, the right hand is behind, and the same point is pointed out.

Suddenly, a fierce kendo law came, and it was brought to the fingertips of Jian Chen in an instant, turning into a dazzling and eye-catching sword.

This sword is like a finger, but it is extremely powerful. When the sword is broken, it sounds like a scream, so that the space around the sword is violently distorted. The Buddha has a path of void cracks.

In the east, the snow fell into a coma, and the bright gods also fled, which made Jian Chen finally find the opportunity to shoot!

The fierce swordsmanship and the energy beam with the martial arts force slammed together, and a roaring loud noise erupted. Two very different laws collided after colliding with each other, accompanied by a powerful The aftermath of energy is raging in all directions.

The two of them, the power of horror and powerful, have completely surpassed the level of power of the king's kingdom, causing the earth to be cracked and the space to be distorted. This piece of void is almost broken.

Jian Chen protects the faint east of the snow with his own body. Under the force of chaos, he has already exerted the defensive power of chaos to the extreme. His feet seem to be rooted on the ground, and it is fierce. Under the impact of the aftermath of energy, it is still standing still in the same place, and it is not moving.

Opposite, the Qingshan Mountain in Tsing Yi was suspended in midair. In front of him, there seemed to be an invisible force in the air, so that the aftermath of the impact energy could not reach his body.

At this moment, his eyes burst into a blazing ray, with a shock, strange, and incredible look staring at the back of Jian Chen, involuntarily issued an exclamation: "The law of kendo!"

At a very long distance, the knowledge of Castle Peak has already discovered the existence of Jian Chen, but the Jian Chen at that time showed only one color Yuan Dan, so he was not seen by Qingshan at all.

At this moment, in the eyes of Qingshan, it is clearly the sword dust of the Guangshi Holy Master, suddenly showing the power of the Kendo Law, which finally makes Qingshan begin to pay attention to the existence of Jian Chen.

Qingshan’s eyes are like a torch, and the eyes of the gods are staring at Jian Chen for a moment, and the eyes are changing rapidly.

The sword dust is also a slow return to the gods, and the look is calm and confrontation with Castle Peak.

But soon, his heart flashed a bit of a strange, Qingshan's eyes, making him feel a little strange, mixed with it, there is still some puzzles.

He did not feel a little bit of killing from the eyes of Qingshan. Instead, he saw a hint of joy and excitement from the complex eyes of Qingshan.

"Just the knowledge of God, is it from you?" and Jian Chen looked at it for a moment, Qingshan opened.

"Not bad!" Jian Chen did not deny that he stared at Qingshan with a calm look and asked: "You want to kill the East Snow?"

"The purpose of my coming to the Stars and Moons is to kill the five sacred sons of the Temple of Light and all their Guardians, and let the Temple of Light be able to stand without the Son." The look of Qingshan has restored calm, his eyes Looking at the sword dust deeply, the tone said calmly.

"Then you are afraid to be disappointed, because the east is snow, you can't kill." Jian Chen said calmly.

Wen Yan, Qingshan brow wrinkled, his eyes staring at Jian Chen, Shen Sheng: "You want to shelter her? Although your strength is not weak, but you are not the beginning, you think you have this ability?"


"Good! Then let me know, how much you can have!" Qingshan screamed, the momentum of the body rose rapidly, straight into the Han, so that the sky was full of winds, the whole piece of void is distorted.

Jian Chen’s gaze gradually became more and more fierce. He looked down and hugged himself on his chest. The corner of his mouth was full of blood. He was already in a coma, and he was in the middle of the snow, his mind was moving, and a space law was suddenly Surrounded by the surrounding, the body wrapped around the snow in the east disappeared.

"Space law!" Qingshan sang low and looked at Jian Chen's gaze. He flashed a strange color. He could clearly perceive that the snow in the east has been sent to hundreds of miles by the law of space. Out of a mountain belly.

That mountain belly, this is a territory of a pangolin, with the cultivation of the main divine in the early days, but this is only a pangolin. At the moment when the snow is sent here by the space law in the east, it is the edge of a suddenly formed space. The sinister form is gone.

After sending the snow to the safe area in the east, Jian Chen broke his hand and launched an attack on Qingshan.

In an instant, a strong sword sentiment emanated from him, a seemingly endless sword, brought together from all sides, making the sword dust at this moment, like the whole body is transformed into a handle between the heavens and the earth. A peerless sword.

Immediately, his body burst into a blazing ray, with a strong sword that trembled in the void, straight into the green hill.

This time, it is the first real sense of the sword after the dust has been transformed into the chaos of the gods!

This shot, the power is earth-shattering, when the sword is broken, the space is torn, forming a black crack of different sizes, cold swords, and even the surrounding vegetation is turned into powder, mountain rock Turning into the dust, even the earth under the feet, has been cut off by the air of the sword, and the earth is sinking.

Although Jian Chen did not break through the sentiment of the Kendo Law, he still stayed in the perfection of the sword spirit, but his current combat power has increased too much compared to the original.

Moreover, Jian Chen can clearly feel that after the change of his own gods, not only is the use of the light of the Holy Spirit easy, but even the control of the kendo law is much improved, making him the law of kendo. The degree of fit has reached a very high level.

The look of Castle Peak became serious. He sang low and the energy of horror roared in his body. He gathered all his hands on the right palm, and saw his right hand fingers into a sword, with a strong martial force toward The front is down.

At this jealousy, time seems to have become slower. The sword of Qingshan’s sword, with a mysterious and mysterious avenue, makes his finger, which seems to interfere with the passage of time, giving people an unusually slow feeling. .

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