Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2397: Kendo

"Golden sword beast, no limbs, shape like an arrow, the body is very hard, flying fast in the sky, with a part of the tip of the sword puncture to hurt the enemy..." The moment when I saw the starry beast In the brain of Jian Chen, there is a flash of information about such a starry beast.

Today, he is no longer Wuxia Amon. For those beasts who live in the stars, although he still can't talk about it, he knows one or two.

"Golden Sword Beast is a huge ethnic group. Every time it is dispatched, it is crowded and numerous. Nowadays, the Nethership is trapped by the Golden Sword. If you don't kill them, it is very difficult to get out of trouble."

"The speed of the Void Spacecraft is fast, but it is also difficult to survive the beginning of the Golden Sword Beast. After all, these beasts that are born to survive in the void, in the vast sky, can be described as a fish, to get them, It's not a simple matter." Jian Chen thought sharply and quickly saw the form at hand.

"This friend, at the moment, you must know that the battle of the Void Warship can't last too long. If you don't kill these Golden Swords, when the power of the Nethership is exhausted, we Everyone will not be better."

"After all, in the void, the speed of the golden sword beast is amazing, not to mention that they still have the same origin as ours. Even the empty spaceship can catch up. Once there is no empty spaceship, our strength is in the void. I am afraid that I will never be able to get rid of the killing of the Golden Sword Beast."

An old voice passed over and I saw the other side of the deck. The six original pilgrimages of the dynasty were coming together. They frowned, and each face was serious and was coming in the direction of Jian Chen.

The old man who spoke, wearing a white robe, was a child, and looked like a little bit of a fairy.

But in his eyebrows, the two eyebrows that are sharp like sharp swords have added a bit of temperament to him.

"The Promise of the Beginning of the Nine Heavens!" Jian Chen in the heart of a move, he has already seen the strength of the old man, is the strongest of the six strong starters, has already reached the peak of the endless.

As for the offering of the other five floating dynasties, it is much weaker than the old man. It is obvious that the old man who speaks is looking forward to it.

The sword cloud that the sword dust encountered a few days ago is impressive.

"The old man is a sword, I hope that the Taoist friends can take the shot and join us to kill the Golden Sword Beast." The old man of the Nine Heavens, who has no urgency, continues to say a sincere invitation.

"In these Golden Sword Beasts, I have already sensed the atmosphere of the 12th beginnings. One of them, I am afraid that it is almost close to the mixed environment. It is very difficult for us to kill them. "Jian Dust.

"Don't worry, there are a few people on the ship who have been repaired at the beginning of the road. They have already come."..." Yi Jianping said, with the voice, there are two people walking. On the deck.

They are a middle-aged middle-aged man and a handsome young man.

At the moment, with the addition of Jian Chen, there are already nine strong players on the deck.

"Two innocent people have a heavy day!" Jian Chen's eyes swept away the two original strongmen, and they realized their strength at a glance, and they secretly shook their heads.

These two infinitely strong days, if the fighting power is extraordinary, but if it is just an ordinary strong starter, it is difficult to have the power of self-protection.

Because in the same realm, the fighting power of the Golden Sword Beast is stronger than that of the same rank.

Therefore, only some people with extraordinary fighting power can deal with a starry beast with the same strength as them.


At this moment, the Void spacecraft violently vibrated again, and the twelve starting Jinjian beasts surrounded by the Void Spacecraft launched a powerful attack, full of 12 initial attacks, in that The strongest strength, already approaching the golden sword beast of the mixed environment, hit the same place in the empty spaceship, and the power destroyed the earth.

The power of this attack has transcended the beginning of the Promise and entered the level of the mixed state.

Under the attack, the formation of the Void Spacecraft was suddenly torn apart by a huge crack. The light of the array was dim and the defense was diminished.

"I will drag the strongest golden sword beast, and the rest will be handed over to you..." The time is tight, it is too late to make more arrangements, and a sword throws this sentence, and it will be I left the Void Spacecraft and fought fiercely with the strongest Golden Sword Beast in the vast sky.

Suddenly, the empty sky roared, the whole starry sky was twisted, and the powerful swords shrouded the entire battlefield, leaving a crack in the void in the air.

One Jianping realizes the law of kendo. His realm is not only the highest person on the empty spaceship, but also the most terrible person in combat.

Fighting with a sword, it is a golden sword beast with a length of a thousand feet. It shines like a giant flying sword. It turns into a golden stream and continues to stab a sword. The speed is fast. .

At the same time, the other five major essays of the imperial dynasty were enshrined, and they also rushed out of the void warship, one person dragging a golden sword beast from the beginning.

Right now, on the Void Warship, there is only Jian Chen and two other strong people who are infinitely strong.

The sword dust looks as usual, while the other two insecure strong people are all dignified and face the enemy.

"Sword dust, the golden sword beast of the beginning, all of them are treasures, worth a lot, you must not forget to collect the body." Kea reminded her at Jian Chen that she stayed with Jian Chen for a long time. After many battles, she can say that the strength of Jian Chen is clear, and she is not worried about Jian Chen.

"Brothers and Taiwan, you should never greedy the body of the Golden Sword Beast. These golden swords and beasts are very strong, and they don't pay attention. Even if the beginnings are degraded, they can survive. This is the most important thing." At this time, no In the distance, the middle-aged man from the beginning said to Jian Chen, and as soon as the voice fell, he rushed into the starry sky and fought with the weakest starting Jinjian beast.

In the end, the young man who looked very handsome and beautiful, his eyes faintly sweeping the dust of the sword, did not say anything, and rushed out of the void spacecraft.

"Kaya, you are careful." After the sword duster belonged to Caia, he no longer hesitated. He took it out one step at a time, and rushed out from the void spacecraft's cracking pattern to the starry battlefield.

On the empty spaceship, eight strong starters dragged eight golden sword beasts. In addition to the strongest one, the remaining few did not confront the Jin Jian beast and fought.

And a sword is a fierce battle with the golden sword beast that is also in the same time.

"There are still four golden sword beasts in the beginning, two in the infinite world, one triple heaven, one six heavens!" Jian Chen eyes swept to the other four golden sword beasts.

At this moment, these four golden sword beasts are still in the mad attack of the Void spacecraft. They are inferior in intelligence, do not know the strain, only know the tactics of attacking the Void spacecraft according to the requirements of the leader. Even if there are military people passing by them, as long as they do not complete the tasks assigned by the leader, they are not in the air. .

Therefore, as long as they do not provoke them, their goal will always be the Void Warship.

Starry beasts, despite having a strong competitive advantage, can also have the fatal weakness of mental retardation.

At this moment, a strong sword suddenly appeared, and the sword was rushing, filled with a supreme rhyme, as if the heavens and the earth were coming, wherever they were, all things were surrendered, even the supremacy of rules and order between heaven and earth, like There was a subtle change.

Jian Chen shot, and he saw that his body was emitting scorpion swords, and his temperament became illusory, filled with a thick "sin".

His will engulfs a hundred thousand miles of emptiness. Wherever the will is, all power below him will be turned into his own path and become the power under his control.

At this moment, Jian Chen, who entered his own swordsmanship, really has a feeling of becoming the master of heaven and earth.

This is the supreme kendo he feels!

At this time, his right hand slowly lifted up, pointing to the sky, suddenly, with him as the center, within a radius of 100,000 miles, many of the golden sword beasts in the realm of the gods, the body is actually a stiff.

The next moment, it was a dull explosion of explosions. I saw a hundred thousand miles of sword dust within a radius of 100,000 miles. The body of the golden sword beast bursting open, the golden residual debris, mixed with dazzling gold. The blood, turned into a torrent of gold, gathered in the top of the sword dust, and finally formed a huge sword formed by the body and blood of many golden sword beasts on the top of Jian Chen.

These golden sword beasts were all killed by the strong will of Jian Chen.

Jian Chen feels that there is no kendo. Where he is, he is the master of mastering the power of all things. The will is turned into the rules of the heavens and the earth. The self-contained field, all below his existence and strength, will be controlled by him. One thought.

PS: I used to use the small black house codeword before, but last night, Xiaoyao opened the small black house software as usual, and it was instantly forced. In the small black house, all the manuscripts that Xiaoyao once wrote were gone. The software is empty.

Although there is no manuscript in the Happy, all the manuscripts on the Black House software have been updated, even if it is lost, it will not lose anything, but many important notes recorded in the previous story are gone.

So, Xiaoyao went looking for it, and the result was not found for a long time. The cloud synchronization function brought by the software itself always failed synchronously.

During the day, I am going to find out and find out those important notes. Of course, the update will not fall.

Also, please pay attention to the WeChat public number of Xiaoyao, and you will post a notice on the public on the public number so that you can know the latest update of this book and avoid waiting for everyone.

Open WeChat, search: xinxingxiaoyao110 to find the public number of Xiaoyao, or directly search for the pen name of "Heart Star Happy" can also be found, please be sure to pay attention.

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