Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2496: Things are exposed

"Then, after we go back, we will sue this matter to the elders. If this sword dust dares to offend our Dao family, then it must not forgive him." Tao Gong hate said that he is the son of the Dao family. Although it is not the main vein of the Tao family, its status is extremely noble. Traveling on weekdays is no matter where you go.

But today, I ate a big loss in the Shenyin Taoist, which made him unacceptable.

"There is also a sacred voice in the sect, the sacred son of the sacred sect of the sacred sect of the dynasty, and the things that happened between the female disciples, and there is no need to continue to conceal it and spread it out to me."

"Shenzhen Taoist is not very concerned about the reputation of his own ancestral hall, I want to let the sacred voice of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sacred sacred..." said the singer of the singer, the humiliation of the sect of the sacred voice today, let him Even the Shendao Daozong also hated it.


In the Shenyin Daozong, after the departure of the Dao’s family, the spirit of Jian Chen gradually calmed down. The sharpness of his eyes disappeared, revealing a mild mildness.

Just when he just wanted to say something to Shangguan, he looked suddenly and turned his head to the direction of Yunyuefeng.

The current Yunyue Peak, although covered by a female disciple with an umbrella-like magic weapon, can be blocked by the spirit of Jian Chen in this area.

Therefore, the knowledge of Jian Chen was easily explored, and everything that happened in Yunyuefeng was clearly seen.

This makes the appearance of Jian Chen immediately, and the face is full of horror.

In the cloud moon peak that he clearly saw, a hot spring pool with a faint cloud of smoke, a young man is playing a fierce battle with more than a dozen women, and the scene is extremely beautiful.

"This..." Jian Chen was stunned, and this ridiculous scene took place in the Shenyin Taoist sect, which shocked him.

"Well!" I noticed the knowledge of Jian Chen, Deng Wenxin, and even the faces of Lian Qi and Guna were all a face, and the dark road was not good.

Only their attention has been attracted to the battle between Jian Chen and the Daoist family's strong starters. For a time, they did not even cover the scene in Yunyue Peak. When they reacted, it was too late. The result was clearly seen by Jian Chen.

The two people in Deng Wenxin and Guna are worried that Jian Chen and Shangguan are children. If Jian Chen knows that Jun Kong had secretly started to attack the Shangguan, he will be angry and make a big move.

What Wenqi is worried about is the scandal that his disciples made, and one more person knows, and this person is the one that he least likes.

Even Qi's face was a bit gloomy. When he wanted to match Junkong and Shangguan, he had already compared his disciple with Jian Chen. In fact, in his heart, the disciple who once believed that he was out of the hand was more excellent than the sword dust. As a result, when he saw Jian Chen today, he had to admit that Jian Chen was indeed the dragon of his own, and his disciples took him. Comparison is simply a firefly and a moon.

At the moment, Jian Chen discovered the scandal of his own apprentice, which made even more uncomfortable in the heart of Qi, and immediately scorned.

"A disciple of our Shendao Daozong has cultivated some scorpions, which is so unsightly with his diverticulous rooms. I also hope that the little brothers of Jian Chen will be kept secret. After all, this matter is related to our voice. Dao Zong’s ancestral reputation.” Deng asked, she waved an enchantment and enveloped Yunyue Peak.

As for the dozen female disciples who are willing to stay, in her mouth, it is directly into the room of Junkong.

The diverticulum, that is, the little sister, is the same as the husband and wife, but the status is lower than that of the wife.

If it is really such a thing between husband and wife, then it is justified.

At this time, after some venting, Junkong finally got rid of the influence of the drunken dream, and gradually recovered his reason.

Previously, although he was influenced by the drunken dream of death, his behavior was completely uncontrolled, and everything was based on an instinct, but he clearly knew that it happened.

His eyes slowly swept away from the dozen female disciples under his body. Although these female disciples also had to have a figure and a body, they had to look and feel, but he did not have the slightest joy, but his face was gloomy and his eyes were cold.

Because this is not what he wants, what he really wants is the Shangguan!

"Ah!" Junkong screamed in the sky, a set of armor emerged from his body, wrapped his naked body tightly, he did not look at these female disciples, quickly toward Yunyuefeng Fly outside.

"Master, don't go..."

"Master, where are you going..."


Behind him, there were voices of soft and powerless female disciples.

In the enchantment, Junkong was wearing a battle armor suspended in the sky, staring at the Shangguan and Jianfeng, like the gods and monks, showing a strong resentment.

"Jun Kong, you have such a ridiculous thing to have a face, but still not to retreat." Guna gave a low drink, Jun Kong is a strange apprentice, and she and Lianqi are also a Taoist relationship, so in In her heart, she was still more arrogant, and she was afraid that Junkong would know about Jianchen’s start.

Although Guna was the first to see Jian Chen, she knew about the deeds of Jian Chen. In addition, Jian Chen’s unrelenting means to the Tao family today made her truly clear. The spleen of Jian Chen.

However, Guna’s drink of this complaint made Jian Chen see a hint of ambiguity. The light in his eyes suddenly flashed, and the heart had already felt something wrong. It seems that this matter is far from being so simple.

"Minger, did Jun Kong use any disgraceful means to deal with you?" After sinking, Jian Chen turned to look at the official screen.

Junkong, this person, he knew it in the morning. Under the broad daylight, he actually made such a sinister thing with more than a dozen female disciples of the Taoist dynasty. This is a flaw in his own, plus his sinful eyes at the moment. This has made Jian Chen think a lot, and has already produced doubts.

"Jun Kong did not know where to get a drunken dream of death Dan, he wanted to use the drunken dream of dead Dan to deal with me, but did not succeed." Shangguan screen child has completely disappointed with the Shenyin Daozong, she did not cover up the truth, truthfully said It came out, and even the effect of drunken dreams of death Dan was explained in detail for Jian Chen.

After learning the cause and effect, Jian Chen’s face instantly became gloomy. The killing effect that he just converges broke out again, and it was even more intense than before.

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