Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2376: Weeping blood too respect

The ancestors of the heavens rushed in the sky of the comet. He seemed to be walking in a leisurely pace, seemingly unhappy, but he stepped out every step, and the surrounding stars were changed.

Step by step, one step and one world.

The endless starry sky, there seems to be no distance under his feet. He is moving at a fast, incredible speed, like a teleport, in the vast sky and toward the distant wilderness.

The forty-nine continents of the Holy Land are huge land floating in the sky of the comet. The distance between each continent is very far apart. It is usually completed by a star-ship warship and a cross-continental transmission array.

It can be repaired to reach the level of the ancestors of the heavens. It already has the ability to master the heavens and the rules, and the distance between the continents and the continents is nothing in his eyes.

His speed in the sky is even faster than the intercontinental transmission array!

It is not only the ancestors who have sensed the change of the wilderness.

At this moment, in the forty-nine continents of the Holy Land, among the eighty-one stars, some of them have been closed for life and death all the year round. They don’t care about the world, even the old antiques that have been indifferent to fame and fortune, and have been forgotten by the world. .

Their eyes are full of vicissitudes and years, see through life and death and reincarnation, indifferent to fame and fortune, and detached from the world, and asked one heart.

"It is the first of the three major dark gold kings of the ancient giant clan, Gusta, Gusta's body and blood, even in the wilderness..."

"The blood of the dark gold king is extremely noble and rare, and Gusta is the first person in the ancient giant family. It is only a step away from Taizun. His blood may contain Part of the memory of life..."

"Gusta's body and blood, it is worth my personal trip..."


The old antiques hidden in the sacred circles have stepped out of their own dry places, and they rushed to the wilderness in the stars.

The wilderness, the Jianshen Peak, the Tongtian Juggernaut, such as the old man, set aside, always sitting cross-legged in a place, his eyes pierced through the void, looking at the high-altitude Gusta body and blood by the energy turbulence, look indifferent, indifferent.

It was only in him that there was an invisible sword that pervaded and shrouded the entire Jianshen Peak, making Jianshen Peak intact in this massive earthquake that broke through the entire state.

In the southern part of the wilderness, the purple wind dynasty, one of the five great empire dynasties, in the imperial city, a scene surrounded by the law, is already in the closed intercontinental transmission array, there is a messy hair, old clothes, no The old man who was tidying up, with some soldiers of the purple dynasty, relied on a chair, closed his eyes and lazily lying on a wicker chair.

This old man who has not cleaned up a lot of things, on the surface has an infinitely perfected, in the purple wind dynasty in the important position, ordered to guard the cross-continental transmission array.

At this moment, the whole earth trembled fiercely, and the old man lying on the wicker chair suddenly stood up and looked at the direction of the War Dragon Empire. The old eyes showed a strange color, which was only heard by himself. The voice said: "Gusta's body is buried in the depths of the wilderness of the wilderness. I have been in the wasteland for hundreds of thousands of years, and I have no idea..." The old man’s eyes became so deep that he was When I got up and rushed over, I felt something, and my face suddenly changed. I suddenly became cautious. I whispered in a low voice: "I sensed a sigh of blood, so it was so, there was a cry in that place." The blood is too densely laid out in the dark, this ... can not be touched, can not touch ..."

"Sword dust, this little guy, is too crazy, and it has destroyed the arrangement of the weeping blood. This is to see who has saved him..."

At the same time, in the distant star space, the ancestors who came to the deserted state seemed to be aware of it and suddenly stopped. His eyes gazed at the distant wilderness, and his brow wrinkled.

"There is a breath of sorrowful blood..." The ancestors whispered in the air, and in his eyes, there seemed to be an infinite avenue intertwined and deduced.

After a moment, he decisively gave up to the wilderness, turned back and returned to the Kaitian family.

At the same time, those old antiques that rushed from the sacred circles to the deserted states were also hovering in the sea of ​​the stars. After stopping for a while, they also gave up and rushed to the wasteland, with sighs and regrets. Go back the same way.

In the wilderness, many powerful people are approaching the location of the explosion, dare to come from various places, among them, there is no polar environment, there is a mixed environment, this moment, almost all of the starting powers of the entire wilderness are gathered together. Here.

"Whose body is this, it is so powerful, just a drop of energy contained in the blood, I am scared..." A strong protagonist looked at the blood of the sky, scared to eclipse.

"These blood contains extremely pure energy, the level is very high, and the value is immeasurable..." A mixed element began to exclaim, his eyes filled with greed, and immediately began to collect and put a drop of blood nearby into the jade bottle. Among them.

Seeing that some people started, the rest of the strong players did not hesitate, with the heat and excitement, began to collect the blood and body fragments of Gusta. All of their attention was drawn to the blood filled with the sky, and they did not notice that a small tower with only the size of a fist was close to the ground and flew away in the distance.

After the broken small tower, after staying away from it, it finally stopped in a hidden place, and immediately the small tower disappeared, and Jian Chen and Kay appeared out of thin air.

"Go, leave here!" Jian Chen whispered low, he did not continue to hurry with the real tower, because the target is too big, it is easy to be discovered, but choose to go with Keya.

The reason why I chose to work with Kea is because those top powers have already seen him alone. If he continues to be alone, even if Mo Tianyun’s mask can cover his breath and change his appearance, he can be suspected. The chances are also great.

The existence of Kea is rarely known, so choosing to go with Kay, two people together, can have an unexpected effect, reducing the possibility of being suspected.

As for the **** order that was circulated in the wasteland, the identity was verified. In the past three years, with the identity of Jian Chen, it was cancelled during the sublimation of Jianufeng.

After all, the emergence of blood orders is just a way to find a way to find a sword dust. It is not a rule that has been circulated in the wilderness. Naturally, it cannot exist for a long time.

At this time, dozens of stocks mixed with the powerful momentum of Haotian's anger, suddenly passed from the bottom of the ground, I saw those top-ranking strongmen who were introduced into the underground cave by the sword dust, all of them were stupid, and the anger of the crown rushed from the bottom of the earth. From the beginning, suspended in the heavens and the earth, making a roaring roar.

They are top-notch strongmen, and they are cultivated to the depths. The horrible energy aftermath only brought them some injuries, which made them embarrassed, and they really could not let them fall.

After all, they are only suffering from the aftermath, not the positive blow of the eight strong players.

"Sword dust, the old man will never spare you..." Figure 3 is also carrying blood, pale face floating in the air, making a gnashing sound.

Immediately, a horrible sensation of knowledge emerged from the overwhelming proliferation of these top powers, and everyone is looking for sword dust.

At this moment, in the thousands of miles away, Jian Chen and Kayya are in the air of no rush, and the horror of the horror from those top powers has been swept away from them. Did not find clues.

Because Jian Chen has controlled the mask, it has become another face, and even his body and physique have changed.

He is now trying to look at it, not to mention the top powers who are not familiar with him. Even the person who knows him the best around him can't recognize him.

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