Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2346: Gathering in the temple

The owner of the Temple of Light, originally a gloomy face, can be seen when he heard the disciple of the Temple of Light, Changyang, the last person who did not have a blood test.

"Do you mean that Changyang, the disciple of the Temple of Light, is actually the sword dust?" The temple of the Temple of Light is cold, but even if he shakes his head, he said: "This is absolutely impossible, Jian Chen is A warrior can never be a bright sage."

"It’s hard to say, in case the sword dust is the eighth person of the Wushen..."

"Don't be eager to make a final conclusion. Since Changyang is the only person who has not tested blood at present, he may have a great possibility of sword dust. Of course, it has not been 100% determined by me without personal inspection. ..."

These more than ten foreign powerhouses said with enthusiasm, looking at the sacred temple standing on the cloud, with a deep and deep heat in the eyes.

In that direction, it is the highest level of the temple, where the tower is placed.

After all, the St. Light Tower is a top-level artifact that is supervised by Taizun. At the same level as the True Tower, such a powerful artifact will naturally lead to many sacred ambitions.

It was only because of the existence of the ancient Taoist sect, the St. Light Tower was locked here, and all the shackles of the Holy Light Tower were cut off, so that they could do nothing about the Tower of Light.

At this time, there were more than a dozen people coming from outside. Compared with these top powers from outside, this group of people who came later seemed to be understated a lot. They converge on the whole body and look like Just like an ordinary person, he is flying from the outside without rushing.

They are also the top-ranking powerhouses that stand on the top of a continent. They belong to the kind of lameness, and the surviving characters of the whole disaster-stricken state will be shocked by the same magnitude, at the same level as the Temple of the Light.

These people are all local strongmen in the wilderness.

Among the ranks of the local strongmen in the wilderness, one old man wearing a robes is extremely dazzling, because even if he deliberately converges on the momentum, from his own, there is still a horrifying air leak from time to time. Out of the world, the world is tremble, making this person look faint is the strongest of them.

This old man is the eternal dynasty in the wild state, the emperor's empire!

"When this is called Changyang's juniors coming out of the Shengguang Tower, I have verified my identity. Please ask those who are not in the wasteland to leave here immediately." The Emperor of the Emperor's Empire opened his mouth, and the voice of the old man contained supreme majesty. There is an unquestionable overbearing.

For these strong foreign forces, these local forces in the wilderness have long been unafraid.

These foreign powerhouses are not afraid of the Emperor's empire, but they look calm and calm. One of them said: "That is nature. Once we have verified that Changyang is not a sword dust, all of us will leave the wasteland."

"I hope that you can keep your promises." The lord of the Temple of Light is cold, and his eyes are swept away. The Emperor’s empire is a group of people, and he is holding a fist: "Since all of you have come, please enter the temple and tell me. People go to call Changyang."

Immediately, this group, no matter where it is placed, is definitely the great man of the great man, and enters the temple together with the lord of the Temple of Light.

At the same time, at the top of the Guangming Temple, one of the eight deputy princes, Xuan Zhan, was standing upright, standing in front of the Tower of Light and staring at the gate of the Tower of Light.

"Mysterious war, those outsiders have gathered in our bright temple, Changyang is already the only person in the wild state who has not carried out blood tests. He is very likely to be disguised as Jian Chen. You can go to the Shengguang Tower quickly. Identify his identity." At this moment, the voice of the Temple of the Light Temple was introduced into the mysterious war.

Hearing the words, the bright eyes in the eyes of Xuan Zhan suddenly became deep.

At the same time, in the middle of the wilderness, in a city that is extremely prosperous, a huge manor is quietly located in the corner of the city. In the depths of the manor, there is a middle-aged man in front of a small attic. I was bending over and reporting the information with respect and respect.

"The predecessors, now the entire wilderness, except for a bright disciple named Changyang, everyone has been identified. Now, this is called the light sacred teacher of Changyang, which is probably a sword dust camouflage, whether it is Those foreign strongmen, or the local strongmen of the wilderness, have gathered in the Temple of Light. For the seniors, you see, do we want to go?"

"Changyang? Guangming Shengshi? Is it the sword dust, and the identity of the martial arts?" There was an old voice in the attic, full of surprises.

"At the moment, it is still impossible to conclude!" The middle-aged man replied with respect and respect.

"I know, go on."

"Yes, the predecessors!" The middle-aged man retired with respect and respect.

In the attic, a black man is sitting cross-legged. He looks in the direction of the Temple of Light, muttering: "This sword dust is really hard to find, but this one is indeed good, it can blind the sky. Let us all deduct any clues about him, even the master has no way. It is not known that this person named Changyang is disguised by Jian Chen."

"I hope he is, if not, then I have to find the real sword dust, I don't know when I have to wait, the master, I can't wait."

"As for the tower, throw it out and let them fight for it. I just need to bring his people back to life..."


At the same time, in another bustling city, a manor covered with green plants and full of vitality, a kindly old-fashioned old man, patiently patiently wearing a green dress next to him, looks like twenty The beautiful woman of the age explains the avenue.

"Olydona, you just stepped into the beginning, the use and understanding of the way of life rose to a new level, but the beginning of the world, just the beginning of the beginning, you have to go a long way in the future There are still many shortcomings in the perception of the way of life..."

At this moment, a middle-aged man walked over quickly and stopped in the distance. Christine said: "The elders of the temple are told, there is news about Jian Chen..."

Hearing the words, the green woman who is listening to the old man to explain the way of life, the eyes suddenly turned bright, immediately turned to look at the middle-aged man, not waiting for the old man to open, he said: "There is news, he where is it?"

"Now everyone's eyes are concentrated on a bright sage called Changyang in the Temple of Light, because he is the only person who has not had blood tests, and many people suspect that Jian Chen is him." The man said.

"The disciple of the Temple of Light? Could it be that this sword dust still masters the martial arts power? Otherwise, he will never disguise himself as a light sage." Wen Yan, the old brow wrinkled.

And Oledona, standing next to the old man, was an angry head, and repented: "Oh! How can I forget this? This sword dust is not just a warrior."

"Elders, that Changyang is mostly Jian Chen, because Jian Chen is also a bright sage, let us go to the Temple of Light." Oledona immediately said to the old lady around him.

She became the elf ancient **** tree for millions of years in the lower bounds. She is one of the longest people to contact Jian Chen. It is natural to know that Jian Chen is not only a warrior, but also a very talented Guangming Sheng. The teacher even became the only nine-order Guangming sage in Tianyuan.

"No hurry, no hurry, this sword dust has been hiding for so long and will not be discovered. Then he must have something extraordinary. Let's take a look at the next performance of Jian Chen. After all, he had before from Qing Yao. The precedent that the king of heaven has escaped. The strength of the king of the glory may not be the top, but the speed, even if you look at the entire sacred world, it is one of the best. Can escape from the hands of the king of the glory, let alone the king of the district, even It is a very difficult thing for a Taishiqiang strong person..." The old man said with a squint and a meaningful meaning.

PS: Chapter 2 is coming.

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