Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2328: Leakage

Jian Chen sat on this small hill for a few days. On the surface, he looked calm, but in fact, there was a flaw in his heart, accompanied by a trace of anxiety.

It has been a few days since the time has passed, and there has been no change in the Light Tower. Even the Holy Spirit is no longer a message.

In his heart, he was full of worries about the spirit of the sacred instrument. Even if he had sensed the ancient imprint of floating in this space several times, he could not afford the slightest interest.

"Hey, Changyang, how come you have come so far?"

At this moment, the sound of the snow in the east came from afar, with a hint of surprise in the voice.

I saw the east of the snow, accompanied by eight beggars, flying towards the hill where the sword dust is located.

Standing in the east, Yan Xue stood next to Jian Chen, looking down at the sword dust sitting on the ground with his knees, and the waves in the beautiful light flowed, and asked lightly: "Changyang, you should not gain a small harvest these days."

There is a gentleness between the words of the snow in the east.

And when she heard her voice, several of the beggars standing behind her, they all showed a hint of such a look, and then looked at the sword dust, but also with a little surprise.

If it was before, some of them still had some doubts about the feelings of affection for Changyang in the east, then now, when they heard the gentleness of the sword dust in the east There is no doubt in my heart.

Because all of them have a clear feeling that the attitude of the East to the snow to treat the sword dust is very different from the treatment of them.

"This Changyang does not know what kind of ability, even so quickly captured the heart of the Son." These bewilders have been amazed in their hearts, all of them have raised their thumbs for the sword dust, this means by the sword dust Give a conviction.

The sword dust was sitting still on the hills. He looked at the front of the earth and looked at the earth. He didn't seem to notice the approach of the snow and other people in the east. He just shook his head gently and did not speak.

At this moment, all his thoughts are placed on the waiting device, and there is still leisure time to chat with the East.

The frost of the sword dust, the snow in the east does not care, she sat down beside the sword dust, looking at the sword dust sideways, although the face after the Jian Chen easy to face looks very dull, but to the east, the snow, However, there is an unclear and unclear attraction.

"Changyang, the content of the ancient imprint of the Holy Grail is all the origin level. If you want to obtain it, it will be many times more difficult than the outside. You will enter the Holy Grail for a few days. It is normal to have no gain." In the east, Yan Xue thought that Jian Chen was discouraged because he did not have any gains. He whispered comfortably on one side: "In fact, it is not just you, even all of us, so far, there is no gain. But you should not worry too much. Now the grievances in the Tower of Light are not known for what reason, suddenly reduced, become a lot thinner, can let us have more time to stay here, I believe that with your talent, you will definitely gain something."

"This Changyang is only a one-color Yuan Dan, and the qualification seems to be only one star. What qualifications can he have?" After hearing the words of the east, the guards standing behind her screamed. .

At this moment, the grievances that permeated the Holy Grail again surged, as if there was a dragon in it, and the voids were twisted, and the earth under the feet was slightly trembled.

At this moment, the world in the Tower of Light is like a resurrection from death. Suddenly there is life. The veins of the earth are beginning to recover, and the power of silence is beginning to gradually wake up.

In the eyes of Jian Chen, the mans flashed, and he suddenly stood up, his eyes glanced at the world, his eyes gradually brighter.

He knew that the sudden change of the Tower of Light was inevitably related to the Spirit of the Eucharist, which filled his heart with infinite expectations.

"What happened? What happened to this? How can the world in the Tower of Light be shaken..."

"What happened to this St. Light Tower, how strange things happened in succession, and these anomalies of the St. Light Tower have never been recorded in ancient books..."


Sudden changes made the eight guardians uneasy, and all of them looked irritated, and no one knew what had happened.

At this moment, an incomparably pure light of the Holy Power suddenly came out, and no one knew where it came from, as if it appeared out of thin air, and then quickly spread to the surrounding, covering the whole world, gradually filling in Every inch of space in the Tower of Light.

The eight Guardians, when they sensed the power of this source, first looked at each other, and the next moment, all showed ecstasy.

"A good and pure light of the Holy Spirit is even richer than the Temple, and it seems to be doped with rules and fragments..."

"There are sacred fragments of jihad in these bright sacred forces. If we absorb these shards of law, it is equivalent to directly absorbing the power of jihad law, which makes us realize the realm easier..."

"This is a big opportunity, it is a big creation, a big opportunity, it must not be missed, everyone is rushing to cultivate..."

"Right right, hurry to practice, and hurry to practice, don't waste a little time..."


The eight bewilders were overwhelmed and excited. They immediately crossed their knees and began to practice with all their strengths, absorbing as much as possible the fragments of jihad law doped in the Light of the Holy Power.

"Changyang, still squatting on what to do, hurry to practice, the machine can not be lost, the loss is no longer coming." East Lin Yu Xue greeted the sword dust, but also immediately entered the cultivation.

Jian Chen felt it silently, but also slowly closed his eyes and entered the cultivation.

At the same time, in a secret room of the Temple of Light, a person wearing a white robe and surrounded by the light of the sun was sitting cross-legged, naturally exuding a vast and majestic pressure, the whole dense The indoor space seems to have solidified due to the existence of this pressure.

Moreover, in this person's body, there is a powerful jihad rule that is lingering. His understanding of the jihad law has clearly reached a very high level, making it implicated in every jihad rule of the whole body. The power to destroy the earth.

This person is the lord of the Temple of Light, the supreme being in the Temple of Light!

Suddenly, the lord of the Temple of Light opened his eyes. His eyes were as sharp as a sword. He looked like a layer of nothingness. He looked at the direction of the Tower of Light and muttered: "The sky flashes, the Tower of Light has changed!" As soon as the voice fell, the Lord of the Temple of Light disappeared quietly. When he appeared again, he was already standing outside the tower of the Light, which was bound by too much.

"How come you?" A plain voice came out of nowhere, and the shadow of the deputy master of the lord was silent.

"Lord, how come you personally? What happened to the Sunshine Tower?" Another voice came, with a bit of respect in the tone, and the Vice-President Mohe also appeared here.

The lord of the Temple of Light is staring at the Tower of Light, and the eyes are flashing, revealing the color of suspicion, saying: "I am in the process of cultivation, suddenly sympathetic with the heavens and the earth, insight into the heavens, this light tower, I am afraid that something has happened."

"What? There was a shock in the Holy Light Tower?" Wen Yan, the two deputy masters of Xuan Zhan and Mohe changed their faces, and their looks suddenly became dignified.

"What happened in the Holy Light Tower?" asked the deputy master of the battle.

The Lord of the Temple of Light shook his head and said: "The secret is secret, and it is unclear. I am also looking at the flowers in the fog. I can’t see it accurately. I don’t know if it’s good or bad. You are waiting here, I will go in and explore. After all, look at what happened in this Holy Light Tower."

PS: First, there are two more, but it is late.

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