Chaotic Sword God

Vol 2 Chapter 247: Crocodile

The 247th chapter

The tiger head of the Golden Retriever Tigers sprinkled the sky and the blood fluttered, and the tiger body that had lost its head was also unable to fall to the ground. At the broken neck, the bright red blood rushed out. , dyed the earth.

Katata and Kata Fe looked at the high-flying tiger's head not far away, and for a moment also forgot the attack in his hand, staying alone on the spot, a pair of big-eyed bosses, all faces are unbelievable Look.

The fifth-order Warcraft Golden Retriever Tiger, even if any one of them is on the opposite side, it is very difficult to kill it, and at this moment, only one face is cut off by the sword dust, which gives them the strength of the sword dust. I am very shocked.

The green phosphorus konjac and the sword crocodile, who fought with them, also stopped their attacks and turned their heads to the golden yellow tiger head that was still spinning in the air and falling towards the ground. The eyes were also very human. The stunned look.

Not waiting for the tiger head of the Golden Retriever Tiger to land, the sword dust will come to the front of the sword crocodile closest to himself, while the sword crocodile screams at the god, the light wind sword with a layer of faint purple and blue light toward the sword crocodile The flat head is stabbed.

Feeling the crisis that came from the top of the head, the swordsman suddenly returned to God. It didn't hesitate for a moment. The seven bone spurs that were inserted in the back immediately shot at the same time, and they shot at the same time with a shrill sound. The chest and the spurred breeze sword, the speed is actually a little faster than the sword of the sword dust, and the entire head of the sword crocodile is immediately offset to the side, a layer of solid soil armor instantly condensed on the head It looks like a layer of armor, protecting the entire head of the sword crocodile.


A bone spur hit the light wind sword and made a crisp sound. The huge force shook the right arm of the sword dust, and the light wind sword in the right hand was almost out of the control of Jian Chen. The spurs were very strong, so short-lived and purple-sworded, they couldn't ruin it, but left a deep trace at the tip.


Almost as soon as the bone spur was shot on the breeze sword, another spur was pierced from the chest of the sword dust, and the chest that directly penetrated the dust of the sword was shot from the back and disappeared into the distance.

The face of Jian Chen became a little pale in an instant, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding. This spur contains a powerful and violent energy. He sneaked into his body when he broke into his chest. It was like a wild horse madly messing up, destroying the internal organs of his body.

Because the sword dust has been smelting for a long time, the internal organs are a hundred times stronger than ordinary people. He ignores the violent energy that is messing up in the body, endures the severe pain from the chest, and holds the light wind sword again to the sword crocodile. go with.

The sword crocodile retreats, and a powerful energy ejects from the mouth and fires toward the sword. It already has a certain wisdom, although it can not be compared with humans, but with the unique intuition of the beast and the end of the Golden Retriever, it has been detected that the sword of the sword dust can not be touched.

"Give me the stalker." Looking at the swordsman who is constantly retreating, Jian Chen was born and shouted, and his body suddenly writhed, and he escaped the energy light group that passed by, and then continued to the sword. The crocodile rushed.

The figure flashed, and Katafei, who was carrying the bonfire attribute of the sacred power, came to the side of the sword dust. The powerful and powerful fire attribute on the giant sword seemed to have turned into a real flame, and suddenly came to shoot. The energy group is under the arm.


The energy light group spit out from the mouth of the crocodile was chopped by Katafei, and the powerful energy fluctuations smashed toward the surrounding area. The soil on the ground flew, the smoke and the sky filled, and instantly swallowed the body shape of two people and one beast. .

Katafei was bathed in the blazing fire, and with the instincts of his heart, he rushed forward in front of the energy storm. Although the dust of the sky obscured his sight, he still could not stop his progress.

The flaming red light flashed away. In the dust of the sky, Katafi’s giant sword once again slashed forward, and the hot power of the giant sword on the hot point of the Holy Spirit seemed to evaporate the surrounding air.

With a muffled sound, the sword crocodile, who was more than ten meters long, was cut by Katafei and flew out of the sky, and a leather armor on it had broken and blood flowed. And out.

The shadow of the figure flashed, and the sword dust quickly rushed out of the dust of the sky, chasing the sword crocodile, the body that was still not landing, and the light wind sword with purple swords was turned into a sword, which was unparalleled in speed. The speed instantly smashed hundreds of swords toward the head of the sword crocodile.

I saw countless blood mixed with a little white brain splashing in the air, the sword crocodile was not landed by a sword, the head was smashed into pieces by the sword dust, in front of the purple sword, protect the crocodile The layer of the armor of the skull is as fragile as tofu, and it does not play a half role at all.

The huge body of the sword crocodile finally fell on the ground, and after a few vibrating movements, the body did not move, and its head was already divided, and the top of it was covered with countless sword wounds, white brain Mix with the blood and slowly flow out.

"Touch!" Not far away, Katata was beaten by the green phosphorus konjac, and the whole body flew out like a cannonball. In the air, a few mouthfuls of blood would not endure. The spurt came out.

The green phosphorus konjac looked at the sword crocodile, whose eyes had been split, and the fierce light in the eyes was even better. The sky screamed with a bit of sorrowful roar, pulling out a big tree with more than 30 meters high to the sword dust. Go.

The sword dust did not move, and the light wind sword turned into a continuous spurting of the swordsmanship. Only a large number of sawdust flew, and the big tree had been cut into the wood chips by the sword dust. Immediately, Jian Chen flew up and shot toward the green phosphorus konjac, and the light wind sword pointed to the throat with a silky purple sword.

The green phosphorus konjac roared. When the sword dust had not yet approached his body, he kicked it out and kicked it directly on the chest of Jian Chen.

"Wow..." Jian Chen immediately squirted a large mouthful of blood, and his face became pale in an instant. The whole body was kicked out by far away, and the distance of more than 30 meters was enough to fall on the ground. It took more than ten meters to slide and stopped. At this moment, his chest has been deeply trapped. The foot of the green phosphorus konjac has a powerful and unimaginable force. The bones on the chest have been crushed by the green phosphorus konjac, and even the internal organs have been smashed. Great trauma, almost broken.

In the eyes of the green phosphorus konjac, there was a little red-hot ray of staring at the sword dust, and striding toward the sword dust, striding out every step, the ground was violently vibrating, like a mighty invincible **** of war.

At this time, a sword like a real flame suddenly shot at the green phosphorus konjac, and Kata, who was burning with flames, slowly walked out of the smoke.

The green-phosphorus konjac did not look at the fire-red swordsmanship, and directly slammed it out, and smashed the swordsmanship that Kata Fe shot, turning it into an energy aftermath that dissipated between heaven and earth, while the pace continued. Going to the sword dust, Jian Chen killed two fifth-order Warcraft, and apparently let this powerful green phosphorus konjac be remembered.

Kata's face was dignified, his eyes looked pale and his face was pale, and he was struggling to climb up the sword dust, then rushed toward the Greenwood Magic.

"Taffi, the strength of the green phosphorus konjac is so strong that it should be around the five divisions of the earth, very strong, can not be hard to touch, entangled him." Katata that some weak shadows came from not far away.

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