Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2417: Reincarnation

"I have seen Star King"

"Seeing the Star Jun"

With the arrival of Jiuyi Xingjun, all the top powerhouses gathered here have been holding their fists, and everyone’s demeanor is full of respect.

Jiuyi Xingjun, this is second only to the existence of Taizun, and it has been repaired for many years ago. It is only a step away from Taizun, and is at the same height as the next hall of the Shengsheng Temple. .

Jiuyi Xingjun suspended in the sky, his eyes first looked around the circle, and finally settled in the land of the old man of Haishan, the dawn suddenly became deep, and the rules of the avenue were intertwined and deduced.

But in the next moment, his brow was a wrinkle. The rules of this space were reorganized, and all traces and secrets were erased. Rao used his cultivation to deduce nothing.

"Where is the strongman coming to my starry state? From the perspective of the change of Tiandi Avenue, this person's cultivation is at least in the same realm as me."

"Today's sacred world, as I have cultivated so many people, will it be one of them?" Jiu Xingjun's face became a bit ugly.

Xingyao, but his territory, the external peak of the strong man actually came to Xingyao to kill, this is a great provocation to his majesty.

He does not prohibit the killing between the strongest powers of the Taishi, but if a strong person with him comes to Xingyao, he must come out.

At this moment, the days of Xingyao State suddenly became a blood red, and only a figure formed by blood condensed appeared in front of Jiuyi Xingjun.


Seeing this **** figure, Jiuyi Xingjun was shocked and immediately bowed and bowed.

This **** figure is just too bloody!

The sacredness of the Holy Land came not only to surprise the nine-star star, but even all the top powerhouses below were shocked and immediately bowed.

Everyone is shocked and inexplicable, and the blood of the blood is too respectful to come to the star Yaozhou. Is it because of the small accident that happened here before?

Can you introduce Taizun, what does this mean?

Explain what happened here before, far from being so simple on the surface.

"Where are you coming from, where are you going." The weeping blood is too open, the voice is full of energy, and drinking makes everyone retreat.

The words and deeds of the Taizong are just like the purpose of heaven and earth. No one dares to defy. In an instant, all the top powers gathered here are nothing left.

"Master, how come your old man?"

When everyone walked, Jiu Xingjun asked with respect and respect after standing in the blood.

"It's really reincarnation, it was killed on your site. It's natural for the teacher to take a look." The **** sorrow said, he was covered in a thick **** fog, and he couldn't see the figure at all.

"What? Is it really reincarnation?" Jiuyi Xingjun sucked a cold breath, his face was a look that he could not believe: "Master, you said that more than three million years ago, it was really too Respect has not fallen, but has entered the reincarnation?"

The weeping blood is too slow to nod. Once, he also thought that it was really too old to have fallen and dissipated between heaven and earth. But since he saw the real reincarnation in the wasteland not long ago, he only knows that it is really too Respect is not as dead as the rumors.

I was confirmed by the weeping blood, and the look of Jiu Xingjun became severe. He also has some understanding of the reincarnation, and the reincarnation is a huge risk to any strong person, even if it is too respectable.

To reincarnate in the reincarnation, it will lose all memories and repairs, re-construction as a fetus, and begin to practice step by step from the mortal. When the cultivation does not reach a certain realm, it will not be able to awaken the memories of the past.

Moreover, the road to practice has been devastating. Even if it is revered, it will be killed before it grows up. If it is destroyed, it will also be destroyed. It will truly dissipate between heaven and earth.

Because of this, Jiuyi Xingjun felt so tricky when he heard that the reincarnation of the world was so smashed, because in his opinion, the real reincarnation was killed, that is equal to true. Taizun has fallen.

Perhaps it is to see the worry of Jiuyi Xingjun, and the **** sorrow continues: "You don't have to care too much. Really, the **** of the gods has already returned to the Bishengtian Temple. Her reincarnation is only sealed by her. Memory only retains the soul of this world memory. Therefore, the death of her reincarnation is actually deliberate."

"Master, the disciples are very puzzled, but why are they so respectful that they should let their reincarnation fall?" Jiuyi Xingjun said.

"It’s really a reincarnation. It’s actually just a tool to help the truth. Her reincarnation has always stayed with a young man. She just wants his reincarnation to be emotional to the young man. If she helps her to understand the fifth kind of love."

"And the young man, the teacher also paid a little attention to the Fan, he is the recent sacred rumor of the sacred world, with one of the three great treasures of the real tower to run around the sword dust." Weeping blood is too respectful.

"What? It's really a revered body, want to understand through the dust of the sword?" Jiuyi Xingjun was shocked and stunned. Doesn't that mean that the sacred sacred, will fall in love with a small person in the sacred world?

This is simply slippery.

Weeping blood is too respectful: "Now, since I have abandoned the reincarnation, it seems that she has realized that the fifth kind of road has matured, but she has taken the fruit and does not have to sacrifice her reincarnation. She Why do you want to give up your reincarnation? Use your reincarnation to become the second avatar. In the future, there is room for infinite growth. It is not impossible to achieve utmost honor. It is not better."

"Is it true that it has already been affected by the emotional influence of her reincarnation? I want to impress the boy named Jian Chen?"

For this, the **** sorrow is also puzzling, it is too respectable, it exists with him at the same level, and is stronger than him. He simply cannot be deduced and can only guess here.

Jiuyi Xingjun’s silence, the news from the **** mouth, is really amazing, he needs to digest it.

At this time, there was a space ring in the hands of the weeping blood. He handed the space ring to Jiu Xingjun, saying: "This is a chaotic fruit found for the teacher in chaos. You carry this chaotic road. If you go to the Bi Sheng Tian Gong, you will give this fruit to the teacher."

"In that year, when the teacher thought that he was really dead, he collected a drop of her blood, used to warm the body of Gusta, and wanted to refine Gusta's body as a slave, for the future use of the fairy world. The matter was really discovered, so that the teacher and her had a cause and effect entanglement. Now, use this chaotic fruit, but this is the cause and effect."

"Yes, Master!" Jiuyi Xingjun took the space ring and left immediately.

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