Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2450: a lot of resources

His mysterious swordsmanship has a total of three. In addition to killing the one used by the first elder, there are two left. These two mysterious swords are just enough to deal with the last two elders.

Originally with his current sword fairy, the fourth can be condensed out of the fourth. However, it takes a long time to condense Xuanjianqi. It takes several years, even ten or twenty years, but after he came out of the Poseidon Palace, he did not run around all day, but he was hiding his identity. There is no time to condense the fourth Xuanjianqi.

Although Xuanjianqi is still three, but the power of each Xuanjianqi is not constant, it will become stronger and stronger with the strength of Jianchen.

Therefore, when Jian Chen stepped into the realm of Jian Xian, the power of Xuan Jianqi also rose to a new level, which was no longer the same.

The remaining two Xuanjianqi are also ready to be sent out in the spirit of Jian Chen.

However, at this moment, an extremely amazing energy fluctuation was transmitted from afar. I saw the space behind the two remaining elders of the Youshui Sect. The space shook violently. Two very powerful energies converge into two sides. A one-foot-sized palm is squeezing the space all the way and heading straight to the two elders.

This is an attack from Xu Ran. She may have noticed the danger of Jian Chen. When she was fully in control of the Nine Robbery, she also took the opportunity to be like the two elders.

In the face of the attack of the strong starters of the mixed yuan, the two elders of the Youshuizong face a huge change, immediately urging all the forces in the body to form a defense, and it is surrounded by the power of the original law of the beginning.

However, in the face of the attack of the five-day powerhouse in the beginning of the mixed-band, Rao is doing their best defense, and it does not help, the gap between the two sides is really too big.

The palms of the energy that Xu Ran condensed formed, all the way like bamboo, ruined and ruined all their defenses and hit their bodies.

puff! puff!

The two sacred sects were repaired as the strongest in the 7th Heaven and the Eight Heavens. The mouth of the mouth spurted out the **** fog, and the body kite, such as the broken line, flew out and was extremely injured.

Xu Ran’s main energy was placed on the nine-role burned heart. This blow was obviously not her true strength. Therefore, she only hit the two endless times and did not kill on the spot.

"Sword dust, kill them quickly!" Xu Ran's voice came, with the voice, trapped the four elders of the embarrassed and burned heart, is also a shake.

When Jianmo’s eyes were cold, he turned his head and looked at the two elders who flew out. The idea was moved. The nine-star Tiandao sword that he held on his left hand immediately flew out and turned into a sword light. Under the control of his mind, Go straight to the two elders at lightning speed.

The two elders immediately resisted, but they suffered the slamming power of Xu Ran’s five-day affair. They have been hit hard, their strength is greatly damaged, and their weakness is extremely weak. When I came out, I only resisted several attacks by Jian Chen, and I was cut off by the Jiuxing Tiandao sword.

At the last moment, Jian Chen’s eyes shot a strong sword, and the power of the upper kendo was blessed on the Jiuxing Tiandao sword. Under the control of his mind, the nine-star Tiandao sword burst into the blazing starlight and split the two elders. The head is gone!

After seven days and seven nights of hard work, the forty-five innocent elders of the Youshui dynasty died and fled. Today, only the four elders who started from the mixed yuan are still struggling.

After killing many insecure powerhouses, Jian Chen did not reveal the slightest happy look. This time, he was going to destroy the secluded water sect and collect debts for Kay’s death, as long as those mixed elements did not fall, then The secluded water is not dead.

Jiuxing Tiandao sword, blooming with dim light suspended in the top of the sword dust, Jian Chen eyes looking at the distant nine robbers burning heart, left hand but not holding the broken right arm attached to the arm, with the body The operation of the power of chaos and the resilience of the body of chaos have been thoroughly stimulated.

I saw a break in the arm, where the granulation squirmed, and the trace of the break disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. Before and after a few breaths, the right arm of Jian Chen was reconnected with the body.

Of course, at the moment, it is only the outermost layer of flesh, the internal break of the arm and the arm bone, which still takes some time to fully recover.

However, at the moment, Jian Chen did not have enough time to wait for the broken arm to recover. He fell from the sky and took the space rings on the fingers of the strongmen who were killed by him one by one.

The strong starters, even if they are only infinite, have an amazing wealth of more than 20 space rings, and one of them is worn by the strongest of the nine-day heavens. Get up, don't even think about how amazing it is.

However, Jian Chen is not only taking these space rings, but also the bodies of these strong starters, he was also collected, and none of them fell.

The body of the strong starter is rare, but it is the best food for the demon flower.

"Hey, Jian Chen collects the bodies of these people. It is normal for him to take away the space rings of these people, but this body has been taken away. I have seen it for the first time..."

"Don't it be that this sword dust is collecting the dead elders of the secluded waters? It seems that this sword dust is also a derogatory person. Although he has a hatred with the secluded water sect, he has extinguished the secluded water sect. The elders who died in Shuizong were also treated seriously by him. They took the initiative to collect the corpses for them, and let the bodies of these strong-starters not sink into the wilderness..."


In the distance, many people who wait and see are talking about the sword dust and making comments. There are many words with admiration.

Jian Chen, but did not care about these people's arguments, when he put all the bodies of the strong starters back, the eyes could not help but look in the other direction, revealing the color of regret.

There, it is the head of the elders of the sacred waters, the place where the strong people who have been cultivated in the mixed environment are buried.

He was shot and killed by the boy of Wan Gu Lou. The whole body burst and he died without a whole body.

Sword dust in the heart of a slight sigh, and immediately healed the wound, while coming to the edge of the nine robbers burning heart.

Inside, there are still a few people who are mixed.

"For the predecessors, I will help you!" Jian Chendao.

"How is the injury on your body?" Xu Ran’s voice came from the heart of the nine robbers. She was not outside, and she was holding down several mixed elements in the law.

"It's not a big problem!" Jian Chen said, the body of Chaos is too strong, although he is extremely injured, but the force is not affected much except that the right arm can not be used.

"That's good! The four mixed elements trapped in the battlefield, the original mixed-age scene has been killed by the old man, the remaining three, respectively, mixed with the four heavens, five heavens and eight heavens, The two men were under the protection of the eight-day-old strongman, and it was still difficult to kill them."

"Sword dust, you come to control the nine robbers to burn your heart, and the whole body is fully shot. Even if it is the price of injury, you must kill the four-day-old. If you die one more, they will be intensified by the influence of the formation." It will be easier to deal with it." Xu Ran said quietly.

"No, my predecessors, I will help you, kill the name of the Eight Heavens, do it!" Jian Chen gave a low drink, and his only remaining two Xuan Jianqi emerged at the same time, and two Xuanjianqi stood side by side. For a beam of light into the battle, directly shot to the strong man who is the eighth heaven.

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