Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2339: Force and pressure (2)

"We are not all the way to the end..." Jian Chen sighed.

In the east, she didn't talk, and her silver teeth were biting, and she was nervously watching the outside situation.

Suddenly, a powerful pressure suddenly appeared. I saw a three-footed sword smashing through the air, with a horrifying and intense spur of the thorns on the shield formed by Fu.


In the loud noise, the energy shield formed by Fuxi suddenly trembled. The power of this sword is really terrible. With this attack, the power of Fuxi is consumed rapidly.


"It turned out to be an artifact!"

The appearance of this long sword has caused many bright gods to exclaim.

This long sword is a product of the next product!

Although the artifacts of the products are precious, many of the strongest starters have never owned them. However, among these bright gods, many people have extraordinary identities. They do not have a big source. The big background is that they have their own adventures. Therefore, a very small number of bright gods, the hands of the hands of the artifact.

After the appearance of the first artifact, the second, third, and fourth artifacts appeared one after another, all of which exudes a powerful power, and hit the shield with the killing of many bright gods. .

The power of the artifact is not the same, even if these bright gods are far from being able to exert the full power of the artifact, but it is not to be underestimated. A full number of artifacts attacked at the same time, and suddenly the shiver trembled more and more fiercely. This can resist the attack of the strongman of the beginning, and the light quickly became dimmed. It seems that there is a crack.

At this time, several artifacts were sacrificed, and there were ten artifacts, each with different shapes. They all radiated the terrifying power of the earth-shattering, and they all came to the energy shield.

The face of the snow in the east suddenly became pale. In front of so many artifacts, this symbolic time was shorter and she could not do anything.

The sword dust standing next to her is still not changing color. He looks a little complicated and said to the east of the snow: "In fact, if you look closely, you will find that these people simply can't hurt me, even if it is All of them have joined forces, even if they hold artifacts, they still do not pose a threat to me. Because their strength is too weak in my eyes."

"I told you before, we are not all the way, but you never understand the meaning of my sentence. Now, let you thoroughly understand..." Jian Chen said slowly.

At the same time, the defense formed by Yu Xue in the east, under the successive bombardment of the ten-handed artifacts, finally broke down. The powerful energy aftermath formed a terrible storm, with everything on the roll. The demise of the world is raging.

In the face of this powerful energy storm, let alone the repair of the five-color Yuan Dan in the east, even the bright king of the seven-color Yuan Dan is to avoid the edge.

Because this is a storm formed by the aftermath of ten artifacts, the power is terrible, so that many bright gods are smelling.

Moreover, after this energy storm, it is the artifacts that exudes the power of the heavens and the raging energy. They roar and come directly to the sword dust and the east to the snow, without any mercy.

The control of these ten artifacts is all crazy. In order to get the inheritance of the Taizong, even the Son will be killed together.

In the face of the great temptation of Taizun's inheritance, they are really gods to stop the gods, and the Buddha files to destroy the Buddha. Not to mention the Son, even those who are more noble than the Son, they will not let go.

"Hey!" Seeing this scene, Jian Chen was cold and cold, and his eyes were filled with chills. Originally, they did not want to hurt these bright gods. After all, he stayed in the Temple of Light for so long. He didn’t want to do too much, but now he saw the control of the ten artifacts. Let go, this made him angry.

I saw him step forward, his body does not look burly, such as a shield seems to block in front of the snow in front of the East, let the energy of the many bright gods change the violent blow of him He is not moving.

At this moment, Jian Chen seems to have a small body, giving people the feeling that it is a mountain, not moving.

Moreover, in him, there is an amazing momentum that emerges, and a raging and raging force is brewing in the body, such as a volcano that is about to erupt.

At this moment, he is no longer continuing to hide, revealing a sharp sword.

I saw a brilliance of swordsmanship from the fingertips of Jian Chen, exuding the sword of the sky, the Jianguang flashing, the sword air condensed at the fingertips of Jian Chen, has become a sword and six of them. Collide the artifacts together.


If the actual sword gas collides with the artifact and makes a clear sound of cross, these six artifacts with great power and tremble for all the gods of the light, in front of the sword dust, are like children. The toys in the hands are like the ones that have been hit and flew to the distance. The squatting on the ground makes the whole piece of land tremble.

Then, the sword in the hands of Jian Chen rushed out of his hand, and the sword was broken, and the air penetrated Changhong. In the high air, he slammed into one of the artifacts, and the seventh artifact hit a scream and disappeared into the sky. At the end, I don’t know where to fly.

In the end, the law of the sword dust force condenses, and three fists are fired. The power is horrible and stunned. The voids are trembled, and the most violent impact with the last three artifacts.




Among the three deafening roars, the last three artifacts were actually dimmed by the three punches of Jian Chen. They all made a sound of sorrow, like the mourning of the artifact.

Three artifacts flew far away, and they lost their tracks in the blink of an eye.

In the crowd, the bright gods who control the three-handed artifacts are all changed face. The mouth spurts a blood, and the complexion becomes pale. Each one is full of ecstasy.

The three of them have a spiritual connection with the three artifacts, and the last three artifacts are the most violent frontal attacks by Jian Chen. That power is too horrible, so amazing that the three of them who control the artifacts are inevitably implicated, suffering from the shackles of the fish and suffering.

The storm did not calm down. After ten pieces of artifacts, it was also a variety of bright magical techniques issued by many bright gods, intertwined into a white practising attack against the sword dust.

Jian Chen’s eyes are cold and cold. He will be behind the snow, and he will be alone behind him. He will bear the storm from the front, and the sleeves will be waving. The fierce swords will fill the void and form a white sword. And out.

The sword curtain is unbreakable, unstoppable, and the attack of many bright gods is collapsed in an invincible position.

In an instant, the threat from the ten-handed artifacts, as well as the attacks of many bright gods, were cleaned up by Jian Chen.

Many of the bright gods gathered here, even if they hold the artifact in hand, no one can get the corner of the sword dust.

In the blink of an eye, the small world has become quiet. All the people gathered in this small world are staring at the sword dust with a look of ghosts, and no one has attacked.

Standing in front of the sword dust, the east side of the snow, a pair of beautiful eyes are also big, the pretty face is full of shock, staring at the sword dust, the mind has stopped running.

In the east, Qiu Shui, Wang Tianfeng, and other ninety-nine main peaks, are also the invincible strength suddenly revealed by Jian Chen. They are all shocked and unable to speak, all of them are looking at the sword with a dull look. Dust, filled with horror in my heart, seems to be unable to accept the incredible scene that just happened.

" are the one who is a martial artist..." Suddenly, an exclamation sounded from the crowd.

PS: The second chapter is over! I owe it yesterday.

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