Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2302: Attitude change

Compared with the shy gesture of the little daughter in the east, the sword dust is very calm, breathing is steady, and the mentality is calm.

He passed his left arm from the east to the snow, and placed it under the shoulder blade of the snow in the east. The right hand was placed in the leg bend of the east snow, and the arms were slightly forced to re-enter the east. The delicate and delicate body of the snow was hugged.

The body of the snow in the east suddenly became stiff. Although the years of her cultivation are not short, her age is equivalent to a 20-year-old girl. Even if only the palms are in contact with men, they will let She felt blushing, not to mention being held in the arms of a man.

Therefore, the east of the snow has already been red-faced, especially under such close contact with the sword dust, so that her head is almost close to the chest of the sword dust, she can even clearly smell from the sword dust The body that is emitted from the body is a unique atmosphere of men.

For a time, the snow in the east only felt that his head was dizzy, and he was worried.

Jian Chen is quiet and calm, and he has a pair of wings formed by the light of the Holy Power on his back. The wings are swaying, holding the east and the snow to fly in the ground, fully demonstrating the ability of the one-color Yuan Guangming sage.

"I hope that Castle Peak will not catch up in a short time. Otherwise, I am afraid that my identity will be exposed in front of the snow in the east." Although the beauty is in the arms, the sword dust has no more thoughts. At this moment, he is in his heart. With a little worry, I prayed secretly.

The success or failure of the snow in the east will directly affect whether he can enter the Holy Light Tower. Therefore, in this star-moon boundary, the snow in the east cannot be degraded.

Nowadays, the east of the snow has been hit hard, even the simplest actions can not be completed. At this time, if Qingshan catches up again, she is absolutely unable to bear the power of Qingshan, and Jian Chen is necessary. Stand out.

But now the snow is already awake in the east, and if he reveals his strength in front of the snow in the east, his identity will be exposed.

Therefore, at this moment, the most worrying thing about Jian Chen is that Qingshan will catch up.

The snow that was held in the arms by Jian Chen was gradually restored to the normal state. Although she was reluctant, she knew that she could not change anything. Therefore, she could only slowly accept the sword dust in her arms. fact.

In the east, Yan Xue quietly looked at the sword dust. When she found out that Jian Chen had only rushed to the road and had no other bad thoughts, the thought of Jian Chen in her heart could not help but change again.

"Although he became my Guardian, he deliberately approached me with ulterior motives, but at the very least, he did not like me, like the eight Guardians, who gave me away from life and death, when I was wounded by Qingshan and fell into a coma. In the middle, he also did not discard me alone to escape..." The snow in the east of the snow secretly thought, unconsciously, even she did not realize that Jian Chen in her eyes, has become more and more pleasing to the eye.

Even in the arms of Jian Chen, in her heart, there is no big conflict.

At this moment, the nose of the snow in the east was sniffing in front of Jian Chen’s chest. Immediately, he was shocked by the heart. He said: “There is a taste of blood.” Immediately, I don’t know what to think about in the east, actually The ghost made the gods poorly open the clothes on the chest of the sword dust. Suddenly, several horrible wounds emerged.

When Jian Chen and Qingshan fought, they naturally left a few wounds. Some of these wounds have already recovered under the super-self-healing ability of Chaos, and they have completely recovered. There is no scar left. But there are still a few more serious wounds, because the time is too short, and it has not healed.

Although he had changed the clean clothes in the first time, the **** smell on his body had not been cleaned yet. As a result, he was smelled of blood by the snow in the east, and he found it all at once.

"Are you injured?" Seeing these smashing wounds, the face of the snow in the east changed.

"Some minor injuries, not in the way." Jian Chen said indifferently, but his heart was secretly complaining, and he did not expect that the snow in the east would seem like a sudden change in the sex, even boldly opened directly. His clothes made his wounds exposed.

The one he knew was the snow in the east, but it was not like this.

"Would it?" The east of the snow looked at the wounds in a complex look and asked softly.

Obviously injured, but also pretending to be a casual, with his own non-stop road, this moment, a heartstring of the east snow, seems to be deeply touched.

The shape of Jian Chen came to an abrupt end. He lowered his head and stared at Donglin Yaxue with a strange look. This is east of the snow, when did you start to care about yourself?

I noticed the strange look of Jian Chen, and I realized that I seemed to care too much when I was in the east. She was a little red, and she re-covered the injury on the chest of the sword dust and shouted: "What are you doing? Still not hurrying, if we are caught up in Castle Peak, we can't live."

After a while, the snow in the east could not help but say: "If you don't, stop it first, and heal the injury on your body first, so as not to delay the injury."

"The skin is hurt, it doesn't matter!"

Afterwards, the two men had no words at all, and Jian Chen used the one-color Yuan Dan as the fastest speed he could play. He held the east and the snow and kept on the road for three days and three nights before he had to pretend to be unsupported. Attitude, I found a very hidden cave to stop.

After all, the one-color Yuan Dan repaired, the strength is extremely limited, such a high-intensity road for three days and three nights, has already reached the limit of one color Yuan Danming Mingshi, if he continues to hurry, it is easy to reveal Therefore, he had to stop.

In the dim cave, it is silent and silent. The top is decorated with a fist-sized night pearl to provide a faint light. Through the faint light, you can faintly see the sword dust and the east side of the snow.

At this moment, the two of them are sitting apart, and Jian Chen has already recovered his eyes and closed his eyes to heal the wounds of his own.

In fact, under the self-healing ability of the chaotic body, his injuries have returned to the original. Continue to heal the wounds with the light of the Holy Spirit, and just do it for the East to see the snow, so find a reasonable explanation for your wound recovery.

On the opposite side of him, sitting on the ground with his knees in the east, he looked at the sword dust in a complex look. She stared at Jian Chen so much that the sword dust was over.

"Are your injury recovered?" Open your eyes, and Jian Chen looked at the snow in the east, knowing what he asked.

The east is close to the snow, and the face is helpless. "My **** is hurt by the martial arts force, and I can't use the light of the Holy Power. And even in my body, there is a murderous force left. Although it has been me. I was suppressed with the medicinal herbs, but it also prevented the recovery of my injuries. This martial arts force will not be removed, and my injuries will not be restored."

"In this star-moon boundary, no one except Qingshan has the ability to remove the martial arts force in my body. Therefore, according to the current situation, my injury is only to leave the Star Moon and return to the Holy Land. Only after the temple can I recover."

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