Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2474: Return to the wasteland

The protective force formed by the guardian holy sword can block their martial arts power, which is really not good news for them.

Because of this, their martial arts will be completely useless in front of those who guard the holy sword.

"How can this be the case, what is the origin of these guardian holy swords, even our martial arts force can block it." Chu Jian Shen channel.

"In the history of our martial arts, there have never been any existences and artifacts that can block our martial arts, because in all ancient books, there has never been such a narrative." Su Qi's eyebrows are also wrinkled. stand up.

"Now the guardian holy sword of the Temple of Light has six handles. Then, in the future, what will we use to swear against the Temple of Light?" Yun Ziting said with a heavy face.

For a time, the eight great descendants of the martial arts were in silence, and the guardian sword was so powerful. There were six handles in the temple, and the dust of the temple, and the deputy Many elders, this power has been completely stronger than Wushen Mountain several times.

Even if they are affiliated with the Bohai Jingu Shrine, they can't make up for the gap.

"Mr. Yue Chao brother, I don't know who those who guard the holy sword are?" After half a ring, Jian Chen suddenly asked.

"The holders of the six guardian holy swords have not been fully publicized by the Temple of Light. I only know two of them. They are Dongying Yuxue and Han Xin." Yue Chaodao.

"What? The holders of the two guardian holy swords are Dongxue Xue and Han Xin in the east?" Jian Chen was shocked and shocked. It was obviously unexpected.

Because these two are all people he is familiar with.

In the east, the snow fell, and she was the Son of the Temple of Light. It was a natural talent, and it was normal to get a guardian sword. However, this Han Xin, both in terms of talent and potential, is a kind of law-abiding in the Temple of Light, and it can not survive. He can inherit the guardian sword, which makes Jian Chen feel surprised.

"Is this related to the spirit of the sacred instrument?" Jian Chen secretly suspicion, the light in his eyes flashed.

He hesitated for a moment, and immediately stood up, and immediately died with the soul burial and other people, saying that they want to go to the wilderness.

"No, now the Temple of Light is in a catastrophic state, not to mention one hand, but it is almost the same. Eight teachers are the most hated people in the Temple of Light. It is too dangerous to go to the wasteland." The soul burial immediately said.

"Yes, the eight divisions, you took away the sacred rituals of the Temple of Light, and the Temple of Light is looking for you everywhere. If you go to the wasteland, then it is not the sheep who enter the tiger's mouth, and they cast their own nets."

"Eight teachers, you can't go to the wasteland, after all, you don't have the strength of the monthly super brother."

The other great descendants of Wu Xing's pulse have expressed their opinions.

"Several brothers and sisters, you can rest assured, I have hidden methods, so that no one can find me. Don't forget that in the wilderness, so many top powers can not find me. If you talk about strength, I am naturally better than the super-brother of the month, but I have to hide my identity. I am afraid that any one of you is far from me." Jian Chen said confidently that he not only had Mo Tianyun donated to him. The mask can cover up all his breath, and the piece of jade that is given to him under the Basilica of the Bisheng Temple can prevent the talents like the old man of the sea.

With these two protections, he is confident that his hidden means have been truly seamless, unless he meets the superpowers like the Great Hall of the Virgin, otherwise he will look at the entire sacred world and several people. I can see myself.


The figure of Jian Chen immediately turned into a sword light, and shot Wu Hun Shan at a speed exceeding the lightning. For a moment, he disappeared into the sky and disappeared. He was alone.

"Sword dust, did he leave?" After Jian Chen left, the mood was low, and the purple rhyme of the sadness also came here. Her eyes were somewhat empty and looked at the people of Wu Xing.

Looking at the purple rhyme, this is the same as the female Su Qi secretly sighed, whispered: "The eight divisions he just temporarily left the Wushen Mountain, but it will not be long before he will come back."

Ziyun did not say anything, and some of the lost souls turned away and disappeared in the Bohai Jingu Shrine.

In the vast expanse of stars, a strong sword light is like a flying fire meteor, and it shuttles between the stars and seas at a very fast speed.

In Jianguang, Jian Chen holds a starry sky map in his hand, while discerning his position, he is fully galloping.

"At my current speed, it takes only three days to reach the nearest intercontinental transmission array." Jian Chen’s heart secretly said that he did not use the power of Wushen Mountain to move directly to the past, but he was prepared to pass The intercontinental transmission array is transmitted in the past.

Because each transmission of Wushen Mountain requires a lot of power, and the target is too big, it is very easy to attract attention, and it is not convenient for him to hide. But if it is through the cross-continental transmission array, then it is the real god, I don’t know.

Three days later, Jian Chen came to a star closest to him. After paying some colorful crystals, he successfully embarked on a cross-continental transmission array.

"Although I lost the tower, I put on the mask that Mo Tianyun gave me, and I can still cover the temple on my body. I can't detect these creatures with other creatures. "Sword dust in the heart of the dark road. In the sacred world, every cross-continental transmission array used externally is prohibited from carrying other living things in the space container. This is to prevent people from transferring through a space container with a large number of military personnel, so as to achieve profitability.

After all, trans-continental transmission arrays are tools for earning profits for any top force. They absolutely do not allow others to harm their own interests.

Of course, if you have strong strength or a huge background, you can completely ignore this rule.

In the southern part of the wilderness, in the imperial city of the purple dynasty, in the huge square in the center of the imperial city, dozens of transmission arrays are arranged in turn, and the light of the transmission array is constantly flashing. A famous warrior is carrying out the transmission between the two places. The exchanges are extremely busy.

Of course, these non-stop flashing transmission arrays are cross-domain transmission arrays that can only be transmitted within the wilderness of the wilderness. It is a very cold cross-continental transmission array on the other side, but it is very cold. It usually does not shine once in ten days and a half.

And dozens of soldiers are guarding around these intercontinental transmission arrays. The most striking thing is that among these soldiers, one looks like a very embarrassed old man, lying lazily on a wicker chair. It looks very cozy.

At this moment, one of the intercontinental transmission arrays suddenly lit up. In a strong white light, I saw a middle-aged man wearing a white robe, and the extraordinary middle-aged man appeared in the transmission array.

This middle-aged man is the sword dust that has changed his face through masks!

Jian Chen saw the elder who was lying on the wicker chair not far away. His face was quiet, but his heart was a sigh: "I left here decades ago, I didn’t expect it decades later. I actually came back from here."

Although the old man had his kindness to him in the past, Jian Chen also understood his current identity. He is now in this position, and it is absolutely impossible to recognize this old man. Therefore, he did not look at the old man. At a glance, the look of the character went out of the transmission array as usual, and soon disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people.

However, what he didn't know was that when he was about to disappear into the sea, the old man's eyes suddenly opened, and he looked at him with a suspicious color in his eyes, secretly swearing: "How does this catastrophe?" Run back, but as soon as this kid arrived, it was not flat. He went to Xingyao State some time ago. As a result, he was led by a person who was too late for no reason, and led the guys of Jiu Yao, and went back. Blue Blue, which killed a large sect in the Blue State, has now returned to the wilderness. I hope that this time, don’t let the wilderness jump to the wild dog like the last time."

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