Chaotic Sword God

Vol 2 Chapter 258:

Chapter 258

The sword dust sits on the bed, and the energy in the two fourth-order magic nucleus held in the hand is continuously absorbed by the sword dust. Since his strength has been raised to the great sage, the energy in the magic core is absorbed faster than before. A lot of things, especially the surprise of Jian Chen, is that the purple-green sword spirit and his robbing energy after waking up are not as fierce as before. The energy in the magic core can absorb half of it, unlike before. Only one layer of energy can be absorbed, or even less, and the remaining nine layers are robbed by Ziqing Sword Spirit.

Ziqing Jianling already has his own consciousness and possesses independent thinking ability. Although he can't communicate with people normally, it can already use another way to connect with the consciousness of Jian Chen, and to express what he wants to express. A mysterious and mysterious way is passed to Jian Chen.

Kay, not only Jian Chen is practicing, but even members of the Flame Mercenary Corps have taken out the magic core and shut themselves up in the house. The appearance of Xia Jia and Tian Huazong has made the Flame Mercenary Corps Many members also felt great pressure. Although they joined the Flame Mercenary Group for a few days, the time spent with Jian Chen was not long, but Jian Chen’s behavior has already got most mercenaries. Identity.

In a twinkling of an eye, the sky is already late. Since the departure of Hua Yunzong, the Kay family is very calm, and no one else is disturbing.

On a mountain two thousand kilometers away from Wacker City, in the dense forest covered by the dark night, you can clearly see that there is a large open space, a large number of buildings and pavilions stand in the night, and the lights are like a firefly. Ground, it is so obvious in the night.

Tianhuazong, located in the territory of the wind blue kingdom, is also a top-notch strength in the kingdom. Since the establishment of Tianhuazong, it has been almost a hundred years now, and after a hundred years of development, Tianhuazong also Initially, it has some scales. There are thousands of disciples in the door. Among them, there are more than 50 masters of the great sage class, which is the first major force within a thousand miles.

In a closet of the building, two middle-aged men in hard wear sit opposite each other.

"Uncle Shi, the situation is like this, I don't know what kind of action we should take." A middle-aged man said with a serious face, this person is Qingyun. After returning to Tianhua, Qingyun immediately reported the situation in Wacker City and told the head of Tianhuazong.

Sitting in the middle of the Qingyun, the middle-aged man in blue suit bowed his head and meditated. He is the lord of Tianhuazong, Qingtian. He is five years older than Qingyun. Although they are not very old, they are not old. Qingtian’s talent in cultivation is not comparable to Qingyun. As early as a few years ago, Qingtian has broken through the bottleneck of the Great Master and became a land sage. With his talent, now years have passed. However, his strength does not know where to upgrade. Qingyun still stays at the peak of Dashengshi.

Qingtian frowned and thought for a moment, only to calm down: "Although the fifth-order magic core is very precious, it is not invaluable. In some big cities, the fifth-order magic core is still relatively common. Since Jian Chen refuses to sell, That's the matter. Don't force him and make some extraordinary moves. I always think that the people of this sword dust are not simple. If they are offended, I am afraid that they will cause trouble for us."

"Brother, are you worried about the strong background behind the sword dust?" Qingyun's face became a little dignified.

Qingtian nodded slightly and said: "Yes, this is exactly what I am worried about. However, no matter whether there is any strong background behind this sword dust, his cultivation talent is enough to be surprising, in his twenties. I have such strength at the age, so even if I look at the entire Tianyuan continent, there are only a handful of them. If I give him a few more years, I am afraid I have become the top master of Tianyuan."

"Now we have no enmity with him. For a fifth-order magic core, it is not worthy of us to offend such a genius. Brother, you will return to Wacker City tomorrow morning. If you can, try to tie the sword. dust."

Qingyun nodded slightly and said: "Senior brother, I didn't expect you to go with me. I just worried about this, so I ran to tell you something."

Qingtian smiled slightly, and looked at Qingyun with some complicated eyes. He said: "Teacher, your strength has reached the peak of the Great Master. If you provide the fifth-order magic core, I wonder if you have the confidence to break through to the earthly division. ”

Wen Yan, Qingyun sighed and looked lost. He shook his head and said: "No, although the fifth-order magic nucleus can help people break through the chances of success of the earth sage, I still don't have the full grasp. Once I break the holy sergeant, I am afraid it is very difficult. Control the sacred soldiers to condense again." Said here, Qingyun tone paused, and then again said: "Brother, now time is not early, I also go back to the room to rest, I will rush to Wacker City tomorrow morning. ”

After that, Qingyun went straight and left the Chamber of Secrets.

At the same time, in a mountain range thousands of miles away, a huge mountain village stands quietly in a small forest. This mountain village is the home base of the Xia family.

Xiajia has been established for decades, and the first owner is already a master of the earthly sanctuary. Because of his existence, Xiajia has become the first force within a thousand miles, and within the family. Strength is also growing stronger.

However, Xiajia’s base camp is not in the city. For the sake of more convenience and unrestrained travel, they directly built the family’s headquarters in the wild, but placed a summer home in a second-tier city. Division.

At the moment, in the hall of Xiajia, more than 20 people sit quietly in the hall, and in the middle of the main hall, a stretcher covered with white cloth is lying there, sketching a human body shape, and a little bit on the white cloth. The red blood, the atmosphere inside the hall is a bit dignified.

At this time, an old man in a white robe with a long beard came over from behind the main hall and sat straight in the first place. As the old man appeared, he sat in the row below, one by one. Showing a look of respect.

"See the old master!"

Just when the old man was just sitting down, the following twenty people all left their seats, kneeling on the ground and bowing on the ground.

The old man did not look at the crowd, his eyes fixed on the stretcher placed in the center of the main hall. The look was a bit complicated. After a while, the old man waved his hand and said: "Sit down."

"Yes, the old master!"

Until then, the talents finally dared to sit down again, and the look on each face was very natural, and there was no unhappiness. It can be seen how high the status of the old man in the eyes of everyone.

The old man stared at the stretcher lying in the middle of the main hall for a long time. He finally sighed long and stood up from his seat. He slowly came to the stretcher and crouched down, and reached out and gently untied the white cloth.

I saw a middle-aged man's face exposed in the air. The middle-aged man's eyes were empty and stunned, and he died. The neck was stained with blood and had a very small wound.

The old man stretched out his palm and slowly closed the eyes of a middle-aged man. He covered his face with a heavy white cloth, then walked over to the throne and sat down again. His eyes stared at the crowd, Shen Sheng said: "How is this going back?" The matter, Liu Zhengshu was killed by this child. "The old man's tone sounds calm, but people who know him know in his heart that the old man's heart is full of anger.

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