Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2543: Great War King

The time was very urgent. After Cheng Ming explained some of the matters of attention, he grasped the shoulder of Jian Chen with one hand. His illusory Yuan Shen body, the feeling brought to Jian Chen is not much different from the real body. Jian Chen The body was directly raised by Cheng Ming.

Of course, this is based on the fact that Jian Chen does not resist.

Cheng Ming grabbed the shoulders of Jian Chen with one hand, and a flashing body came to the center of Tongtian Bridge, and his fingers pointed at the sky.

Suddenly, the colorful light from the through-the-sky bridge broke through a crack. Cheng Ming gazed at the empty space outside the crack, and once again took out a jade bottle and poured out a drop of milky white liquid from it.

As soon as this liquid appeared, there was a thick **** smell that immediately came out.

This drop of white liquid is actually blood in the void.

Moreover, from the energy fluctuations remaining in this drop of blood, the level has already reached the beginning.

The **** atmosphere of the worms drifted directly along the cracks that broke through the sky bridge and spread out.

The next moment, I saw a sudden wave of space outside the forbidden ground array. The feeling was that the space of the Buddha became a pool of clear water, and under the breeze of the breeze, a layer of ripples was stirred up.

The dust of the sword dust shrinks, staring at the outside for a moment. In the vagueness, he seems to have seen a white ghost with a similar shape and insects disappearing, and he lost his trace in the blink of an eye.

The volume of the phantom is not large. Mo is about one meter long, and the body is in an illusory state. It seems to be in harmony with this space. It is faint, and only a general outline can be seen. .

"Void Emperor!" Jian Chen was in amazement. He was very sure that the virtual shadow he had just seen must be the beast of the Emperor.

Insects, this is a terrible creature that is comparable to the strong starter. Even if there is no flesh, there is only one beast, but it is still terrible.

At this time, the great elder Cheng Ming ejected the blood of the worm in his hand.

The white blood, with the scent of the worms, like the arrow of the string, seems to pass through the crack on the light curtain of the bridge and flies outside.

However, at this moment, the space outside the bridge was suddenly solidified. At this moment, the space was frozen and everything was still, as if time had stopped flowing.

The blood of the wormworm, which was shot at a rapid speed, was naturally fixed outside the light curtain of the bridge.

Then, I saw a white phantom, the shape is like a worm, as if it really blended into the space, it is like a fish, surrounded by the blood around the blood, the body is looming, consistent with the color of the space It's hard to see clearly.

Cheng Ming, the elder elder, was in a hurry and once again entered the forbidden area.

At this time, the blood in the void suddenly vanished out of nowhere, and did not see the worms devour the blood. It was so terribly lost, no trace.

The next moment, I saw the beast soul of the Void Emperor, following the trajectory of the drop of blood, and suddenly passed through the light curtain of the Tongtian Bridge and appeared on the Tongtian Bridge.

Its figure is still in an illusory state, looming, completely integrated with space, it is difficult to see its specific form, and even can not distinguish its head and tail.

The back spine of Jian Chen gave birth to a chill. He had an illusion that the beast of the Emperor of the Void worm seemed to have locked himself.

Although he could not see the eyes of the Void Emperor, there is such an intuition.

The sword dust is calm and calm, and carefully converges on his own breath. He understands that he has been squandered by a great elder to a layer of worms, so that he has the atmosphere of a worm. Therefore, the beast of the worm will mistakenly regard himself as a tribe and will not attack himself.

But once he breathes out as the atmosphere of the Terran Warrior, what he faces is the ruthless obscenity of the Emperor.

As a starry beast, the emptiness of the worm is not high. In addition, the moment is the state of the beast, and the sensibility is affected again. There is almost only instinct left. Naturally, the true identity of the sword dust cannot be accurately determined.

Suddenly, the beast soul of the Emperor of the Void worm suddenly turned into a faint illusion and rushed toward the sword dust.

Its speed is too fast, completely ignoring the distance of the space, in the blink of an eye, in front of the sword dust, with a soul pressure, directly into the brain of Jian Chen.

It was not until the dust of Jian Chen’s brain that he suddenly realized that the beast of the Emperor of the Void had entered his own brain.

His look has become extremely dignified. Next, he will use his head as a battlefield to carry out a battle of life and death with the beastly soul of the Void Emperor. If you don't pay attention, it will be ruined and extremely dangerous.

He did not hesitate, and immediately shattered the drunken **** contained in his mouth.

The drunken **** broke open, and the ability to anesthetize the gods spread out from the medicinal herbs and directly entered the soul of Jian Chen.

At this moment, Jian Chen has closed his eyes, his muscles involuntarily twitched, his face gradually became pale.

The power of drunken **** Dan has to be fully exerted, but it still needs a time course, but his **** has been attacked by the emptiness of the worm, and suffers from severe pain.

At this moment, the beast soul of the Void Emperor is changing into a white worm that appears in the sea of ​​consciousness of Jian Chen. With an innate instinct, it is engulfing the **** of the sword dust.

Its shape is not surprising, it seems to be a magnified magnified countless times, chubby, one meter long.

Jian Chen did not sit still, his body shape also manifested in his own sea of ​​consciousness, using the law of kendo and the power of the gods to fight the evil spirit of the Emperor.

However, the gap between the two is too great. Even if Jian Chen is fully committed, it will not be able to hurt the soul of the worm.

After all, its animal soul level has reached the level of too beginning, and there is a fundamental difference between it and the sword dust. This is the difference between heaven and earth.

The beast of the Emperor of the Voidworm also opened his mouth. Under a suction, only a part of the gods were immediately sucked into the mouth of the Emperor.

However, after inhaling this part of the **** of the dust, the illusory body of the worm, also unnaturally twisted, only to see that its one-meter long body is constantly expanding and contracting, a very It is an uncomfortable feeling.

Such a scene lasted for two or three breaths, and the Emperor of the Void worm suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed the part of the Yuanshen, which had just been inhaled, and re-sprayed it.

In that case, it feels that it cannot digest the power of this part of the sword dust.

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