Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2411: Arrived in Star State

"Kaya, you know me time is not short, you should understand me." Jian Chen silenced for a moment, only slowly said, with a deep weakness in the tone.

Some things can't be stopped at all. For example, Kay has no way to put out his own feelings. So even at this moment, he doesn't know what to do.

He has always regarded Kea as his best friend, as it was when he was on the Tianyuan continent. Especially when facing the pursuit of Huai'an, he and Kay were forced to flee from Yunzhou. The hardships and hardships experienced on this road laid a deep friendship between him and Keya.

Of course, it is only friendship.

It is precisely because of the existence of this friendship that he is not willing to hurt Kay in any way, but he is really deeply weakened by the fact that Kay has a personal feeling for his own children.

Kay looked lonely, she did not go to see the sword dust, but looked dimly at the dark universe.

"Sword dust, do you think I am not beautiful enough?" Kay said softly, the truth was revealed.

She has buried the words buried in her heart for many years, making the feelings that have been suppressed in her heart for many years, like a volcano that has been suppressed for thousands of years, suddenly erupted and fierce.

At this moment, she seemed to be unscrupulous, and she did not have the shame of being a daughter. She became brave.

Jian Chen gently sighed, and this sudden change of Kea made him unable to guard against it. Without any psychological preparation, he suddenly did not know how to deal with it.

The appearance of Kea, although still can not talk about the country, but it is quite a bit of a look, not as imaginary as it is.

Of course, repairing to the height of Jian Chen has already seen the essence of things, not living in the same phase, not obsessed with shape, the appearance of a person is beautiful, it is just a good look of the skin, all the skin bags are removed. Red powder.

Therefore, repairing to the height of Jian Chen has long since departed from the eyes of the secular people, and there is no difference between beauty and ugliness.

And Kea, the king of the king, is still fascinated by the fact that he values ​​his body. This made Jian Chen realize that Kai's heart is deeply affectionate about his own feelings.

Because of her feelings, she is blinded, she is lost, and she cannot see the essence of things.

"Sword dust, do you know that I was hit **** Tianyuan mainland, the gods were damaged, and I fell into a coma for a long time. You may think that I am in a coma, completely lost the sense of the outside world, not because I know Everything happened outside." Kea turned her head and looked at the sword dust. The complex meaning between the eyes continued. "In fact, the fact is exactly the opposite. During the period of my coma, Everything you have done for me, I know clearly, I even know that you went to the seven yin yin mountains, met nine gods in the depths of the seven yin yin mountains, and brought back the healing yuan from there. God's heavenly treasures - Bai Yu Lingtai flowers. And I, because of the white jade Lingtai flowers, wake up from the coma."

Kea’s voice was very light, and the pair of eyes that looked at Jian Chen were filled with a gentleness that never appeared in her eyes.

When the last layer of the diaphragm in the heart was smashed, she revealed her true feelings and no longer concealed the deepest part of her heart.

And Jian Chen, after Kaiya said the seven yin yin, is also a big shock.

After all, at that time, Kay, for the time being, whether it was low or not, even the source was not enough, and still in a coma. Under such circumstances, he could know the seven yin mountains, which made him feel extremely uneasy. .

Although Kay has shown extraordinary and even horrible abilities in these years, she has already let Jian Chen’s heart speculate that she is very likely to be a reincarnation of a strong man, but it is impossible to be in the realm of the Holy Emperor alone. Can understand so many mysteries.

Because the celestial fairy is also the reincarnation of the sacred origin of the sacred world, but the sacred fairy can not be said in the realm of the sacred emperor, even in the source realm, it is impossible to have the ability of Kay to do so against the sky.

"This Kay, is it the reincarnation of the top powerhouse in the beginning?" Jian Chen was secretly in the heart, but at the same time he was puzzled.

Since it is a reincarnation, why is Kai Yaxiu a sign that has already reached the kingdom of God, and there is still no sign of awakening memory?

This is obviously different from the fairy tales he met and the founders of the top ten guardian families on Tianyuan.

The Yueyue Fairy retains all the reincarnation of memory, and the founder of the Ten Great Guardian Family of Tianyuan Mainland has also experienced the reincarnation of the reincarnation. Among them, the wind laughs, the sea returns to the sea, and the Yang Lie three are restored in the realm of the Holy Emperor. Memory.

Jian Chen’s heart was full of doubts, and Kea was hurting alone. She looked stunned and depressed. She said softly: “From that time on, my heart gradually branded your shadow, and more and more The deeper. In fact, I can feel that you have only ordinary friendship with me, and there is no feeling of a child. Therefore, I can only deeply bury my feelings for you in the deepest part of my heart. Be a secret that only I know."

"I was going to hide this secret for a lifetime, never telling you, just need to be with you, often seeing your figure, it is enough. Just now, I suddenly don't want to hide, want to let you I know, because I have a strong intuition, if I don’t say it now, I’m afraid I won’t have any chances...”

Having said that, Kay's gaze gradually became moist, and the water mist gathered, eventually condensing into two drops of crystal tears, which ran down her cheeks.

One thing she did not explain to Jian Chen is that she always has a strong feeling. It seems that she has not had much time with Jian Chen. As if she could not be multi-level, she would leave with Jian Chen.

That parting, maybe it will be permanent!

Jian Chen naturally did not understand that Kai Ya said that there was no chance in the future. It was a permanent difference. After listening to the words of Kea, he fell into a long silence.

After half a ring, he sighed: "Kaya, we can only be ordinary friends."

Kayya trembled in her heart, she did not say much, but looked at the vastness of the sky with a gaze, with a bit of awkwardness between the look.

She already knew that this would be the result.

There was nothing in the way, and the small virtual spacecraft driven by Jian Chen fell into a silence. Whether he or Kay, he was silent.

Soon after, they arrived in Xingyao. Because the Void spacecraft could only shuttle in the void, he and Kayya took the Void space outside the Star State, and then hesitated without a moment, immediately toward the nearest one. The city pool swept away.

Soon, Jian Chen and Kayya stood in a bustling city, and immediately spent a lot of money to explore the location of the recent intercontinental transmission array.

In a short time, Jian Chen had a more detailed understanding of Xingyao, which was more specific than what he knew in an equalizer.

This star Yaozhou is the land of Jiuyi Xingjun's submergence. Therefore, in the Xingyao State, in order to express respect for the Jiu Yao Xingjun, no one dares to establish a country in the whole Xingyao State. No one dares to call the emperor, all the forces of big and small. They are all in the form of family and sectarianism in various places in Xingyao.

The overall strength of Xingyao is ranked in the forefront of the forty-nine continents of the Holy Land, which can be said to be second only to the seven major states. Therefore, in Xingyaozhou, there are more than one hundred cross-continental transmission arrays, which are controlled by dozens of top-ranking big family sects.

Jian Chen, who also knows that the city he is currently in, is actually controlled by a sect who only sits in the beginning of the Promise.

The sects of these forces can only be regarded as the middle-level level in Xingyao, and naturally it is impossible to have a trans-continental transmission array.

After some inquiries, Jian Chen finally knew that the recent intercontinental transmission array was within the geographical scope of a top sect called Wuhuazong.

Next, he and Kay, both immediately passed through the transmission array to the territory of Wuhuazong.

Just as Jian Chen and Kayya went to Wuhuazong, the space was extremely distorted from the starry sky far away from Xingyao. The huge crack suddenly appeared. The seamount old man who pursued all the way was like a ghost. It appears in this void.

As soon as he came out, he immediately closed his eyes and showed his secrets to the senses. When he opened his eyes, his eyes were chilly.

"Found you, that position, it seems to be the Star State. Hey, I want to escape with the intercontinental transmission array of Xingyao State, I don't think about it!" Haishan old man showed a sharp color between his eyes, he did not dare to hesitate, his body swayed Between, it has disappeared, and rushed to Xingyao State at the fastest speed.

"The old man has been chasing you for so long, no matter what, you can't let you cross the continent to transfer the array..." Haishan old man roared in his heart.

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