Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2426: Goodbye Xuran

The indifferent gaze of one heart stunned the portrait of the old man in the sea. Although there are not many strong people in the sacred world, there are many, and the strength of the old man of Haishan is obviously still in the eyes of the heart.

Therefore, she did not recognize who the Haishan old man was. However, she would not personally take the shot and kill the sword dust. She immediately refused without hesitation: "This palace will not kill anyone for you, although you have found it. The treasure of the Master, the merits of the sky, but you do not want to use these credits, let us Peterson Palace become the butcher knife in your hands, you change the conditions."

The meaning of the words in the hall of the Bi Sheng Tian Gong is very clear. The sword dust is returned to the true tower. This merit is unquestionable, but these credits can only be exchanged from the resources of the Shengsheng Temple for some cultivation-related resources, or the Qisheng Temple. shelter.

But it is absolutely impossible to turn Bi Sheng Tian Gong into a weapon in his hands, kill him for him, or target some people.

Jian Chen naturally heard the meaning of the heart of the hall. He knew that it was impossible to take the strong shots of the Shengsheng Temple. Fortunately, he was not entangled in this topic and continued: "This is a strong starter. There is a kind of talent that can find me, I want to use some credit in exchange for ways to avoid such talents."


"The ancestors of the heavens may be able to do it at a certain moment. I hope that when the ancestors of the heavens are against me, the Bisheng Tiangong can block the ancestors for me."

"No problem, in the future, the ancestors will not hit you!"

"I want some kinds of exercises, combat techniques and ancient mysteries, as well as cultivation resources."

"Yes, I will send you to the hall of the inheritance, and pass on the first and second levels of the exercises. You can choose whatever you want, and deduct your merits according to the level and preciousness of the exercises."

"I want to kill something that is too strong."

"Can you kill the treasures of the Taishiqiang strong, do you think it can be seen everywhere? All things, you can only choose in the first and second floors of the heritage hall." One heart coldly said.

Soon, Jian Chen negotiated the conditions with one heart and was sent to the temple by the spirit.

The inheritance hall does not know how many layers, but Jian Chen can only be active in the bottom two layers.

The first floor is passed down to the temple, where various exercises, combat techniques, and secret techniques are placed.

The second layer of the temple is a series of methods and artifacts.

In the first layer of the temple, Jian Chen selectively selected hundreds of exercises, combat techniques and secrets, and the order was from low to high.

The only regret is that these exercises, placed in the first layer of inheritance, can only be cultivated to the peak of the beginning of the mixed element.

He cultivated the body of chaos. These exercises and secret techniques were useless to him. Therefore, he asked for the request of the gods of the Tiansheng Temple to personally send these things and some cultivation resources to the Tianyuan family in Yunzhou.

These things are all prepared for him by the Tianyuan family.

The establishment of the Tianyuan family was not long, and the foundation was too weak. The resources of the Bisheng Tiangong were obtained, which allowed the Tianyuan family to grow stronger.

Later, he came to the second floor of the temple, and walked through the many arrays, carefully selected.

"Nine robbers burned the heart!" At this time, Jian Chen stopped in front of a set of flags. He looked at the introduction of this flag and his eyes gradually brightened.

This set of flags can form a powerful array of methods. It burns the mind with invisible flames and attacks the enemy's gods. It is impossible to prevent it. It can trap the strongmen below the seven heavens of the mixed yuan and slowly destroy them. kill.

"It is possible to kill the strongmen below the seven heavens in the mixed yuan!" Jian Chen suddenly felt a heart, and there was a killing effect from him. He wants to avenge the hatred of Kea, this set of flags may play a certain role.

At the same time, this is also the most powerful flag he has seen so far on the second floor of the Passage Hall, and he immediately received it without hesitation.

It’s just that he regrets that he has only found one, such as the powerful flag of the nine robbers.

The entire second floor of the temple, Jian Chen has only changed this area. As for the artifact, the artifacts on his body are still being sold, and naturally no valuable credit will be wasted on it. Moreover, the Tianyuan family does not need artifacts in a short time.

After a few hours, Jian Chen walked out of the temple and returned to the magnificent hall.

Of course, after all, the tower is a top-level artifact. The swordsman’s return to the true tower is a great achievement. Even if all these things are exchanged, it is only half used.

"For the rest of the credit, I will temporarily register it here. When I have something I need later, I will exchange it again." After sinking, Jian Chen said to the hall of the Bisheng Temple.

He originally wanted to ask him to shelter his second sister, Changyang Mingyue, until the strength of Changyang Mingyue was restored.

But when he thought of the second sister who was heard from the rhyme blue mouth, he had to give up the idea when he had a grudge against the Basilica of the Tiansheng Temple many years ago.

At one time, the hall of the Bisheng Temple was suppressed by his second sister, Changyang Mingyue. Although she did not know whether she was vengeful under the hall of the Bisheng Temple, he did not dare to take the risk of his second sister's life.

Soon after, Jian Chen walked out of the Bisheng Temple, and the tower was already gone. On his body, there was a quaint jade, which was interwoven with avenue texture.

This jade is left to him under the Basilica of the Bisheng Temple, which can isolate the search for the talents of the old man like Haishan.

In addition, in his space ring, there is also a lot of cultivation resources.

The Tianyuan family did not seek the shelter of the Bisheng Temple. He knew what his identity was. He did not want the Tianyuan family to have too deep connection with the Bisheng Temple.

Because on a certain day in the future, he may leave the sacred world with the Tianyuan family. If the Tiansheng family is sheltered from the Tianyuan family, he will be afraid of complicating things.

"Sword dust, the old body is here waiting for you for a long time, you finally came to Shengzhou." At this moment, an old voice came from the front.

Jian Chen looked up and saw that he was standing in front and stood an acquaintance.

This man is an old lady. She is dressed in a cloth, her body looks awkward, and a white hair is cluttering behind her.

Although she looks very old and her face is full of wrinkles, her eyes are bright and bright, and she seems to contain the power of the vast world.

This old man is exactly the same as Xu Tian in the sky!

Jian Chen looked at Xu Xuran, and suddenly there was a flash of light in his eyes. He held a fist: "Congratulations to the predecessors for repair, and once again stepped into the beginning of the mixed yuan!"

"The old body can recover and repair, return to the peak, and take it to the next level. All this is thanks to your avenue." Xu Ran said calmly, her eyes staring at Jian Chen for a moment, like a belt With some deep meaning, you should see through the dust inside and outside the sword dust.

"Sword dust, the old body can feel that there is a killing in your chest, a strong killing." Xu Ran continued.

"Kaya is dead." Jian Chen was so sad.

Xu Ran has long been used to life and death, her expression has not changed much, just a sigh, said: "The grace of the avenue origin, do not think that if you want to revenge, the old body can help you."

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