Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2335: Final winner (1)

Jian Chen has come to the towering sky, like a road monument supporting this piece of heaven and earth, carefully looked at it.

This monument looks like a stone like jade, white and white, without any embarrassment, blooming with a sacred light shining on this piece of heaven and earth.

In this monument, there is a mysterious and mysterious, which seems to represent the magical power of the heavens and the high avenues, so that anyone standing in front of this monument is as if facing a vast expanse of vast world. I can't help but give birth to a fear.

"This monument is not forged by any material, but the master of the Tower of Light, the terrible existence of the monk to the sacred place, condensed by the vast jihad rule. No wonder it is called the monument. In fact, it is a kind of manifestation of the power of the road." Jian Chen quickly saw the origin of the monument, and suddenly he was shocked.

Here, Tiandi Avenue is turned into a stone tablet. This method is terrible. It is not enough to describe it in a thorough way. It can be done in this way. I am afraid that only those who have the law will realize the ultimate and become the heaven. It can be done by interfering with the demise of the heavens.

"God, the whole stone monument is the concentration of the jihad law. It is really incredible. Who is the person who shaped this stone tablet, and the control of the jihad law has reached such an incredible height..."

"I understand that this stone tablet is actually the master of the Tower of Light, and the one recorded in the history of the Temple of the Sun, which was recorded in the history of the ancestors who died in the sacred place..."

"Why, this small world is the place where the owner of the Light Tower lived..."

"There is always a rumor of too much merit in the St. Light Tower. It’s just that in the past few years, no one has seen it with your own eyes. You said that this is too respectful and will be hidden in this small world..."


At this time, many jihadist celestial divisions also gathered around the stone monuments, all of which looked at the stone monuments with binocular radiance, full of heat. Among them, there are many people who are smart and extremely quick, and they quickly guessed the secret of this place.

In the east, there are eight 扈 扈 也 附近 附近 附近 附近 带着 , , , , , , , , , , , 带着 带着 带着 带着 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东 东It is a rumor that the Taizong practice is so that she can't afford the slightest interest.

"嫣雪, there may be hidden great creations here, you must seize the opportunity and try your best to fight for it." The east of the autumn water came with excitement and excitement, her full attention was given by the stone tablet Attraction, there is no abnormality in the east.

At this point, Jian Chen has been sitting cross-legged, his eyes closed, and he tried to understand the stone monument.

He has learned from the device of Lingkou that the immortality of the immortality is suppressed under the monument. Only by understanding the mystery of the monument and gaining the recognition of the monument, can the seal of the Taizun be taken out.

The jihadist celestial beings gathered around the Taoist monument, there are also many people sitting around the road around the road, and also the mystery of the monument.

They don't know that under the monument, they suppress the imprint of the Taizun, but because this monument is completely condensed by the law of jihad, it itself contains endless heaven and earth, if it can understand one hundred millionth of it. That is a huge gain for anyone of them.

Of course, not everyone is gathered here in the Taoist monument. There are also some jihadist celestial divisions scattered in various places in the small world, carefully exploring the small world, carpeting and searching for their own opportunities.

The sword dust is completely intoxicated in the sentiment of the Taoist monument. The power of the law contained in the Taoist monument is as if it is a vast ocean of vastness and boundlessness. It is simply unmeasurable.

After all, this is left by a worldly sacred place, symbolizing the jihad's law, its profoundness, and its level, which is not at all touched by Jian Chen.

Therefore, as soon as Jian Chen entered the sentiment, he fell into a confused, as if a child who lost his way seemed to have no way to go home, he would be completely lost.

Fortunately, the jihad law left in this monument is very gentle and does not have the slightest aggression. It is like a mother who radiates motherhood and is nourished by her own child, making any bright sage, no matter How weak your strength is, you will not be hurt in the monument.

Therefore, under the parcel of mysterious power, Jian Chen quickly woke up.

After waking up, Jian Chen immediately found himself in this monument and saw an image containing the fascination of the avenue, emitting the light of the avenue and evolving all things in the world.

At the same time, an ancient idea was suddenly introduced into the brain of Jian Chen, revealing a message, and feeling the map, you can get the imprint of the Taizun.

At this moment, sitting cross-legged around the road monument, I also tried to understand the sacred celestial celestial celestial celestial brilliance contained in the monument. I also encountered the same experience as Jian Chen. After a short period of loss, I also saw a pair. The Taoist map received an old idea and learned the imprint of the Taizun.

This discovery, suddenly shocked by all the jihadist heavenly masters, has been ecstasy.


Jian Chen, also in the Taoist map, suddenly appeared in the road map, and many bright gods around him, around a road map began to race against time to realize the sentiment.

At the same time, on the road monument, there is a ray of light that illuminates all the people who understand the map.

This light, with the power of asylum, is the protection of the Holy Light.

Time has passed quietly, and Jian Chen’s perception of the Tao map is constantly deepening.

One percent...

Two percent...



In the past month, Jian Chen’s perception of the Tao map has reached 50%.

Feeling the map, it has nothing to do with its own strength. This map contains the mysterious avenues. The real test is the talent and potential of a person. The stronger the talent and potential, the faster the sentiment will be.

During this period, the jihadist celestial division, which was originally scattered throughout the small world, also discovered the secrets of the Taoist monument. It has gathered all around the Taoist monument and tried its best to understand the Taoist map.

Therefore, around the Taoist Monument, all the jihadists who entered this small world have been brought together. Without exception, everyone has entered the sentiment and participated in the battle for the inheritance of the Taizun.

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