Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2476: The old man of Yingyue Lake

Jian Chen looked at the Dongdong family and found that the entire East family was covered by a powerful array of methods. Now this is already in the open state, it is the real impregnable, the only entrance is the door to the family.

As for sneaking into it, it is impossible to do it.

"It seems that it is impossible to sneak into the snow in the east. Now, I can only visit the Guangmingzheng, so even if it attracts some people's attention, there is no way." Jian Chen thought in his heart, He indulged for a moment, and finally went to the door of the east family, said to a waiter: "Please also complain about the trouble, so the friend came to visit Miss Yan Xuedong in the east, hoping to see Miss Yan Xue from the east. ”

The attendant of the East Family looked at Jian Chen. He saw Jian Chen coming alone. Without any followers, his eyes suddenly showed a trace of disdain.

Moreover, what makes him even more ridiculous is that nowadays, the forces of the various parties who come to visit the East Pro-Family are not coming with a thick gift, but then they look at the sword dust, and they are empty-handed, and there is no gesture of giving a gift. It is even more so that the attendant has a disdain for the sword dust.

"I also nicknamed the young lady of the lady. In my opinion, this so-called old man is mostly the one who once had a relationship with the lady. Now the lady has become the holder of the holy sword, and her status has risen sharply. With the shallow relationship between the past and the lady, I have come to climb, this kind of person, I have not known how many met in these years." This attendant secretly said.

In fact, it is true. Since the invading of the guardian holy sword in the east, it has been very different from the past, both in identity and status. This has led many people to want to make friends with her, climb the relationship, and embrace A big tree.

Among them, some high-ranking disciples of the Guangming Temple, or the head of the peak, as well as the elders of the temple, are from time to time to come to the east to visit the east of the family, and some of them clearly do not have any deep friendship with the east. The jihadist celestial division also used a variety of identities that could close the relationship, what kind of brothers and sisters, what is the point of grace, everything.

There is no shortage of time in some places, and sometimes I have seen the east side of the snow, and then inexplicably become the "old man" in the east.

Therefore, when the attendant heard that Jian Chen said that he was the old man in the east, he was filled with contempt.

"Our lady is not seen, please come back." The waiter was not salty and faint.

Jian Chen did not care about the attitude of the attendant, and continued: "Please tell me, let's say that the old people of Yingyue Lake came to visit. As for your lady, see and see, this should naturally be decided by your lady."

"What is the old man of Yingyue Lake, our lady has had a confession, not seeing the guest."

Jian Chen's brow wrinkled, his voice was heavy, and he said forcefully: "It doesn't matter. I came here this time. It is very important to find Miss Dong Xue, if it is because of your reasons." Then, you guys blame, you can afford it?"

"If you are informed, even if your lady really does not see you, you are not at fault. On the contrary, if you really delay the big things of your lady because of your reasons, then the consequences can be serious."

The servant saw the sword dust mites and had a feeling of disappointment. For a time, he was somewhat uncomfortable in his heart and began to hesitate.

"Well, you are waiting here, I will inform you." In the end, the attendant was still stunned by the words of Jian Chen, and turned to disappear in the East family.

At the gates of the East Family, there are quite a few similar attendants, and even the housekeepers personally come out to meet some important guests with a detached status. Therefore, what happened here in Jianchen has not attracted attention.

In the east of the family, the waiter rushed to an elegant courtyard. This courtyard is the place to be refurbished in the east, but today, this monastery has been divided into the east family. For the restricted area, not everyone can step into it.

In this courtyard, my own maid is waiting here. These maids are basically the close-knit maids in the east.

The attendant came to a maid and immediately conveyed the words of Jian Chen to the maid. He is not qualified to see the snow directly in the east, and can only be conveyed through the maid of the snow in the east.

The name of this maid is Qiu Han, who is the longest person to follow the snow in the east. It is almost accompanied by the snow in the east. In the east, the family is almost more than anyone else. Miss, when she heard the attendant, she sneered and said: "What is the old man of Yingyue Lake? I have been with Miss for so many years. If Miss really has such an old person, can I not know? Most of them are a former Let’s go to the people who are climbing, don’t bother to let him go.”

Facing the close-knit maid of the east, the servant did not dare to speak, turned and left.

The autumn cold is to look at the sky, and immediately turned into a different hospital, light car to the road to a pool.

This pool is not large, about a hundred meters in diameter, and there is a huge bluestone in the center of the pool. I saw the snow on the east side of the snow, sitting on the bluestone, a thick layer of light shrouded her, and there is a law of jihad. Intertwined, obviously being cultivated.

"Miss, the hour has arrived!" Qiu Han stood on the edge of the pool and shouted softly. Her agile eyes were filled with respect and worship.

The east of the snow has become the holder of the guardian holy sword, and it has become more and more important to the ancestors of the east. It is completely because of his own heart and baby, and he personally teaches the practice of the east to the snow, so the east is 嫣Every once in a while, the snow will go to the east to receive teaching.

In the east, Yan Xue stopped practicing. She slowly opened her eyes. A light of glory emerged from her feet. It floated on the shore like a cloud, and looked calmly toward the outside.

And autumn cold, is to follow behind him.

"How do I feel that there is something unsatisfactory, autumn cold, what can happen recently?" On the way to the retreat of the East's ancestors, the east of the snow suddenly said.

After the cold and respectful follower of the snow in the east, she shook her head and said: "Miss Hui, all the peace has been happening recently, and there is nothing big happening. There are more and more people coming to visit the lady. People, in order to be able to climb the big tree of Miss, it’s really a way to come up with it. It’s all about it. What the brothers and sisters of the Temple of Light have come, and there is even what Yingyue Lake is. The old people, these people, are really brazen enough. They are really omnipotent in order to be able to meet the young lady, but I have already taken all these people away according to the instructions of the young lady."

The snow in the east was calm, but when she heard the words "the old man of Yingyue Lake", her body suddenly became stiff, and the steps of the advancement stopped, so that the autumn cold behind it almost slammed into Her body.

Suddenly, the snow suddenly turned around in the east, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared at the autumn cold, and asked with an anxious voice: "What did you just say? What did you just say?"

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" Looking at the excitement of her own lady, the whole person in autumn cold was scared. She followed the lady for so many years and never seen her as a disappointment.

"Autumn cold, what did you just say? You say it again?" It was difficult to keep calm in the east, and she held her hands tightly on her shoulders.

"Miss Hui, the most recent thing is too peaceful." Qiu Han was really scared. She was awkward and panicked. With a trembling tone, she repeatedly said what she had just said.

"Yingyue Lake Yingyue Lake" is whispering in the east, and the emotion is very excited. Even her delicate body is shaking slightly.

Yingyue Lake, isn't that the place where she first met Jian Chen?

That night, she met with Jian Chen in Yingyue Lake. The only thing they knew was that there was no third person.

"Where is he? Where is he? Tell me, where is the old man of Yingyue Lake now?" asked Dongxue Xuexue eagerly. She had only one person in Yingyue Lake. She had one except one of them. People who can't know.

"Miss, that person is no longer because he should wait outside the gate." Qiu Hanzhi said, the pretty face was scared.

Today, she also saw the so-called old man of Yingyue Lake, and she really met her own lady. She wanted to say that the person had been taken away, but she could change her mind.


The light flashed, and the snow in the east had disappeared. At this moment, she directly left the ancestors of the East and flew away at the door of the east family at the fastest speed.

Looking at the direction of the disappearance of the snow in the east, Qiu Han’s face was pale like a paper, and he trembled: “When it’s over, how can the old man of Yingyue Lake really know the lady, look at the lady’s appearance, I’m afraid the relationship is not yet Simple, but I actually took him away. Now I can only hope that the person has not left yet, otherwise I don’t know if the lady should blame me."

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