Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2551: Law of origin

The light golden fire, once entering the sea of ​​consciousness of the sword dust, suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire, overwhelming, forming a blazing golden flame burning in the sea of ​​consciousness of the sword dust, filled with the whole **** of the sword dust.

Jian Chen has no resistance at all. At this moment, he profoundly understands that his life and death are all between the thoughts of the strong man who controls the law of the fire.

Only one other thought, his **** will be burned out.

Because this flame is too strong, the flame of pale gold contains the power of rules, and it is full of the atmosphere of the avenue. Its order is almost reached to the extent that it can burn all things.

"Tai Shi Jing!" The thoughts of Jian Chen's brain have been able to perceive the law of the fire to such a terrible level, only those who have been repaired to the extreme.

However, although the spirit of Jian Chen is filled with the golden flame of horror everywhere, but it has not been hurt by a trace of damage, even a little bit of temperature is not felt.

If the beast soul of the non-empty worm is burning under the light golden flame, it is lightening little by little, fearing that it will be mistakenly thought that this pale golden flame is only a virtual one, and does not have the characteristics of a half flame.

Obviously, the control of the Shendi by the Red Emperor has reached an incredible realm. It is far from enough to describe it with ecstasy.

Under the light golden fire, Jian Chen suddenly felt that he was refining the evil spirit of the Emperor, and it became much easier. Now, he can barely absorb the soul of the Emperor.

These beasts contain fragments of space laws, which are the innate abilities of the worm family, born with deep roots in their beasts, and cannot be used by any warrior. And any starry beast to absorb.

However, Jian Chen is an exception. His true spirit of chaos has been incorporated into his god, breaking the common sense of heaven and earth, and some incredible changes have already taken place. Chaos is the supreme power to contain all things. Therefore, things that others cannot do do not mean that Jian Chen can't do it.

The beast soul of the Emperor of the Voidworm is being absorbed by the sword dust little by little after the refinement of the gods.

Suddenly, a trace of mysterious and mysterious, complex and versatile space law sentiment, appearing in the mind of Jian Chen out of thin air, instantly let Jian Chen feel his own understanding of the law of space, seems to have a huge improvement.

In the heart of Jian Chen, there is an uncontrollable joy. In fact, the soul of the refining and emptying of the Emperor, and the space law of the Emperor of the Void, has always been a concept. After all, in the history of the Holy World, no one has ever Benefit from these channels.

Therefore, in the matter of refining the evil spirit of the worm, he did not have much hope in his heart, and he was ready to fail.

At this moment, when he finds that he can really absorb the space law of the Emperor of the Void, he is naturally ecstatic.

For him, this is definitely a rare creation in his life.

Because he discovered that these space laws obtained by the sacred souls of the worms are not like the seven rules that he obtained, but also need to make their own feelings.

The beast soul of the Emperor of the Void is a realm of sentiment that directly raises the law of space.

While he absorbs the soul of the beast, it is also equal to the feeling of directly absorbing the laws of space.

Jian Chen knew that the opportunity was a rare event. He immediately suppressed his inner excitement and began to calm down and began to fully absorb the soul of the Emperor.

The beast spirit of the wormworm is being absorbed by the sword dust little by little, and the sword dust clearly feels that his feelings about the law of space are rapidly improving. From the beginning of the original king of the gods, he broke through to the king of the gods. In the middle of the world, then to the late king of the king...

Jian Chen is completely intoxicated in the joy of absorbing the soul of the worm, forgetting the time, forgetting the self, the only thought is to do his best to improve his strength.

And his perception of the law of space seems to be infinitely elevated. In the late period of the king's kingdom, one by one, with an unstoppable momentum, gradually approaching the beginning.


I don't know how long it took, the golden flames that permeated the sea of ​​sword dust have disappeared. The Red Emperor has already released the sword dust from the burning furnace, and he handed it to the hand: "The man, the soul of the worm, has all Refining."

The rain is white, holy, and does not occupy the slightest smoke. She suddenly came to Jian Chen, and the indifferent eyes stared at Jian Chen's eyebrows for a moment, revealing strange colors.

"Sure enough, I didn't let this seat disappoint!" The rain whispered. At this moment, she saw a subtle change in the eyes of Jian Chen. The kind of gaze was like watching a monster.

"This son can directly absorb the space law of the Emperor of the Void, this is really unseen, unheard of, but his god, seems to be somewhat different." Red Emperor opened, he looked at the sword dust is also full of surprise .

"Because his **** is different, he can do this." The rain opened, the voice was cold, but the eyes never left the eyebrows of Jian Chen.

After that, the people on the rain waved gently.

The Red Emperor naturally understood the meaning of the wave of the rain, and told himself silently that his mission was completed and let himself leave.

For the attitude of the rain, the Red Emperor did not have a little dissatisfaction. He put away his own burning stove, and took a fist against the rain, leaving the land of the rain.

Time is quietly passing, unconsciously, it is half a month later.

After half a month's absorption, Jian Chen's perception of the space law has officially entered the beginning.

And after the beginning, he once again stepped forward and reached the realm of the second world of the Promise.

After the second day, Jian Chen finally had to stop, because at this moment, he found that he could no longer continue to absorb the space law in the soul of the worm.

It seems that his **** is out of a saturated state, and it is no longer able to accommodate more space law fragments. If you want to improve, you must first upgrade your own god.

"Shortcuts are always shortcuts. After all, they are not as strong as their own comprehension." Jian Chen said in his heart that he knows the strength of his own gods, and he will never be the second heaven, or at least the three heavens.

However, his perception of the law of space has been stuck in the second day of the Promise.

But even so, he is satisfied, because at this moment, in addition to the kendo, he has a law of sentiment raised to the beginning.

If the law of space and the law of kendo are used at the same time, his combat power will be improved a lot.

Of course, the most important thing is that the role of space law is not just for fighting.

"Unfortunately, the soul power contained in the soul of the worms is still not absorbed by me. Otherwise, then my god, there will be a qualitative leap." Jian Chen’s heart was a pity.

Consciousness returned to the body, and Jian Chen found himself lying in the wooden barrel, but the green liquid in the barrel has now become turbid, and the medicine inside has been absorbed by himself.

Jian Chen jumped out of the barrel and looked at the white film that stayed in the distance. He immediately said, "Thank you for your gift!"

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