Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2558: maid?

Xiao Xingjun’s face is a bit ugly, and his own Guardian is going to teach the sword dust. The result is that under the influence of the other’s space law, he has made such a ugly play, which makes him feel dull and majestic. damage.

After all, he is the existence of Xiao Xingjun and Xingyaozhou. The righteous father Jiuyi Xingjun is the super-powerful of the sacred world, which is second only to the Taizun. Wherever he goes, it is not a star-studded moon. No one dares to offend.

Today, it is in the Tianyuan family to suffer such treatment, which makes Xiao Xingjun's heart is angry and sorrowful.

However, just as Xiao Xingjun was about to attack, a strong sword suddenly spread. In a flash, Xiao Xingjun felt that he suddenly came to a field full of endless swords. The invisible swords are densely packed, and the layers are packed with every space. It seems that this world has become a sword-like ocean at this moment.

I saw that Jian Chen had come up with the nine-star Tiandao sword, and nine unreal stars illusioned out. With the accompanying starlight, a sword stabbed straight out.

A sword emerged, the space fluctuated violently, and the sharp sword tip of the Jiuxing Tiandao sword seemed to pierce the void, and it disappeared directly.

However, in the next moment, in front of Xiao Xingjun's Guardian, a sword tip appeared out of thin air, with a strong sword, and he stabbed him with lightning speed.

"Not good!" The old man's face changed greatly, showing the color of horror. From this sword, he actually felt a fatal crisis.

He is the nine-day powerhouse in the beginning of the Promise. To deal with Jian Chen, it should have been easy, but he found that Jian Chen could threaten him, which made him unbelievable.

The sword of Jian Chen, with the help of the law of space, not only did it unexpectedly, but the speed was even faster, so that the old man did not respond.


The sharp sword tip of the Jiuxing Tiandao sword penetrated the chest of the old man with a strong sword and the power of the stars. In the face of the sword of the sword dust, the old man could not even do any action of avoiding and defending.

Because the speed of this sword is too fast, especially with the aid of space rules, which makes this sword more difficult to guard against.

At this moment, the scene presented in front of me looks very strange. Jian Chen stood ten meters away and kept the posture of the sword. However, he could only see the sword of half of the nine-star sword. The part of the sword tip appeared more than ten meters away and was worn from the chest of the old man. Over, it looks like it seems to be a broken sword.

This is the magical use of the law of space, which directly affects this space through the laws of space.

The arm of Jian Chen was shocked. The nine-star Tiandao sword suddenly burst out with a sword, and the old man’s chest was blown out of a bowl-sized hole. The body also flew out of the hall under the powerful force.

The little star soul was stunned. He looked at the sword dust holding the nine-star heavenly sword and the old man who was thrown out of the hall. He didn't seem to react.

In any case, he did not think that in this holy world, there are still people who dare to inflict on his face the scene of his beggars, which happened in front of him, but in the course of his millennium’s growth, he met the first once.

Outside the main hall, there has already been a team of escorts wearing armor from all over the place, surrounded by the old man, and even a few people have come to the Promise.

"Homeowner, do you want me to wait for this person to fall?" Xue Hufa stood outside and said with a fist, after the automatic rescue of the dust in Lezhou, the snow protection method was more and more convincing to the Tianyuan family.

"No, everyone has to retreat, including you." Jian Chen slowly recovered the Jiuxing Tiandao sword, calmly said.


As soon as the voice of Jian Chen fell, the many guards gathered outside the main hall disappeared immediately, and even those who started to protect the law left here.

This matter, should not let too many people know, or the impact on the Tianyuan family is not good, after all, the Tianyuan family can not sit in the town.

"Star Jun young master, old and incompetent, not the opponent of Jian Chen!" Xiao Xingjun's Guardian stood up again, and said with a look of shame in front of Xiao Xingjun, from time to time sweeping the eyes of Jian Chen, full of The coldness of the cold.

"Useless waste, retreat." Xiao Xingjun's face is very unsightly, he looked gloomy to the sword dust, cold channel: "Tianyuan family, a good Tianyuan family, dare to be so disrespectful to this monarch, believe it or not If you say a word, you can let the Tianyuan family squander, even if you have merit in the Shengsheng Temple, you can't keep you."

Xiao Xingjun is not timid, he is still full of enthusiasm, and there is no such thing as awe.

Because, as far as he knows, there is no such thing as a strong man in the Bisheng Temple. He only relies on the one-hearted hall to support him, but behind him, there is a **** sorrow.

"Why should the young master of Star Jun be so angry? I thought that the family and the famous star of the nine stars will not be in a good relationship. Why do we have a dissatisfaction with the ancestors because of the reasons of our younger generations, Master Star, you said Is it?" A pleasant sound came from the sound, which seemed to contain some kind of magical power. It was a swaying heart, and the mind was not strong. I was afraid that it was the moment when the voice was in the ear.

And Xiao Xingjun’s gaze is also a fascinating color that has been exposed for a moment. It seems to have been taken by the soul, the subconscious opening: “Yes!”

However, when the word was just spit out by him, he immediately woke up, and his eyes suddenly showed a trace of fineness, staring at the door.

I saw at the gate of the main hall, the Shangguan screen of a purple long skirt walked slowly in the lotus step. She was tall and graceful, with a superb temperament, a pair of black and beautiful eyes. The black gems are so deep, bright and bright, with a strange temptation, and a look at them, it seems to be able to get rid of the soul.

Her appearance is very beautiful, it is like a scroll, the beauty is not true, people are not picky about it, even in this vast man, the vast sacred world of talents, can not find a few people can compare with her.

"Screen, how come you are." Jian Chen's brow wrinkled, Xiao Xingjun was originally coming to the scene, and now the curtain came here, but it is even worse.

"Jiuyi Xingjun and his family are old people. Since Xiao Xingjun came here, I am here to see you." Shangguan Muer said softly, she habitually sang the demon. Hold in your arms and walk to the side of Jian Chen to stop.

"You are the descendant of the three ancestors, the Shangguan dynasty? The ancestors of the three ancestors really deserved the name, even the lord has almost got you." Xiao Xingjun looked at the Shangguan singer, a heart In the straight jump, he had heard the name of the Shangguan dynasty in the starry state. He did not take it seriously, but he thought that the name of the martial art was exaggerated.

But until I saw the Shangguan dynasty at this moment, he knew that he was wrong. The Shangguan sect still has a kind of peerless attitude.

Not only is it beautiful, but the most important thing is that in Shangguan, there is a unique temperament that can deeply attract Xiao Xingjun.

On the curtain of the Shangguan curtain, the voice suddenly became cold, and said: "Xiao Xingjun, please pay attention to the words, not to be disrespectful to the teacher."

Xiao Xingjun’s gaze seems to be a little obsessive. He stared at the Shangguan dynasty for a moment, and his eyes were hot: “A dead person, why care about those.”

"Jun came to Yunzhou to experience this, and there is still a lack of a maid, the official curtain, you will come to be the personal maid of the prince, and serve the end of the experience of Yunjun in Yunzhou. In return, this prince will not care about Tianyuan. The family is disrespectful to this monarch."

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