Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2480: Sinister

Perceived Xuan Ming's attitude, Jian Chen looked a little glimpse, his eyes deeply looked at Xuan Ming, the Xuan Ming at the moment, giving him the feeling and the person in memory is so strange.

But immediately he thought that between himself and Xuan Ming, it seems that it can only be regarded as a peaceful encounter, and there is no deep friendship. In addition, he is a descendant of the martial arts, and he is hostile to the Guangming Temple in his identity. Xuan Ming has such an attitude, but it is also true.

Jian Chen’s heart was relieved. He didn’t care about Xuan Ming’s attitude. His eyes slowly swept from the east to the snow, Bai Yu, Han Xin and Xuan Ming. “There are people who really care about me in the Temple of Light. There are only a few of you. I can't change the identity of the Wushen, the vengeance of the Wushen and the Guangming Temple, I also have no ability to resolve, and I don't want to be in the future. Everyone has become an enemy of the military, so I hope that you can promise me a request. In the future, unless it is a martial art to attack your bright temple, the rest of the time, you should not start with the martial arts."

"Of course, this is limited to the four of you, because you are the only one who cares about me. In the future, I really don't want to be an enemy of you."

"Sword dust, now your martial arts is not the opponent of our bright temple. Even if you are enemies with us, your strength will not play a big role, and you will not be able to reverse the battle." Xuan Ming's tone is dull. Said, it seems that in his eyes, Jian Chen has quickly become a stranger.

"Xuan Ming, what do you mean, whether or not Wu Xun is actively attacking your bright temple, do you have to deal with the martial arts?" Jian Chen looked straight into Xuan Ming, his tone was calm, even though Xuan Ming got the guardian sword, now Strong in strength, but he is not afraid.

Han Xin, the east of Yan Xue and the white jade three, are quietly standing on the side without talking, the three eyes squinted back and forth on Jian Chen and Xuan Ming.

Xuan Ming was silent for a while, staring at Jian Chen with a gaze, saying: "Sword dust, look at the difference between you and me. You left the avenue to the holy, I want you to guarantee that from From now on, as long as the martial arts do not break into the Temple of Light, the holy sword in my hand will not point to the martial arts."

"Do you want the avenue to the holy decision?" Jian Chen's gaze changed. He stared at Xuan Ming with a completely strange look. He did not think that Xuan Ming would pay attention to the avenue to the holy.

Is this the mysterious person I knew at the beginning?

"The avenue to the holy sacred is the treasure of our bright temple. It belongs to our bright temple. There is no room for loss." Xuan Mingyi said with a sigh of relief, his eyes were a little hot, and his mood became a little excited. When I got up, I said in my heart: "I now have a guardian holy sword. In the Temple of Light, even if it includes the Taizong descendant Gong Sunzhi, no one can help me. If I get the avenue to the holy That will be the true best of both worlds. No one can take the avenue to the holy decisive from my hands." At this moment, in the heart of Xuan Ming, quietly fostered a ambition.

This ambition has never appeared in his mind. He does not even dare to have the slightest hope, because he was only a slightly talented **** of light.

But now it is different. Today, he is the holder of the guardian holy sword. He has mastered powerful forces. Things that he did not dare to think before, and dare not do it, are now courageous and arrogant.

"I can't get out of the avenue to the holy sacred. Xuan Ming, you have to think clearly. In the future, once you take the initiative to shoot the martial arts, we will no longer be friends, but enemies." Jian Chen's face is heavy, The tone has also become a little cold.

"Sword dust, if you leave the road to the holy, we are still friends." Xuan Ming said, a firm attitude. The meaning is already obvious. If Jian Chen does not leave the avenue to the holy, they will become enemies.

Jian Chen’s eyes stared deeply at Xuan Ming. After a long time, he finally sighed and said: “If this is the case, then we will walk in the future.” Xuan Ming’s attitude makes the sword dust disappointing, this moment, the sword Dust only felt that his heart was very tired, there was a deep helplessness filled with his heart, so that he no longer has the mood to stay here again, he is ready to leave.

However, Xuan Ming was not prepared to let him go. He shook his body in front of the gate and said indifferently: "Sword dust, avenue to holy, you still stay, it does not belong to you."

Jian Chen stopped his footsteps. He stared fiercely at Xuan Ming. There were swords in his eyes flashing, and he dared not look straight. Shen Sheng said: "You want to stop me?"

At this moment, Jian Chen is really angry. Around his body, there is already a sword in the faint.

"Xuan Ming, don't forget that Jian Chen once helped you, you don't want to be too much." East snow flew to the face of Jian Chen, her face ugly staring at Xuan Ming, the momentum of the body climbed up: "I have today Here, Xuan Ming, your guardian holy sword will not hurt Jian Chen."

"Xuan Ming brother, if you want to shoot the second brother, then I will only deal with you with my sister Xue Xue." At this time, Bai Yu also stood up and said with a firm face.

"Xuan Ming, the ambition is not too big, you already have a guardian holy sword, why not enough?" Han Xin also blocked in front of Jian Chen.

Today, the east is Yuxue, Baiyu and Hanxin, and they have reached a united front, all standing on the side of Jian Chen.

Looking at the side of the east side of the snow three people, Xuan Ming's face is somewhat ugly.

"Minger, go back with me." At this moment, a thick voice came, and only the deputy master of the Guangming Temple suddenly appeared behind Xuan Ming.

The mysterious war looked deep into the eyebrow dust, and did not say anything, nor did he go to see the face of the big change in the east, the snow, white jade and Han Xin three people, he grabbed Xuan Ming’s shoulder and disappeared here, already away go with.

"The deputy master of the mysterious war, he actually came." The east of the snow was scared to be eclipsed, and the face was scared.

Now the bright temple, the strongest person is not the main feather of the temple, but the deputy master of the battle, her heart is very clear, if the mysterious war to leave the sword dust, no one can resist.

Because the mysterious war is not only strong in its own strength, but also holds a guardian holy sword.

Although the guardian holy sword is not ranked high, but because of his own strength, so the guardian holy sword is in his hands, but can exert a stronger force.

"There is no shot in the mysterious battle?" Han Xin whispered, and the attitude of the mysterious war made him feel puzzled. Do you want to recover the Taizong Gongfa Avenue to the Holy Day?

"Two brothers, it is already unsafe here. You should leave here quickly." Bai Yu said eagerly, the emergence of the mysterious war made her very worried about the safety of Jian Chen, for fear that his identity would be known by more people.

"Sword dust, Xuan Ming and Xuan Zhan know that you have come here. It is difficult to guarantee that they will not tell the news to leak out. You have to leave the wasteland immediately. You can rest assured that I and Bai Yu are always ready to stay in the Temple of Light, unless they are holy. The owner of the light tower appears, otherwise we will not fight for the outside. The temple and the deputy master of the Temple of Light can no longer command us." Han Xin said.

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