Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2528: Save people

However, Xu Ran will let him do so, and see Xu’s figure swaying across the void, and instantly appear in front of the old man in the black robe. The old palms are explored, and the mystery of the avenue is working. Some kind of sympathy, directly to the old man in black robes.

The black robe old man changed his face, his pupil instantly shrank into a pinhole size, with a hint of panic and stunned.

In the face of Xu Ran's palm, he felt that his own gods seemed to be imprisoned. The sacred charm of this palm was to hide his gods.

In addition, this palm seems to have exerted some kind of seal power, which makes the energy in his body run slowly, and there is a feeling of being muddy.


The old man in black robe instantly changed his body. It was a gold silk silver snake, but it was ten meters long and shot very small. It was only three fingers thick, and it looked like a long rope.

However, although he and Nubis are both golden silk and silver snakes, the evolutionary path they take is very different. The body of Nubis is gradually turning towards pure gold, and by the black robe old man. The gold silk silver snake is developing towards the dark green.

This is developing in the direction of acute poisoning!

Obviously, the black robe old man has turned his own evolutionary path to poison.

The poison of the golden silk silver snake is very overbearing and fierce. When it is in the Tianyuan continent, it is enough to rank among the top three.

But that is also limited to the lower level of the Tianyuan continent. When it comes to a higher level of sacredness, the poison of the golden silk snake is nothing.

Therefore, if they want to maintain their superiority, they must strengthen this ability.

The black robe old man is obviously going this way.

Only a dozen meters long gold silk and silver thread snakes, suddenly a dazzling green light emerged, there is an intangible substance, even the poison that can not be detected even by the gods, in the rapid direction of the pervasive go with.

At the same time of releasing the poison, the snakes of the old black robe writhed and saw that the space around his body was distorted sharply and spread out of layers. For a time, he temporarily got rid of Xu Ran’s imprisonment and then radiant. A flash, with Nobis in the distance, appeared in a thousand miles, and did not hesitate to escape to the distance.

He is well aware of the power of Xu Ran. Although he has the ability to challenge more and more, it is impossible to fight against the five heavens with the strength of the second world. Moreover, the strong enemy he faced this time is not unusual. Five heavens.

"Hey, how about the five heavens in the mixed environment, when I return to the Chaoyun Dynasty to move to the rescue, I will let you pay a heavy price." The black robe old man secretly escaped like a tumbling dynasty at the fastest speed.

"You back, there is poison!" Xuran a low drink, she exudes an inexplicable breath, seems to blend with the heavens and the earth, and sympathy with the avenue, she stepped out, broke the distance of space, appeared in an instant In front of the old man in the black robe, he directly blocked the way of the old man in the black robe, and the old and dry palms were caught in the black robe.

Under this grasp, Xu Ran seems to have used the power of Heaven and Earth Avenue to directly block the heavens and the earth, and to transform the space where the old man in black robe is located into a prison, and the space is violently collected.

The black robe old man suddenly felt his body sinking, and there was a force that made him irresistible squeezed from all directions. His body was directly imprisoned there and it was difficult to move.

The old man in the black robe was stunned in his heart, his body was imprisoned, and it was difficult to move. Even the power of the body became very slow. This situation made him feel a fatal crisis.

"It's so strong, where is the old woman who came out, how is it so perverted." The black robe old man cursed in his heart, and Xu Ran showed his powerful fighting power, which made him extremely shocked and almost scared.

He no longer cares about the original essence of Nubis, and immediately applied his secret technique. The snake, which is more than ten meters long, suddenly burst into a large piece of green blood fog. His body is in the green blood fog, disappearing without a shadow. trace.

However, before his body disappeared, a sword composed of powerful energy smashed into the void, and his body passed by, and the snake, which was more than ten meters long, was split on the spot.

"Ah!" The old man in the black robe made a scream and escaped from birth.

"The ability to escape is really not ordinary." Looking at the direction of the disappearance of the old man in the black robe, Xuan suddenly whispered, she wanted to pursue, and the result has completely lost the feeling of the old man.

Soon, a sword light flew, and Jian Chen appeared in front of Xu Ran. He looked at the empty void and asked, "What about the predecessors, others?"

"Let him escape, this person has a high means of escape, I did not leave him." Xu Ran said.

"There are some seniors who have labored." Jian Chen thanked Xu Ran for his fists, and then immediately came to Nobis to directly take out a few Shen Dan to serve Nubis.

Nobius's original essence was absorbed by the majority, and the flesh was almost cooked under the burning of the fire, but he eventually fell down and did not die.

Under the obscurity of several gods, the injury on Nubis was stabilized, but because his physical injury is too heavy, it will not be done in a moment if he wants to recover completely.

"Brother, fortunately, you are coming in time. Otherwise, my great Nubis will really die. My great dreams will never be realized again." Nubis reverted to human form, he was powerless. Lying on the ground, looking at the sword dust with a pair of dim and unremarkable eyes, the tone is very weak.

Jian Chen once again took out a few god-level healing remedies for Nubis, and he said solemnly: "Nubis, I will avenge you."

"I was careless. I didn't expect the old snake to be so treacherous. I deliberately released false news to lead me to be fooled. Jian Chen, I sent it to the place before, where there was still some original essence that was not absorbed by the old snake. This source of essence is the lifeblood of our family."

Immediately, Jian Chen will renew Nubis to the place where it will be burned by flames. As soon as he came here, Nubis lay on the ground and began to absorb the essence of the air that pervades the void.

"I only absorbed one layer back, and the rest were sucked away by the old snake. Damn, my whole body is full of essence, and I lost seven layers." Nubis said with a grin, his heart hurt.

For their family, the essence of the source is really important, because it is related to their blood evolution, affecting their future achievements.

Suddenly, Nubis seemed to think of something, his face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly said: "Sword dust, fast, go to save the snow, how to be injured by the old snake, the poison of the old snake, that The poison of the old snake is very powerful. Even the strong ones with him can be poisoned to death, and the strength of the snow protection method cannot be supported for a long time."

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