Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 465: Hard work

The temple shook a little, and in the vagueness, the sword dust seemed to hear a sigh of sound from the temple.

This makes Jian Chen's mouth corner, and can't help but reveal a smile. He knows that his own martial arts enchantment has already brought some trouble to the temple spirit.

Of course, it is just a matter of trouble. After all, his current martial arts power is only equivalent to the early days of the Lord God.

If the non-wu soul force can ignore the defense of the temple and directly attack the spirit of the temple, it is not enough to tickle the temple.

After all, the most powerful advantage of the Spirit of the Temple is that it is against the enemy by means of artifacts. It is already in the middle of the artifact, enough to make the Promise Strong take him helpless.

But once they have lost their powerful body, they will become very vulnerable.

The martial arts force is just the nemesis of these artifacts.

"I am not aware of this itchiness and uncomfortable?" Sword dust sitting cross-legged on a rock in front of the temple, like a smile.

"Oh, comfortable, comfortable, it's so comfortable, Jian Chen kid, continue to come, how do you stop? Is it no longer able to continue to display?" The temple is full of provocation.

"I just mastered this martial art sorcerer, but I still can't send and receive it freely. It's just a matter of reading, just need to practice hard. If you are so eager for me to help you tickle, then I will do as you wish. "Sword dust tone said faintly, when the voice fell, he closed his eyes and once again condensed the soul of the soul.

"He really can continue to play for the second time? Hey, use this kind of secret technique, it is not too small for his consumption, see him can show it several times..." Opposite, the low spirit in hiding in the temple The voice has become cautious.

The martial arts enchantment that just happened, although it still can't hurt it, but its attack power is enough to make some influence on him. It doesn't matter if it is twice or twice, but if it is more than a few times, it will not Injury, but that feeling still makes it uncomfortable.

Next, Jian Chen sat in front of the temple again and again to display the martial arts soul sorcerer. As the number of exhibitions increased, gradually, he gathered the martial arts soul sorcerer more and more handy, and each time the exhibition interval was also The first hour is once, shortened to one hour twice, and one hour three times.

When the martial arts sorcerer of Jian Chen hits the body, this temple will tremble slightly, and the magnitude of this tremor is also increased with the increase of the number of martial arts enchantment by Jian Chen. It is getting bigger and bigger.

"Comfortable, really comfortable, this feeling is so wonderful, I was born millions of years, I have never experienced such a wonderful feeling, Jian Chen, you are a little faster..." The sound came out, in fact, it hid in the shape of the temple, and now the facial expression has begun to distort.

It has suffered seven or eight martial arts sorcerer attacks in succession. Each attack is extremely accurate in its spirit. Although it has not been injured, this feeling is too uncomfortable.

This is like an ordinary person suffering from a headache-like pain. Although the headache does not hurt their soul, the feeling is absolutely uncomfortable.

The current spirit is suffering from such pain.

Finally, after a dozen or so martial arts sorcerers, Jian Chen stopped and his martial arts power was almost exhausted.

"Currently condensing the soul of the soul, the time has been shortened to a fragrant incense, although there is still some distance from the realm of a thought, but it is not a small progress." Jian Chen got up and began to explore the Wushen stone The mine hole went.

"Sword dust, why don't you continue? Just leave? I haven't enjoyed it yet..." Later, the sound of the temple spirit was heard.

When the figure of Jian Chen disappeared completely, the Spirit of the Temple finally sighed: "I have finally left. If I continue, I have to be tortured and mad. This **** martial arts force, let me meet." To..."

With Wushen Stone, Jian Chen restores Wu Soul's power to the extreme, directly exploits Wu Soul, and absorbs the Wu Soul Power inside.

Moreover, the speed at which Jian Chen absorbed the martial arts force has become very fast. On the second day, his martial arts loss has returned to the peak state, and then he left the mine hole and once again came to the temple in front of the temple to take the temple. Practice to practice.

Seeing the sword dust, the temple spirit naturally avoids a number of language attacks, and carries out various kinds of irony and provocation.

However, Jian Chen turned a deaf ear to it, and he was too lazy to take care of it.

After a few hours, Jian Chen successively performed a dozen times of martial arts soul-breaking, and Wu Huo Li exhausted and left here, and continued to recover the mine hole of the Wushen Stone.

On this day, he condensed the speed of the martial arts enchantment, and once again increased, the time it took to condense each time, from one tea to one tea, to the speed of a cup of tea twice.

Next, Jian Chen used the temple spirit to practice the martial arts enchantment every day. Finally, after practicing for a month, he was more skilled in the use of martial arts enchantment. Every time he condensed, it has been shortened to ten. It’s time to breathe.

"Ten breaths once, it is still too long, I have to reach one mind, the realm of instant release, so that can be unexpected!" Jian Chen is still not satisfied, continue to bury his head and practice hard.

However, the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is, and it took another three months. Jian Chen finally cultivated the martial arts soul sorcerer to send and receive freely, and became a realm of instant release.

It is also this moment, he finally mastered the secret of a martial arts force in the true sense!

This kind of mystery can make his martial arts attack become sharper and more powerful!

Of course, in the past few months, the temple spirit is also suffering from the torture of the sword dust, just like suffering from purgatory, let it survive for thousands of years, truly understand what is the day , what is **** on earth.

And its attitude toward Jian Chen is also changing. At the beginning, he is provocative and ridiculous. However, at the beginning of the second month, he became silent, and often did not speak for a few days.

When the last month, the Spirit of the Temple seemed to be ravaged by the torture, and the silence before it was changed, and the curse was directly cursed.

"Next, you can practice the second magical mystery, this secret technique, named - Wushen 斩 术!"

"Wu 斩 斩 斩 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Wu Soul, the stronger the realm of Wu Huo Li, the greater the power of Wu Shen Yu Tian Shu..."

"With the master's brother, the soul is buried, the second brother Chu Jian, the three brothers and the super-mixed Yuan Jiu Tiantian's martial arts force, once the martial arts are displayed, I am afraid that they can directly give some weaker Taishiqiang strong people. The gods are gone..."

"This martial arts sorcerer, although the difficulty of cultivation is greater than the martial arts soul-breaking, but I must master it as soon as possible, so that when my martial arts realm comes up later, I will have more A killer, a killer that is second only to Xuanjianqi!"

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