Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2366: royal

At this moment, Kay's eyes seemed to be turned into two black holes that were swallowed up, and all the power of blood was swallowed up and flowed into another space, and the scene was extremely embarrassing.

The rapid flight of blood and blood makes the blood in the blood pool continuously decrease, and the water level of the whole blood pool is falling, and the speed of decline is fast, which is shocking.

After all, the blood pool in front of you is very large, and the amount of blood stored in it is enough to describe it with the ocean and the sea.

But at this moment, this piece is like a vast pool of blood in the sea. Even the speed at which the water level drops is visible to the naked eye. It is conceivable that the blood in this blood pool is so fast.

In just four breaths, the blood in the blood pool was reduced by a third at an incredible rate. All the blood was turned into an incomparably pure blood and disappeared into the eyes of Kea.

And Kay, did not absorb the power of the blood here, and after taking a third of it, it stopped.

Immediately, she slowly turned around and left the pool of blood, walking towards the distance without nostalgia.

As for being warmed up in the middle of the blood pool, the whole body hair is dark gold, and the body is huge like a mountain Gusta body. She has never looked at it.

It seems that this corpse is not worth her attention at all!

Even on this corpse, there is a huge amount of pressure, which contains earth-shattering horror energy, and it still cannot enter her eyes.

In the end, Kea walked out of the blood pool and stood a hundred miles away from the blood pool.

And the boiling blood pool, this time is gradually becoming quiet, and soon restored peace.

Only the blood in the blood pool has not recovered, and the headless body soaked in it is also sinking below the horizon.

Suddenly, Kay's body swayed and fainted to the ground, seemingly in a coma.

But this coma did not last long, she re-awake, the ruthless coldness that appeared in her eyes has disappeared, her eyes, once again restored the normal look.

"Strange, how did I suddenly faint?" Kea sat on the floor with a blank face, completely unaware of what had just happened.


In the Temple of Light, in the Tower of Light, the dust of the temple master wearing white robes is gathering with dozens of bright kings.

The main temple of the Temple of Light, the location of the temple, is not in the holy pavilion of the Tower of Light, but in the small world that has been sealed for countless years and placed in a heritage.

This small world, shortly after Jian Chen’s departure, opened again and did not continue to close, allowing everyone to enter and exit at will.

Even so, there are not many people in this small world, only a few dozen.

Outside the boundaries of the small world, there are many curious light sages, including one of the peaks, the **** of light.

All of them, their eyes are showing their desire for this small world, but no one dares to take a step and truly enter the small world.

All of this is because of the words of the Sun Yat-sen, the leader of the sun.

In a word, Gong Sunzhi deprived many of the bright sages outside and entered the qualifications of this small world.

It can be said that all the bright sages gathered here are helpless.

Because the true identity of Gong Sunzhi has been spread, and the descendants of the ancestors have made Gongsunzhi a presence above ten thousand people, and it has formed an insurmountable level of crushing on all the sacred teachers.

Dozens of bright gods gathered in the small world, all of whom show respect for the mainstream of the Temple of Light. Gong Sunzhi is the only one of them who has no longer bowed to the Lord of the Lord and has no fear of the Lord of the Temple of Light.

At this moment, the main temple of the Temple of Light, the dust of the temple, is closing his eyes, standing in front of the towering monument in the small world, and feeling the road map inside the monument.

Although the suppression of the inheritance at the bottom of the Taoist monument has been obtained, the road map imprinted in the Taoist monument has not dissipated and still exists.

At this time, the closed eyes of the Temple of the Light Temple finally opened. He stared at the monument in front, his eyes were complicated, and his heart was dark: "If it does not work, once the road map is realized, it will encounter an invisible." Barriers, even with my ability, have no way to take this barrier. Is it true that Jian Chen is telling the truth, the last step of the road map really needs Wu Soul to break through?"

The brow of the temple of the Temple of Light was wrinkled.

"The master map left by the master in the past, only the royal family can only understand, you are not a royal family, and you are not qualified to understand the master's road map." At this moment, a vain voice was introduced into the temple of light. In the ears of the Lord.

Hearing this voice, the spirit of the temple of the Temple of Light was shocked. He naturally knew that this voice came from the Spirit of the Light.

Because here, if you want to voice to him, and let him not find the source of the sound, there is only the spirit that exists in the Holy Light Tower as a god.

"Royal? What is the royal family?" The Lord of the Temple of Light returned to the Holy Spirit and began a spiritual exchange.

"The royal family, master a unique power, this power is called martial arts power, as long as you have martial arts power, is the royal family in the jihadist celestial division."

"What do you say!" The light of the Holy Light Tower is amazing, such as a thunder in the dusty brain, and the feathers are really on the spot.

"The martial arts people, and our bright temple, but the enemy of the eternal fire, how can they be the royal family among the jihadists?" Yu Chen simply did not dare to accept such news, this is really amazing, completely Subverted his ideas and cognition.

The voice of the Holy Light Tower is indifferent and has no emotion: "I don't know what the reason is, let you only have civilian status, and you are headed against the royal family, but in the time of my master's time, you Identity is only a people in the dynasty."

"Imperial? Is it true that in the same year, there was a dynasty formed entirely by the Guangsheng sage?" Yu Chen immediately questioned, and the news he heard now was never recorded in the Temple of Light.

Even the oldest books, the contents recorded can not be traced back to such a long time.

"Yes, in those days, you were a powerful group in the universe, with a great and powerful country composed entirely of jihadist celestial beings. Under the leadership of the master, they opened up a piece of territory in the universe, laying down A world of heaven and earth, and the establishment of an eternal kingdom..." The Light Tower of the Holy Spirit came to tell the story of the past.

"The owner of the Tower of Light, even has the power of martial arts..." Feather dust is a loss of life, it is difficult to accept. The news brought by the Spirit of the Light Tower has brought his concept to an unprecedented impact.

"Since the owner of the Light Tower is a royal family and has a martial arts power, why is his descendant not possessing martial arts power?" Yu Chen asked again.

"Every royal family is born by nature, not by blood..."

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