Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2502: Feng Zu appeared

With the power of the Shangguan screen to weaken the sound of even the strange sound, the impact of Jian Chen was greatly reduced.

However, this is only temporary, even after the Qi is the beginning of the mixed yuan, the power of the snoring is very strong, even if it is weakened, it only makes the sword dust a little more breathing time.

Over time, Jian Chen still couldn't help but feel dizzy in his head and fell into a sleepy state.

Jian Chen himself understands this truth. He does not have the slightest stop. He tries his best to shoot, and his sword is soaring. The nine-star Tiandao sword has turned out nine huge stars, and launched a fierce attack with an unprecedented momentum.

However, his attack is only the power of the infinite seven heavens. At most, it is equivalent to the eight-day level. In the face of the singularity that has been cultivated for many years, it is still not enough.

I saw that even the strange body did not move like a mountain. He was suspended in the heavens and the earth, but he was gently blowing Yu Xiao, and the sound of Yu Xiao was suddenly sharpened.

As the sharp sound came out, I saw a sound wave visible to the naked eye, as if it was suddenly shot out like a sword, and collided with the nine-star sword of Jian Chen.

In the roaring loud noise, the attack of Jian Chen was once again easily disintegrated. A mixed-original origin, a promise, and the two sides are completely out of the same level. The gap is too big to be compensated.

However, this time, at the moment of contact between the two sides, Jian Chen’s mouth showed a sneer, his eyes instantly became extremely horrible, and the killing of Senran’s eyes came out.

I saw it on the top of his head, a silver-white sword with only the size of a finger appeared quietly.

From the moment when this sword appeared, there was a strong sword in the air, and this sword was strong enough to make a shocking move, so that the cultivation was a singularity, Deng Wenxin and Guna. All three are slightly changed.

Even the odds of fighting with Jian Chen, the pupils shrink, the face that did not care, instantly became dignified.

Because of this sword, he felt a strong threat.

This small sword is absolutely capable of hurting yourself.

"Not good!" Even the secret road is not good, and the vigilance is greatly increased.

It is also at this moment, this only the size of the finger-sized sword, suddenly broke out of unparalleled speed, it seems to pierce the void, breaking the distance limit between the space, the flash has disappeared, its speed Fast, so that even the odd is a big heart.

However, this Jianqi, but did not shoot to Lianqi, but to the end of even Qi, who has been protected by him.

For a moment, Jianqi came to the door of Junkong, and the speed was too fast, so that even Qiqi wanted to intercept, but they could not intercept it.

Around the body of Junkong, surrounded by a layer of powerful energy and temperament laws, it is protected by layers.

However, this sword is directly ignoring these protections, piercing the void, passing through and directly into the brain of Junkong.


Just listening to a muffled sound, Junkong’s head suddenly burst open, the entire head disappeared, and became a headless body. His god, the first time, was dying.

Junkong, fallen!

The power of Xuanjianqi is too strong. Now Jianyun has condensed four mysterious swords. Every Xuanjianqi is more powerful than before. Some weak Promise can directly kill, Junkong District After the cultivation of the king of God, after bearing the power of a mysterious sword, where can still keep his head, no dead body.

Sudden surprises, shaking Deng Wenxin, Guna and Lianqi three people, they stared at the body of Junkong, looking dull and unacceptable.

Under the protection of a mixed-race powerhouse, Jian Chen succeeded in killing Jun Kong. This ability and means made them deeply shocked.

"Empty!" After half a ring, even the Wizards made a sorrow, and the expression was very sad.

Junkong is the pride of the sky that he came out with. He first broke into the throne of God and became the king of the world. Then he realized the three artistic meanings of the three ancestors. He was once regarded as the pride of the heart and was Have great expectations.

Today, he even watched the death of Jun Kong in front of his own eyes, which made him unacceptable.

But soon, a smashing weather rushed out from Lianqi, and the horrible death of Junkong made him angry and rushed to the crown, and his heart raised a strong killing.

"Sword Dust!" Even the stare eyes staring at Jian Chen, revealing the hatred of the sky, the murderousness of the body is not disguised.

Jian Chen took the sword and stood up. His eyes were staring at Lian Qi, and there was no fear. He said coldly: "From the moment he dared to use the drunken dream of death, he is destined to have today's ending, all this, They are all looking for himself, or that you are the master of this master." Jian Chen secretly guarded, ready to inform Wushen Mountain at any time.

When he left Wushen Mountain, he learned the corresponding secret technique. He only needs to listen to his heart, and he can pass his distress signal to Wushen Mountain. It only takes a few breaths to breathe. Will come here.

It is precisely because of the support of Wushen Mountain behind that, Jian Chen dared to be so unscrupulous in the Shenyin Taoist sect, not afraid of the beginning of the mixed Yuan, or even in the beginning of the mixed Yuan murder.

Even Qi did not speak. At this moment, he was a fierce beast of anger. He was stunned at the edge of ignorance of reason, like a wolf-like tiger staring at Jian Chen. The killing of his body was rising, and the horrible air was pervasive.

"Jun Kong is dead, your heart is out, Jian Chen, now you can be satisfied?" Just then, a vain voice passed.

With the voice, I saw in front of Jian Chen, a woman of the genius of the wind appeared quietly.

This woman looks more than thirty, but it is still a world of temperament, temperament, and a youthful vitality.

"Feng Zu!"

Upon seeing the woman, Deng asked the heart, and Guna immediately held a fist to salute, and even even strange, it also slightly converged his momentum, the power of the younger generation.

In the Shenyin Taoist, Fengzu is definitely the supreme character, not only because of her own powerful strength, but also the first strong person of the Taoist Taoist, and she is still the same period as the three ancestors, and in that year, Still the sister of the three ancestors, the identity is high and scary.

The ancestors appeared, and the position she stood was extremely clever, just in the gap between Jian Chen and Lian Qi, and I did not know whether the two were separated intentionally or unintentionally.

"The curtains meet the Fengzu!" At this time, the Shangguan screen came to Jianchen and saluted the Fengzu.

Fengzu’s gaze fell on the Shangguan dynasty, and it was soft. “The curtain, I used to retreat for a long time, but asked Zongmen’s affairs. Therefore, you have suffered a lot of grievances. I hope that you will not There is a gap, and the voice of the Taoist is your second home."

"Thank you for the concern of Fengzu, Junkong is already dead, and the grievances between him and him will be given up." Shangguan Muer said.

Feng Zu nodded slightly, she did not look at the body of Junkong, for the death of Junkong, an indifferent gesture, but said to Guna and Lianqi: "I have something to do with the curtain and the sword dust alone. Talk, you two will retreat first."

The command of Fengzu, whether it was Guna or even Qi, did not dare to violate it. Even the strange eyes looked at Jian Chen with a cold look, and took the body of Junkong and Guna to leave.

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