Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2318: Holy Light Tower opens

"This...this is the palace of the Virgin's house..." Wen Yan said that the two maids who were waiting to be sent at the gate were embarrassed and did not know how to refuse.

Both of them are the jihadist celestial divisions of the five-color Yuan Dan, which is equivalent to the gods of the gods, but the opposite side of Changyang, which is only one color Yuan Dan, is unusually cautious and fearful of offense.

Obviously, they also know that although Jian Chen has been repaired to a low level, there is a deputy lord behind him who is a patron and has an extraordinary status.

At this time, the door of the palace opened, and I saw the decoration of the saint. I was surrounded by a noble temperament. The snow came out from the inside. She looked at the sword dust standing outside, and she flashed a pair of eyes. The complex color, a little hesitant, opened the two maids, whispered softly: "Changyang, you come in!" said, the east will be turned and went.

Just at the turn of her turn, her face was touched with an unnatural color, but it quickly disappeared.

Jian Chen didn't think much, but went straight into the sleeping palace in the east, and the backhand closed the door.

"When you come to me, is there anything?" In the palace, the black eyes of the snow in the east circulated, looking at the sword dust.

"When the Light Tower, when can I enter." Jian Chen directly said.

"You come to me, is it for the Tower of Light? Nothing else?" The east side of the snow looked straight at the sword dust, and asked.

“The Tower of Light is very important to me, because the exercises and experiences left by the predecessors who are stored in it will directly affect my future achievements. Therefore, if I can, I hope to enter as soon as possible. Holy Light Tower." Jian Chen is the color.

"Is it only in the eyes of you, is there only the Tower of Light?" There was a trace of loss in the eyes of the East.

Hearing the words, the sword dust was slightly stunned. He looked at the east with a deep eye and said: "It is true. In order to get a place to enter the Tower of Light, how much effort I have spent, I must be in your heart. Also clear."

"Changyang!" The east side of the snow slammed low, the autumn-like beauty stared at Jian Chen tightly, and the tone of the speech became a bit high, with a little rush: "I don't understand, you have a clear hand. There is a token of the deputy, if you want to enter the Tower of Light, you can ask the deputy to open for you. Although the other deputy halls mainly want to open the Tower of Light, there will still be a little resistance, but the deputy hall of the Xuan Zhan The status of the Lord in the Temple of Light is nothing more than a sentence. Since you are so anxious to enter the Tower of Light, why do you want to go far, find me, and come up with a very precious soul of purity."

"The token of the deputy master of the mysterious war, I also got it a few days before the opening of the moon and the moon, and I don't want to owe too much to the deputy master of the war. Therefore, even if I know that the deputy master of the war can be Directly let me enter the Holy Light Tower, I don't want to bother him, because I want to get the entry quota by my own efforts." Jian Chen Dao.

Looking east at the snow, the complex look of the sword dust, for a time, did not even speak.

Although the face of Jian Chen at this moment is a popular face that has been changed by a mask, it belongs to the type thrown in the heap of people, and it will never cause the slightest concern. However, the journey of the stars and the moon, this popular face has already In the east of the snow, the image of a tall and stalwart erected.

Judging a person's beauty is not about looking at the surface, but about the inner heart of a person. Only the inner beauty can be regarded as true beauty. The performance of Jian Chen in the stars and moons seems to make the east snow Really seeing his heart, therefore, at this moment, in the heart of the snow in the east, he is completely tall and handsome, and the image of the heroic.

After half a sigh, the east sighed with a sigh, and a faint loss, quietly filled the heart: "After half a month, I will use the privilege to open the Tower of Light, I will send someone to inform you."

"Half month?" Wen Yan, Jian Chen brow wrinkled, said: "This time is too long, can you advance some, the sooner the better, the best is tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? So anxious?"

"Well... because of some reasons, it is more urgent, and the east is snow, this time, it is when you help me, I will remember your person." Jian Chen is the color.

See Jian Chen’s serious look. In the heart of the snow, I couldn’t give the thought of refusal. “Okay, tomorrow.”

On the opening day of the Tower of Light, it was set aside by the snow in the east.

On the second day, Chaoyang was born, delicate and flamboyant, and the clouds lingering between the mountains were rendered with a layer of fiery red color. At the highest level of the Temple of Light, in front of an ancient tower that looked like a hundred feet high, east Linyi Snow is headed, and the group is standing quietly here.

And Jian Chen is also among them.

In addition to him, there are also eight bright gods, lined up with Jian Chen, silently standing behind the snow.

These eight bright gods are the protectors who have been re-elected by the snow in the east. In the millennium of the east when the snow is in the throne, these protectors are missions to protect the Son. Headed by the snow in the east, he was waiting for his dispatch.

Sword dust slightly tilted his head, full of curiosity to look at the white small tower in front of the sky, this white small tower, naturally the treasure of the town of the bright temple - the Holy Light Tower.

It is silver-white and looks like a natural beauty, which makes it impossible to find the slightest flaw.

Although it is a powerful treasure left by the strong and strong, but there is no slight pressure to spread out, so that Jian Chen they stand in front of this tower of light, and even can not be compared with the too strong Think of it.

"Don't underestimate here, as the top floor of the temple, the whole space here is full of peerless squads. It is said that this is the hard work of the former lords, please move the ancient sects to the Taizun The phasor method, the St. Light Tower is firmly locked here, to put an end to the mind of any strong sacred light tower." In the ear of Jian Chen, the sound of the snow in the east came.

Jian Chen nodded slightly, and his eyes carefully looked at every space in the room. Under his careful search, he found that there was a shocking array around the Holy Light Tower.

This large array is extremely concealed. If the **** of the sword dust has changed due to the integration of chaos, he can't even sense the existence of this big array.

"Is it snowing in the east, do you think about it? Is it really necessary to open the Tower of Light at this time? This opens the privilege of the Tower of Light, but it is used once less." At this time, the elders of the wooden clock appeared quietly. A pair of old-eyed eyes stared at the snow in the east.

"The elders of the respected wooden clock, Yu Xue has already decided to officially use the privilege of opening the Tower of Light." Dong Lin said without hesitation.

The elders of the wooden clock nodded, even if they stopped talking.

In the next moment, two vast and terrifying energies turned into a torrent, coming through the void, and injecting it into the Tower of Light with a horrible power.

The light tower suddenly shines brightly, and the faint stagnation of the sacred towers seems to be slowly changing, so as to block the invisible large array in front of the large facade of the Tower of Light. Spreading on both sides, the door leading to the Tower of Light is revealed.

"The deputy master of the mysterious war and the deputy master of the Mohe have opened the Tower of Light for you, and are not going in." The elders of the wooden bell sang low.

Ps: I have been studying outside for a few days, going home tomorrow night, the last day of the weekend, happy to prepare the code for the whole day, and strive to make up the owed.

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