Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2310: Curse rule

Suddenly, the sword dust that is feeling the curse of the law has been awake from cultivation. He opened his eyes and looked at the black crow not far away, showing a happy smile.

The black crow finally broke through the embarrassment of the king of the king, successfully entered the beginning and became a strong starter.

"Master!" Soon after, the energy that permeated the black crow began to converge slowly. He stood up and saluted the sword dust with an unspeakable excitement.

"Your law has been stabilized?" Jian Chen stared at the black crow.

The black crow nodded and looked at the **** of the gods. He was excited: "From the king of the king to the beginning, it is reasonable to say that it takes a short period of time to make the law change, but this jade, not only The time for my breakthrough has been shortened a lot, and even the speed of my law, Jin Dan, has been affected by it, which has accelerated the development of the Promise of the Promise in a very short period of time."

"Master, now I have officially become a strong starter. From now on, I can really contribute to the master." The black crow is excited and excited, full of a thick dust on the sword. Grateful.

Because he understands that if Jian Chen is very generous to give him the invaluable treasures of heaven and earth, he will step into the agenda of the beginning, fearing that it will be put on hold indefinitely, or even, it will not enter the beginning. Opportunity.

The beginning, this once in the heart of the black crow, but a dream of the realm, is his dream of lifelong pursuit.

Today, this dream has finally come true.

"Well, you have not lived up to my expectations of you." Jian Chen nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, the black crow looked at the fortune of the gods, and there was an unspeakable amazement between the looks. He asked: "Master, I don't know what it is, I feel sitting on it, not only shortening my rule, Jin Dan has changed. Time, and the insight of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, it is also easy to countless times."

The creation of the gods is the treasure of heaven and earth. It is rare and precious. Even if many of them are not owned, the black crow naturally does not recognize it.

"The existence of this thing, you still don't know as well." Jian Chen seems to have concerns, did not disclose the existence of the **** of jade to the black crow, and the black crow, also understand that the jade at the foot is afraid of being different, so there is not much ask.

Subsequently, the sword dust mites belonged to the black crow, and began to continue to enlighten the curse law.

This time, Jian Chen sat on the **** of jade, and with the help of the **** of jade, the speed of the curse of the curse suddenly multiplied. Many of the hard and sorrowful curses of the past were instantly clearer.

Soon after, the body of the sword dust sitting on the knees of the gods was slightly shocked, and the closed eyes were also opened.

"The curse law also successfully broke through to the king of the king, staying in the early days of the king of the king. Now, among the seven, there are already four rules that have realized the king of the king, leaving only the law of creation, the law of fire and the law of corrosion. ""

"This curse rule, really mysterious, mastered the curse law, I only need to hold each other's hair, a hair, or even a personal item, then I can use this as a medium, separated by a distant From the power of cursing, killing invisible..."

"Even when the gap between the other side and my realm is too large, I don't need any objects and media. Just think about each other and use the curse directly across the void."

"With my current ability, if you want to kill people like justice, you don't have to go out in person. You only need to curse outside the Temple of Light, and you can let the new form of justice be destroyed."

"Even in the frontal battle, I can curse the enemy with the curse of the law, so that the opponent's ten-layer strength can only be played out of the layer..."

As soon as he thought of the wonders of the curse, the corner of Jian Chen’s mouth could not help but reveal a sneer.

Face to the enemy, the power of cursing is indeed far less powerful than the law of kendo and the law of power, but it can do many things that can not be done by the laws of kendo and the laws of power, and indirectly enhance his combat power.

"In different spaces, the passage of time is completely different. During the period of my cultivation, I don’t know how long it has passed. The gates of the Star Moon and the Moon will be re-opened by the Temple of Light in a year. Open, it seems that I also left." Jian Chen ended the cultivation, secretly indulged for a moment, then put the sacred **** jade back in Qing Yixuan, got up and left the true tower.

The black crow, after the strength broke through to the beginning, he can also help the sword dust. Therefore, Jian Chen did not leave the black crow in the real tower, but let the black crow converge. Continue to stay in the temple so that you can shoot at any time.

After all, in this sensitive period, the real tower can't be used all the time.

Jian Chen put away the tower, holding the snow in the east and entering the vortex formed by the endless fog.

This whirlpool is obviously a space channel similar to the transmission array. As soon as it enters the vortex, the sword dust has the illusion that the Buddha has stepped into another world.

But this feeling only lasted for a moment, his sight was restored to the clear, looking at it, I saw that he had appeared in a beautiful mountain forest, and the sky above the head, hanging high in the sky, and falling down A starry star.

Seeing a star and a month hanging overhead, Jian Chen knows that he has returned to the stars and moons.

The star and the moon are actually the Taiqing world in the mouth of the Taishou!

This world, before the two epochs, was the land of the Taiqing saints who were the masters of Taichu. It’s only after two episodes, and today’s Taiqingjie has long had no glory.

"This is too clear, and it is also filled with the curse of a saint. The existence of this curse has not only made the Taiqing world more vulnerable, but even the beasts living here have been affected." In the darkness of his heart, he invisibly closed his eyes, although in his current realm, he could not find the curse left by a saint, but he also mastered the curse rule, and naturally there was a vague and embarrassing induction.

"The beasts who live here are sheltered by the heavens and the earth, thus showing a super-strong combat power, mostly related to the Taiqing saints. Although the Taiqing saints are fallen, he is the super-powerful person of the body. Before he fell, the supremacy of the will affects this world and sets certain rules."

"As for the low intelligence of the beast, I am afraid that it is mostly related to the curse of the Taoist saint..."

In the vagueness, Jian Chen seems to have learned a lot of concealment, which makes the star and the moon in his eyes, no more mysterious feeling.

"If I find ten drops of sacred blood, so that the first time to break the curse and let it recognize me as the Lord, does that mean that I will also become the Lord of the Stars and Moons?" Jian Chen whispered, he Look carefully at this side of the world, and the look gradually becomes weird.

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