Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2387: The shock of Qingpeng Wang

Pingtian Dynasty, officially easy to change!

The former Mofu government master Xing Xingfeng became the highest decision-maker of the Pingtian Dynasty.

However, it must be said that the Emperor of Heaven has passed the emperor to the Xingfeng, which is a very brilliant strategy.

Although the strength of Mo Xingfeng is not very strong, but because he is the first person to contact Jian Chen, in the Tianyuan family, he is also a figure belonging to the level of the veteran, quite a position.

Today, he became the emperor of the Pingtian dynasty, but the relationship between the Pingtian dynasty and the Tianyuan family became even closer.

Of course, this series of changes is caused by the exposure of the evil spirits to the identity of the gods.

The exposure of the evil spirits not only made the status of the Pingtian dynasty and the Tianyuan family rise, but even the Xi's family in the northern region benefited a lot.

In the past, the Xi’s dynasty, which dominated the northern region, was controlled by the eternal demon in the blood of the cherished family. After the dynasty, like the Tianshi dynasty, the Xi’s dynasty was gradually smashed in the war of the whole of Yunzhou, and later it was even more It is because the top forces in the Xi's dynasty smashed the Tianzong and the four-pole Jianzong, which made the Xi's royal family almost completely annihilated. Even the palace was easy to change and was occupied by the enemy.

Later, with the three mixed elements of the emperor, and the help of the evil spirits, the family was separated from the danger and truly possessed the capital against the cracked Tianzong and the four-pole sword.

In these years, under the leadership of the emperor Xizi Yun, the Xi’s dynasty gradually stabilized and began to slowly recover lost ground.

However, at this time, the cracked Tianzong and the four-pole Jianzong, which had already torn the cheeks with the Xi’s royal family, combined with many large and small forces in the northern region to make a fuss about the **** things and form a strong alliance. Fighting with the Xi's royal family and trying to prevent the unification of Xi's.

Even the ancestors of the two major forces, the Split Tianzong and the Siji Jianzong, have visited the Luoshen family in the northern area several times, hoping that the Luoshen family will send a strong man and completely destroy the Xi's family.

But now, with the fascination of the sacredness of the sacred gods, the family of the gods, and even the top powers of the entire Justice League, have changed their attitude towards the singular dynasty.

On this day, at the top of the ruling dynasty, in order to regain lost ground and complete the imperial dynamism of the dynasty, they have always been against them, hindering the development of the sacred Tianzong and the four-pole Jianzong. It was the leader of a large and small force. He came to the border of the Xi’s dynasty, came to the sin of the sin, and swears allegiance to the sorrowful dynasty.

Since then, the Xi's dynasty, completely recovered the lost ground, completed the unification, and became the hegemonic level of the northern domain.

As for the family of the gods, although they are the top forces on the top of the continent, they are also located in the northern domain, but they are more of a hermit family, and they almost never intervene.


Tianduanzhou, suspended in the high-altitude Qingyao Mountain, Qingyao Tianwang returned to here, transforming the human form, standing on the top of Qingyao Mountain, his face is gloomy.

There is a raging anger that has been brewing in his chest for a long time, so that whoever he looks at now, feels like a * barrel that will explode at any time.

"Sword dust, this king has already deeply remembered you, this king will never forget you..." Qing Yao Tian Wang made a gnashing voice, and felt very incomprehensible in his heart.

The Tianyuan family failed, but in the end it was gray-faced and back. It was originally a narrow-minded, and the blue-yellow king who must report it, but also attributed all of this to Jian Chen.

The resentment against the sword dust in his heart is even stronger.

Especially when I think of the glory of the sacred sacred king of the world, where is it not to be awe-inspiring? Since the encounter with Jian Chen, it has been unfavorable for many years. Not only has it been unsuccessful in killing Jian Chen several times, but it has caused him to suffer one after another. This makes his hatred of Jian Chen in his heart almost to annihilate the heavens and the earth.

Jian Chen is about to become a demon of Qing Yao Tian Wang.

"Jian Chen, I am afraid I will never think of it. As the real master of the true tower, it is really too beginning. It is not as depraved as the rumor. You dare to touch the real tower, and you still don’t know the refining and rejuvenation. You will die sooner or later. In the hands of the Taizun." At this time, Qingpeng Wang seems to think of something, his face suddenly showed a cold smile.


But this smile only lasted for a moment, the facial expression of Qing Yao Tianwang was suddenly a stiff, his eyes became stunned, and he said in a low voice: "It’s really too sacred for the sacred world, and the magical power is vast, as long as she is still alive, then No matter where the tower is hidden, even if it is hidden in the space of the lower bounds, the power of etheric respect can also be found in a mind, but why is this true tower, can it be held by Jian Chen? ”

"If it is really too old to have fallen, Jian Chen holds the true tower and can still say it, but it is still too alive and alive, and accepted the ninth apprentice. He should have known the trace of the true tower. Why have you not recovered?"

"Is it true that the tower is held by Jian Chen, is it really too acquiescence?" At the thought of this, Qingpeng Wang suddenly changed his face, and his heart set off a storm.

At this moment, he couldn't help but recall his experience of killing Jian Chen. He remembered in his mind one by one. When he thought of chasing Jian Chen in the crack of the void, he was finally trapped by many time vortex for no reason. Seems to understand what, suddenly shocked.

"It is really too beginning, it is really too beginning, he is secretly controlling all this..." Qing Yao Tian Wang exclaimed in his heart, it is difficult to calm down.

But what he thinks and can't understand, it's really too much to do, what is the intention.

At this moment, in the vast land of the sacred border away from the wilderness, in an unusually prosperous city, several large transmission arrays are standing here, and several of them are transmitted, and there is a flash of light in the absence of time. Under the action, a famous warrior will be transported over long distances.

In the center of these transmission arrays, there is also a transmission array that looks obviously larger and more complicated, but it is often no months or even years.

Compared with the few people around, the seemingly busy transmission array, this larger transmission array is quite special.

Because this transmission array is an intercontinental transmission array that can transmit between long distances between continents and continents.

Such a transmission array, looking at any place on the 81st star of the sacred world on the forty-nine continents, is one of the few. Only the powerful forces have the ability to build.

At this moment, this cross-continental transmission array, which has not been moving for several years, suddenly burst into a dazzling light. Under the power of transmission, I saw two men, one woman and two youngsters, quietly appearing on the transmission array. .

The man, burly, with a tiger's back and a bare upper body, his muscles bulging and blasting.

The woman, who looks plain and looks like nothing strange, belongs to the type that is thrown into the crowd and does not attract attention.

These two people are naturally Jian Chen and Kai Ya.

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